why is artist ignored so much
im gonna be honest, artist is my favorite killer, imo shes pretty balanced on both sides, shes really fun to play and has decently fun counterplay, while still going up on s-tier for me, her power is good enough that the addons are not needed but good to have and she probably has the best design and best outfits of any killer in the game, im not even an artist main but come on, you never see people play her nor talk about her? ive seen people play more twins than artist in the last month and im so confused why
I can somewhat understand why facing her can be boring, she is my secondary main and sometimes her power requires you 2 hold w
But I will say when an artist you are facing goes for snipes they become so fun to play against
And people think she is boring to play for some reason even tho snipes are fun
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I know, the snipes are the best part, especially when they dont try and remove the birds, i snipe them then i get an easy m1
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If people aren't talking about her, it's a good thing, as many topics are just negative usually :) I think in all the artist games i've been in as survivor, they legitimately have all been pretty entertaining, wins and losses. Does she have many cosmetics? i think most are just recolours, except the last 1 or 2. the latest one is great, not seen it in game yet though. I normally face an artist every other day, but true it's not regular.
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I am fine with her being less popular, at least less people complain about her lol.
I like to play her for snipes and she got really good skin now. Her power is strong, her add ons are mostly bad with several good add ons.
Overall she is in good spot for me right now.
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Mostly because there are so many killers now, and also Twins, Dredge killers BHVR made themselves are all really interesting and fun but a killer like Nemesis for example being from RE will always be more popular even though he is not as fun to play or play against.
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Weirdly, every time I went against an artist I leave feeling decently entertained. She is in a solid state and is a decent killer but is not really worth talking about <Not busted, boring, or bad>.
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She’s just boring to me tbh. Her power is just hold W simulator and her design is just strange
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Sir, Nemesis is fun killer. I'd love him even without being from RE. His tentacle is one of the best powers. But probably he is not fun killer to face for survivors.
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People think snipes arent a thing. It was literally the only thing i did when i still played her.
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When it comes to sniping, I do tend to refer to Anna's hatchets or Ji-Woon's neon daggers.
I don't like the killer, because the cooldown on her power is far too long, crows don't stay at the same place for long enough to make two laps around the same loop, unless you do use certain add-ons, and because they can't be set to fly off from a bit higher by default; That becomes, especially, problematic in maps like the Gideon's Meatplant, certain buildings in Badham Preschool, and a lot of areas featuring two floors.
What's more, by the time you can launch your second crow after hitting a survivor with it, that survivor has very likely already managed to scare them off, so you're not injuring or downing that survivor.
That, alone, including low mobility puts her into C - B tier in the best case scenario; Heavily map dependable.
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First of all, we have 30 Killers. So at this point, most of the Killers are pretty rare, because there is such a huge cast.
But mostly, I think many players find her boring to play and play against. I really dislike playing against her, because she places a Crow at a Loop, I have to leave this Loop and at some point, she catches me. Yay. Lose-Lose-Situation for the Survivor.
And because of that, I also dislike to play her. Because the Survivor is forced to hold W against her and I will only catch them because I am faster. And this is really boring IMO.
Going for Snipes is fun tho, but I rarely see this happening.
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Honestly, I'm fine with her being less popular and not talked about enough. If she were, survivors would be complaining to get her nerfed and I don't want that to happen.
Some people find her boring to play, though, which I guess is understandable. You really have to know how to use her power to get the most fun out of playing her.
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Average artist gameplay
She's literally Pyramid Head but more boring in every conceivable way. Both to play and to face, somehow.
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Funny, didnt know pyramid head had (hehe had had) infinite range.
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That doesn't stop her putting me to sleep out of sheer boredom.
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hehehe :D
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She's very hard to learn so not many people play her. Plus not many people know just how fun she can be.
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Artist a hard killer to learn...? 🤦 It's the exact opposite. People get bored of her because she's so braindead easy to play and down survivors. Not a challenging killer.
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I think you just aren't using her power correctly. You have plenty of time to hit a survivor with a damaging bird as long as you only sent one bird to swarm them. Especially if you force them into a situation where they either take damage from the bird, force an M1, or force them to reset their repel by making them vault.
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I'm glad she's being ignored, imagine how much hate she'd get if she was more popular
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Artist is fun to play although I get constant disconnects
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People think artist is boring because Artist has the capabilities to be played in a very boring way. Artists who run DMS are just snooze fest and I understand that. I'm an artist main and I love playing her for her mechanical skill and map knowledge skill. She is very strong, but I can still get a challenge sometimes with really good survivor teams. I've been told numerous time in End Game Chat that the game was fun or enjoyable, probably because I prioritize chases with her and using her birds in chase.
I like running No Way Out, BBQ, Lethal, and Pain Res when I play here. Get some delay in end game so I can take that final chase with ease, Pain res to prolong the game a little bit (while also rewarding me getting downs), BBQ for snipes after hooks, and Lethal to help get the early game snipe (which I get a lot of the times and the survivors panic and run into me once they get sniped). I go for snipes most of the time and love mastering her.
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And that's my point; The moment you do use M1, you're not using crows to injure or down the survivor. I didn't mention M1 whatsoever, because that's not related to her power anymore.
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Okay, but my point was that you have plenty of time to damage people with birds as long as you send only 1 bird to initially swarm them. It takes a little set up and pathing, but it is possible to hit them before they finish repelling. If you send more than 1 bird to initially swarm them, then it is impossible to use a follow up bird, unless they don't start repelling right away or you force them to vault and reset their progress.
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It is possible? I can't say I've noticed so.. Unless, like you've mentioned, you do force the survivor to vault a window. If you don't do that, it's impossible to injure or down a survivor via crows.
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In fact, I actually prefer playing less popular killers. The risk of such killers getting Freddy treatment is significantly lower 😂
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I main artist and play her a bunch, so I know she can definitely hit survivors with a swarm bird and a follow up bird. Not a lot of people play her, and even some people who play her don't know how to use her power to its full potential (totally understandable). Most of the things about her power aren't really clear in her power description, and sometimes just seeing long descriptions of powers are intimidating enough.
This is the main way I play her against good survivors who know how to counter her anti-loop abilities. She's similar to huntress and pyramid head in her ability to counter W holders. You basically send one bird to swarm them, then send the second bird to injure when they hold W. It's the best of huntress and pyramid head because you have infinite range (like huntress) and you can go through walls (like pyramid head), with the ability to set up your birds in spots out of LOS and follow the survivor to get eyes on them to shoot the bird they can't see.
I've been accused of hacking numerous times because survivors say I shoot birds too fast (machine gun birds), which I obviously don't cheat, it's just that I rarely ever send more than 1 bird at a time. The recharge time after sending 1 crow is 5 seconds and the time it takes for a survivor to repel the bird is 8 seconds. (You can make the repel time longer with Thick Tar (add on) or make their aura repelling birds longer (velvet fabric)). The recharge time after sending 2 crows is 9 seconds, so this would make it impossible to use a follow up bird for damage. The only way to use birds to damage if you are in this situation, is to prioritize making the survivor vault or drop a pallet to reset their repel, or just hit them with the M1 if they choose not to reset repel.
EDIT: Fixed add on names
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True that lol
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No people get bored of her because they're bad at her and get rofl stomped whenever they verse anybody who knows how to W key.
Learning to predict W keyers is the hardest part of artist, id argue she's probably in the top 5 hardest killers in terms of difficulty to play.
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Her power is more clunky to employ than I would prefer. One button to call it up, another button to set it, yet another button to activate it. Animation or charge times in between. Bleh. Which is a shame because I do like the concept behind her and her power, but after playing her to 50 and never being comfortable with it all, it tells me she's not for me.
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I don't care, she's fun for me and always will be. Praise the bird mommy.
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At least she’s a relatively new killer that still gets use.
Hag hasn’t gotten a single update or tweak to her kit for years so much so that her optimal build has stayed static even after the perk updates.
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She require some techincal and strategical skill, and that kind of killers are not popular.
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I love playing Artist too - but I think the big issue with her is her addons, which are just...bad.
Boring, bland, don't really change the way she plays at all.
*Cries in Twins*.
Interesting - I'm the exact inverse.
I find playing her a lot of fun. Always learning new places to set up bird traps in structures, getting better at leading people at a distance for snipes etc. Plus I love her aesthetics.
If anything, I find facing her even more fun. There is so much play and counterplay when it comes to the birbs.
One thing that I love to do is run Discordance on her - line up all three birds, staggered, at the gen and watch chaos ensue.
She can use a similar trick to injure people as they unhook, but it's very difficult to time.
I will say that Dredge is quickly becoming one of my absolute favorites, and if he didn't look as silly as he does, he'd likely be my #1.
I totally disagree.
Her kit is actually rather hard to understand at first, and newbie Artists almost exclusively use their birds for scouting.
To actually get really good with her, you not only need to be able to anticipate how people are going to move, you also have to understand loops and structures on a totally different level.
Truly great Artists almost never swarm->hit. They place birds, push survivors towards them and fire them to injure. It's incredible to watch.
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She's only balanced on survivor side if you're using a flashlight.
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I love Artist she is so Fun and strong and i Love her Design
If Dredge wouldnt be in the Game she would be my Main but i Love Dredge more :)
Also her new Skin is amazing
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Artist is a strange killer. She has a highly uncommon power and playstyle. She is not your average m1 killer, she can sut down loops and attack from the other side of the map. But I personally do not find hitting someone with your crows rewarding anymore. She is always the same, you try to snipe and when you are in chase you place your crows so you can hit the survivor. It is quite repetitive after a few matches. I do not use her that often just because there are funnier and/or stronger killers to play. If I want to have kills, I pick nurse. If I want fun, I pick dredge.
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bc shes boring lmfao