Can "working with survivor as killer" be justified?
I just had a match where I killed two survivors with 4 gens left. Both were hooked 3 times each and one of the two remaining survivors was on death hook and the other had been hiding during all match.
I've found the survivor that was doing objetives multiple times, but since I didn't judge fine letting him bleed out in the ground while the hiding survivor (that didn't touch a single gen for at least 5 minutes) live, I ignored the altruistic one and looked for him for at least 5 minutes.
The hiding survivor reported both of us for working together to find him.
What's your opinion about this? Mine is "yes, if karma applies".
I think you are both wrong. Stop wasting peoples time, and just down one and hook, stop trying to slug for the 4k.
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If the non-hiding survivor did not assist in your search for the hiding survivor, then the report is invalid and will be tossed in the garbage bin. Plus we have blatant and secretive cheaters running rampant right now; this would be very low on BHVR's radar, if they will even look at all.
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I think one survivor snitching on where the other is is pretty despicable and reportable, but having a pet survivor as killer and going to look for the other is completely okay in my book. It's just quirky.
I main Legion at the moment, and whenever a game seems to be pretty much lost for the survivors (like 2 alive in a complicated situation like a three gen), if I see one keep trying despite the bad spot they're in, and no sign of the other, I'll use the first one as a detector with Frenzy to find the other with Killer instinct. I don't see it as the pet survivor betraying the other or even working with me, as they keep running from me and working towards their escape, when the other is often prepared to look for hatch or jumping into lockers on the other side of the map.
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Nah, the person doing nothing to progress the game is literally the one wasting time. If someone runs the killer for a few minutes as one of the last 2, i don't even consider it colluding if they lead the killer to the locker jockey. Both are equally scummy self preservation strategies, one just wastes a lot less time than the other for all parties involved.
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Unfortunately I always let the last survivor escape but I'm hell no letting a sandbagging survivor escape.
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If you decided that you would give "hatch" to a survivor and you found the undeserving one all alone, then there is nothing wrong in my book.
It's the same as "giving hatch". I almost always do give it (I lose all interest when my victory is obvious) and it would be weird to say it's working with another survivor isn't it?
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The only time Im fine with it, is when a survivor is clearly still putting effort towards the objective but all the other survivors are hiding instead of doing anything (mainly when 2-3 people are left). If someone is hiding and the person doing the objective shows where they are it, Ill ignore them for a moment to go for the person hiding.
There has been so many times where people could be doing their objective and people can escape from it but people choose to hide instead and I just really dislike it. Some can understand where Im coming from with this.
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I do not care if they report me for going for the scumbag instead. And as the scumbag, I do not care if I get reported. I play how I want. If I want to kill Mr. Immersed or I want to be "that guy" and play for hatch there is nothing Behavior can do to stop me.
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As long as the survivor wasn't helping you to find the hiding survivor there was no working together. Deciding to find a survivor you haven't seen all match because they were hiding is fine - you lose out on pips and BP if you don't hook them. Maybe if they helped out their teammates instead of hiding you wouldn't have had 8 hooks with only 1 gen finished.
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"Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates", is a line directly from their Game rules and report system. It is only listed in the temporary ban section, but it is still against the rules. If you really wanted to report someone for doing this you could probably get them temporary banned if you sent in a recording. In my 1000 hours of playing I have only had it happen to me 3 times, but each time was extremely frustrating nonetheless. I go out of my way to try and not help killers who do this, because I know how annoying it is to be on the other end.
Basically, if you were left slugged and the killer comes to pick you up STRUGGLE, do NOT let them drop you. DO not point out the last survivor for them, start doing a gen and make them hook you.
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In 2 scenarios, yes. I can actually see it being fair and warranted to team up with a survivor to finish off another survivor if I'm playing killer.
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It's a gray area, but sometimes I don't feel bad about it. The other night I was stuck in a 20+ minute match on the game, with 2 survs left, both on death hook, and both had been hiding for at least 5 minutes. I finally found and hit one, and they promptly started helping me find the other.
Which we did (after another solid 5 minutes), and upon downing them, they DC'ed. And I felt zero conflict about it. Did the one turn on the other just because they were the first one I found? Almost certainly. Scummy on their part? Absolutely.
But when the game has been stalled out for 10+ minutes, I really no longer care, I just want to move on. But situations like that, cheating, or if one surv is actively, obviously, and intentionally sandbagging the others, are the only situations where I think it is acceptable.
And yes, as a surv I will absolutely die trying to knock out objectives in vain before I spend 10 minutes hiding in the hope the other surv gets found first.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
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According to the rules, probably not.
A killer has complete discretion as to how the game plays out. If they want to camp, they can camp. If they want to slug for the 4k, they can slug. If they want to 2 hook everyone and show mercy, that's up to them.
The only time the killer will get into hot water for playstyle is if they are targeting someone specific for reasons of discrimination based on 'protected' characteristics, like race.
The only situation like this that could cause issues for you are if you, as a survivor, are deliberately working with the killer against your team - and you'd need video proof.
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I say, call a cheater a cheater. Report the cheater with video evidence. Get the cheater banned for cheating.
I don't care if you don't like the fact that one survivor is better at stealth than you are at finding them. That is a part of the game. Just because you suck at that part doesn't mean you get to cheat. Working with a survivor to find that person is against the rules.
Hook the third, and try to find the hatch. The endgame collapse is heavily killer sided in this situation, you don't need to cheat.
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It's all part of the game.
Usually it's a killer who also plays survivor, like me. They know when a certain survivor was doing nothing all game and it triggers us.
I've done same, slugged one and rather than let that lame loser survivor have a chance at escape, I'll let the other one back and look for them harder. Then they whine when I kill them when they were the one who triggered me in the first place being a crap survivor.
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who you choose to chase and kill as killer is entirely up to you.
I've often let someone go because they were trying to progress the game while their remaining team mate hides.
Mind you there is nothing wrong with playing selfish and hiding to get hatch if your down to 2 left, just expect some players to try and punish you for it.
Its hardly constitutes working with the killer.
Some people are just bad sports and see the report system as their weapon when they don't get what they want from a game.
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I don’t help the killer at all unless one of my teammates is a Blendette who spends the entire match hiding in a corner waiting for hatch
on the flip side, The only time a survivor has “helped” me find a teammate was just them running towards them with zero idea that their teammates were there
if it’s accidental or done to punish a selfish, actively detrimental, boring, and infuriating-to-face play style, then I have no problems with it, if it’s done intentionally to sandbag someone, then I’m killing the sandbaggers
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It makes me happy you went for that guy lol survivors who do nothing but hide deserve it and it's satisfying when they get salty about it
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If it's the last two survivors and someone bargains for their life by offering me a toolbox, I have no choice but to accept. What can I say? I'm easily bought.
Speaking of, I think I see a career in politics in my future...
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I'm confused. What happened to you 3 times in your 1000 hours of playing?
I read it as you got temporarily banned 3 times, but I just don't believe it. I've got far more that 1k hours and I am probably guilty of this "crime" hundreds of times both as killer and survivor and I have never received a warning or a ban.
To play devil's advocate, I think it is a perfectly legitimate strategy for a survivor to try to "sell out" another survivor if they are dead on hook. "Take them not me! I want to live!" *puppy dog eyes*
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Only three times I have had a killer and survivor work together to kill me. Both times it was when only two of us were left and they slugged to get a 4k. I always do the same thing, try to pick the person up, see that they are being proxy camped and I end up having to hide. They always end up letting the survivor stand up, the survivor then runs around with the killer until they find me.
While it may be a strategy to use a survivor to find another survivor, it is also against ToS. If I were a petty person I could record it and report both of you. Just don't do it, it's cringe and takes no skill. I don't even care about killers who slug for a 4k, it happens just about every game I play. The only thing that annoys me is when they work with my teammates, both of you are cheating IMO.
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Generally as killer I usually just hook the 3rd survivor and then play hatch roulette. As survivor I don't hide much during any point of the game, I'd rather be earning points doing something or getting brutally murdered.
But if there is a survivor like a Spine Chill Claudette that has been doing nothing but hiding and not helping her team, I will sell her out with Bond, she needs to learn the hard way. As killer, I'll go out of my way to try to find and killer her even if that means another survivor has to benefit for me to do it. Baby Claudette needs to learn the hard way, and I will give it to her hard.
I don't care if anyone thinks it's cringe, I'm not the one cringing in the corner.
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I guess you missed that part. Seems pretty clear that the other survivor was working with the killer since they say so in the statement, "The hiding survivor reported both of us for working together to find him."
Couldn't be more cut and dry. You cannot work team up with the opposition without breaking the rules. There is an enormous difference to letting someone live because you want to hunt down the other one solo, as opposed to having that person you let live start making noise notifications to alert the killer where the other survivor is.
Again, it is a non-issue if you just kill the third, because killers have like 99% advantage to EGC in this situation. There is no justification, because if you are saying they are wasting your time, it is YOU who has decided not to end the match. If you are saying they aren't playing fair, it is YOU whining about not being as good at this aspect of the game as your opponent. If you don't like this aspect of gameplay, oh well! That's like 30% of the survivors perks!
Don't cheat. There is no difference between this and flat out flying around with hacks from my point of view.
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If a Survivor doesnt help u to find the other Survivor it isnt reportable
When u Farm and help die last Survivors to Escape because some1 was Throwing it also isnt reportable
If u ignore a Survivor because u want to kill the other Survivor it isnt reportable so,long theother Survivor didnt mal per u to find the other One
Its only reportable when u Work as a Team whit a Survivor
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People who play for hatch at 5 gens absolutely deserve to die, you cant be reported for having bad eyesight :)
As a solo q player I know the frustration of having dead weight, or worse, an active detriment to your team. We've all cheered forthe Killer at least once..
Sucks when you cant find them though, because I hate rewarding selfish playstyles but sometimes you just need to move on to the next match. Searching lockers indefinitely isnt better than bleeding on the floor