Solo Q experience

How is this fun to die in every match? With recent changed in killers gameplay I feel like I am being bullied in every match where I can hardly do anything to counterplay killers. I mean nurses trains are just the tip of the Iceberg in here. Every nurse brings the strongest build they can. its either starstruck with midwitch or game map offering or 3 slowdown perks. Also STBFL is utterly broken since new hit CDs and smaller speedboost to survivors.
Scourge hooks + DMS was reverted back and All I meet in matches is killers with strongest addons possible for them.
My MMR must be already so low I imagine, but it's not really helping me out. 1 in 10 matches I meet new killer with any other perks then current 10 metaperks and that's not even fun, because killer obviously does not know how to break pallets or how to loop.
Its either getting wrecked of no fun at all. And by the time Lobbies are fast I can tell that lots of survivors hopped on killers with recent changes.
Call me survivor main whatever you want, but I was expecting a bit different outcome after spending 3k hours in this game and not being utterly destroyed by people with 300 hours every match.
I will never understand the issue Survivors have with Pain Res + DMS.
Just stand up from the freaking gen when you see the Killer hooking Survivor. The Killer doesn't know which gen affected.
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So is it one thing you keep seeing killers use/do, or is it 10?
But as usual, probably not their fault you're getting obliterated in solo. Look at what your teammates are doing. When the killer is just on you, are they pushing gens? When you're on hook, is one of them coming to get you, or all 3? And since you're going against meta killers with meta perks, are they using any meta perks?
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I think solo queue is from now on meant to be only for pros with high skill who didn't slip into low MMR and get good teammates, and super casuals who don't mind dying all the time. It's basically a 1vs5 at this point - you don't just have the killer and three teammates against you but also BHVR's design team.
You could hope for some adjustments next year but I fear it is not a coincidence that they tried to release matchmaking incentives in the same patch and have bots coming soon.
I'm currently in the process of quitting solo queue for good. All I want is one last good game in which I had fun and escape through the gate. I've been. trying for two days with no success, I'm just starting today's attempt. Wednesday I got one escape but against a camper and when I get a camper I go in full stealth mode because I don't want to get camped. So it was too boring to count it as a satisfying game.
Yesterday not a single win, just one hatch. The killer was deaf, blind, and constantly outplaying himself (no need for me as survivor to try to fool and lose the killer, he did it himself). He kept losing and even could not find me sometimes though I was pretty loud (injured and infected, Nemesis ...) but nine hooks later I was the last survivor with only three gens done.
Once I got that one last satisfying game to end my 5 year long solo survivor career, I will take some time off and then look for and return as a 4SWF.
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The buffs were nowhere near enough for killer, if your losing a lot, that is skill based outcome. Every premade high elo team is literally destroying killers if they are not nurse or blight with strongest addons and map offering for smaller map.
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it has been posted coupld times in this forum about SOLO-Q, also here is what I think:
- In SOLO-Q MMR matchking is almost never working, its RNG, its not matchmaking (my guess). U can be top high MMR survivor but u ll be paired into match with brand new survivor and playing against nurse main with thousands of hours.
- Since MMR is not working so well - doesnt matter how many times u die, same happening to me. U can die 9 out of 10 games and still you ll be often playing against some great and sweaty main killer player
- SOLO-Q - survivors cant share info, wish that part could be changes somehow, why I cant have some Icon info that my teamate is in chase or cleaning Hex devour hope while I m tryint to find the totem
- Buffing killers to increase killer rates ? - its about to feed killers with solo-q survivors. Buffing killers and killer perks is not neft towards SWF groups - my opinion
- Survivor perks/ killer perks - in SOLO-Q perks have not often so great synergy, also the reason is we dont know each survivor perks before match, SWF groups can work with strong perks really well, and have nice value of strong perks. Maybe also thats the reason some survivor perks sometimes being nerfed.
- DC / survivor who suicide on first hook - thats crazy how often this happening. Well It might not happen in 10 games and you can have fun but if u r unlucky to teamates this might happen in 5 games in row. I dont judge survivors DCing against nurse but some survivors DC against every killer I guess.
- Nurse/Blight - mostly nurses are now a bit stronger since the buff and neft to dead hard. Well I think Nurse is well balanced killer against great SWF teams - but the fact is that mostly killer players playing against SOLO-Q. Great adons + great perks are very strong used by these killers.
- CAMPING / TUNNELING- is still way so strong against SOLO-Q survivors - some can deal with that, but it depends. But mostly its strong against solo survivors and sometimes u might not be unhooked, nobody might take hit for u etc etc etc. In new patch there ll be new perks against campers, hopefully solo-q survivor ll use it tho. But I think it ll be again strong perk in SWF hands.
I wish in future the DEVS ll do something to improve SOLO-Q gameplay. But It might not happen for long time. If u have any chance - play only with friends. Even some good players, also streamers ll tell u to play with friends. I m playing SOLO-Q as well - but not so much anymore - I have over 4k hours and I m having way worse games too. But like I told - Its RNG, i can have fun in 5 games and after if i m unlucky - the next 5 games can be miserable because teamates ll DC, suicide, troll , throw the game etc ...
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You summarized it pretty nicely. Thank you very much dear stranger. We are just food for the killers, that's very true. I miss the times I could play this game casualy.
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Matchmaking can't fix broken game balance for soloQ. If you get matched to bad survivors, then someone else must be matched to good survivors, where are all those posts that say "soloQ is too easy"? There are none. Official soloQ escape rate is around 25-35%. Quit this nonsens about matchmaking being the reason of bad soloQ experience. The matchking was horrible after the game release, but soloQ felt so much better and it was fun.
Matchmaking is working as intended, it just matches you to the best available players that fit your MMR, it's not always perfect, because otherwise you'd have to wait for much longer.
Post edited by _VTK_ on1 -
Even playing killer is boring atm strong teams are not that common, it's almost like they balanced the game for SWFs and players that know how to loop every tiles to perfection, so yeah the game is dead for solo Q/ casuals/ average players, that's what the devs wanted 10-20% escape rate for these players
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But my question is, Why in these terms where its so easy for killers to wreck survivors I get matched against strongest builds and strongest addons all the time?
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Your MMR could be high. If you’ve plowed through survivors you will eventually pair up with survivors who have MMR ratings similar to yours. Psychologically, you don’t notice (or likely care) about how you might blow through matches with a 3-4K. But you’ll certainly notice those games where you’ve got to work for it. And when they happen, you begin to question what’s changed. You’ll compare your experiences to those of other people who maybe experiencing a kind of inverse (survivors who are doing poorly in SoloQ). And you’re unlikely to believe them because your experiences are contrary.
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I actually uninstalled this morning. I'm done until they improve matchmaking on survivor. My survivor MMR is above the soft cap. I get teammates that don't know to take chase away from a 3 gen or away from a hooked player. The matchmaking is so hyper casual and anti-competitive. There is zero reward for being good at the game. You're actively punished for it as a solo survivor. It's just not a fun game right now.
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The reason Solo Q sucks is teammates who lack fundamental game knowledge and in general just make miss plays like crazy. The amount of survivors I’ve seen Self Care instead of letting me heal with with WE’LL MAKE IT because they don’t even bother to read descriptions is mind numbing. Or people who drop pallets early and such.
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How Truly Solo Q sucks because it only goes off the simple parameter of kills and escapes, this allows too many people who shouldn’t be were they are, like once matched with a Zarina who healed against Plague.
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I was wishing for swf every now and then - now I wish for it every match.
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Another advice for SOLO-Q players: Never play SOLO-Q morning time: the worst games ever. Afternoons and evenings the games r better. EU morning times - just dont play.
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Dont play SOLO-Q survivors mornings - the worst games ever mostly.
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Run Aftercare + Empathic connection. It means the other survivors pretty much always know where you are, so you can call the shots.
Point at someone, and point at the hook. They always get the message and go for unhook. Point at someone on a gen and shake your head "no." They get off the gen because they realize that finishing it will three gen y'all. It makes solo queue actually very fun.
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There is 2 major reasons solo queue is in a really bad spot for average players.
First, your "teammates" are bad. I get new players, people who hide in the corners of the map all game or just flat out refuse to do anything while I am looping the killer the best I can. Once the killers realize I am the only one doing anything, I usually get proxy camped on hook and end up dying on 1st or 2nd hook because survivors are scared of going down.
Secondary is a lot of killers will do anything and every thing in the power just to ensure a mandatory 4k match every match. No matter how much the match has snowballed out of control (in their favor) they just refuse to let off the gas.
I cannot even imagine trying to be a new survivor player and trying to compete with the current state of DBD, its not healthy for the state of the game.
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It's miserable at all hours of the day anymore. Just not worth wasting my time with it. I'll play something more competitive
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They're healing against Tier 3 Myers, man.
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You gotta play a little different as soloq, and that's no problem. You can go for either 2 things, escaping or just shooting for blood points. If you are dedicated to escaping, bring escape perks. Sole Survivor, Wake Up, OTR, Left Behind. If you wanna go for blood points, then play however you want, and get as far as you can. It isn't so bad if you set your expectations correctly. Think of it as a battle royal. You can't expect to win every match, but you can try to.
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Im having alot of fun in soloq at the moment.
Tbh its the only way i play now as my friends all stopped playing about 6 months ago. But right after the 'changes' it was near impossible to survive. Now its different as you learn to adapt. Im currently maybe escaping 40% of the time which i am extremely happy about as an average skilled player. I find now you just have to bring a more selfish build into soloq.
I run overcome, windows of op, deliverance and resiliance as my basic loadout usually paired with a yellow medkit. Overcome to get distance, windows to find the next loop, deliverance to save myself from hook as sometimes you just get left there and resiliance to boost my over all action speed. I find this loadout very good for soloq. This is the first time in the 2 years ive played ive actually made it to iridescent 1 so there is no way the game is still as badly killer favoured as it was when the 'changes' first got released. I think the curve has clearly evened out now.
Tbh overcome is my new favourite perk. Its honestly great. Lots of killers drop chase when they see the distance you get so it often gives you time to use the medkit you bring.
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If killers can't wait out dead hard, survivors shouldn't have to deal with this every match.
It is a completely broken combo.
To OP:. The game is extremely killer sided. Don't play survivor is the only advice.
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PSA time
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Perma Tier 3 Myers more accurately.
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Here is how to play solo q:
- Forget about escaping.
- Don't do gens.
- Loop and taunt killer.
- Die.
- Your MMR goes down.
If killer camping, suicide. That way you join fun much sooner and your mmr goes down sooner too.
If killer camping, but not you, farm, so boring match ends sooner.
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What happened to holding on so your teammates couple complete 3 and 1/2 gens?
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Yea, i had a few games the other day that made me say to myself i need to go find a 3 man SWF. I don’t look forward to it, because it’ll be like interviewing for a job and interviewing someone to come work for me at the same time. Need to find the right group of people who just want to play and have fun, but still have some skill. Players who are good sports and don’t give up/ragequit, bully killers, or are too altruistic. They need to understand when 1 of us has to die so the other 3 can live, and everyone respects it. No suicide missions to feed the killer. And most important of all, everyone being respectful to each other. It’s going to be hard to find a consistent 3 like that. Usually one or more are going to tick off a few red flag boxes and ruin the entire experience.
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Why is it so hard for main killers to understand that we hate the dms+pain resonance combo, because it's annoying, and because it works for killers thanks to the two main problems that affect soloq: being matched with randoms and the lack of communication.
Yes, for the killers it is like a reward since a generator explodes because they hanged someone, but for the survs it is a punishment that they receive for something they did not do, because even if you release the gen, you will still lose 15 % of progress There is nothing more annoying than wasting time in a generator for 80 seconds only to have it blow up.
For the swf, there is no problem, they can communicate if the combo is present, but in soloq you don't know if it is or not, you don't know how much a teanmate is going to last in a chase , there is only the frustration of being punished for the errors of someone else
It's annoying for solo q dude! And right now is even worse, with how long the generators take now.