Solo queue

Plattypus Member Posts: 25
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

So i normally play only swf with comp players so its rarly that more then 2 ppl die even against nurse with noed. And my Mmr(existing or not) was pretty high.

Well so i decided to play solo queue: 5 times Nurse with range noed in a row and 1 time spirit with mother daughter. Of course they tunneled and these killer dont care if you have off the record or not. Anyways, if you dont have like 5k hrs teammates you lose.

So i now understand the pain everyone admitted the last 2 months. Swf is probably fair anything else isnt.


  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    So many people claim “I got this killer 3849359 times in a row”

    I doubt these numbers. The odds of getting 5 nurses running irdentical addons IN A ROW, is very slim. Even more slim if they are all good nurses.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Yep Solo q with all the nurse mains is the worst. I’m getting nurses all day and sometimes many times in a row, I’m not exaggerating.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Eh, I'd believe it. I had 5 Legions in a row, all running Thana. Three out of the five ran the add-on that makes you broken when you mend yourself and that's about all I remember.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 492

    I play mostly soloq and I can't foe the life of me see all of these Nurses you all claim to see. Maybe I'm just lucky?

    I think the answer is, is that I am actually hovering somewhere in the middle of MMR, and so play with all the other Survivors and Killer's in the middle. The ones that do okay, but aren't stomping everyone they come across.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    SWF is only fair if nobody uses VOIP; The moment players do communicate via third party programs, it's clearly cheating, and I'd be willing to compare it to wall hacking. The game was clearly meant to be built around the lack of communication -> The developers have even clearly stated so in their first few Developers' vlogs on YouTube, in case you're interested.

    Unfortunately, from the business perspective, banning around ~30% of the entire playerbase just because they're cheating is kinda.. Off, wouldn't you agree? So, they're not gonna ban players for cheating in this way, and will probably never do that. As long as VOIP is OK, SWF will always be better than the killer, since over ~80% of the match is based around informations rather than on the individual skill of each player (be it knowing when to attack, when to use Dead Hard, where to place traps, how to hide red stain, etcetera...).

    Solo Queue is fine on its own in mid to high MMR; The issue are the players giving up early or tunneling killers. Camping would've been fine, but players do keep feeding camping killers, so.. I do understand going for a trade-off just to ensure that three survivors will be doing generators and only one get hooked, repeatable up to three times in total; But, who's gonna take this risk and sacrifice himself or herself for the team?

    That's right, nobody, and that's the issue. The way people do treat each other and each match is the reason, why Solo Queue suffers so much in comparison with SWF or the other role in general.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Anyways, if you dont have like 5k hrs teammates you lose.

    That’s not true unless you are facing killer players on par with that. The top streamers for instance still have decent escape and win rates in solo queue because they are much better than the average killer.

    But you are correct that there is a balance gap between solo and swf survivors, so in your case when you played a ton of swf games and then switched suddenly to try solo queue you were facing the same caliber of killers as before but lost the swf edge. And the devs have said a few times they recognize that solo survivors escape less often than swf survivors, and presented some new HUD options in January for instance, but unfortunately that got put on hold temporarily to make way for all the other stuff they were doing this year like the huge rework and bots and streamer mode, etc. They will get back to it, I’m sure, but we probably won’t hear anything new on it until at least the end of the year at the earliest is my guess and maybe not until the fiscal 2022 roadmap is over.

    Regardless I agree that finding ways to buff solo survivors a bit with information they could get if they were on comms is the way to go. Then after you do that, if it looks kill rates have dropped and are too low they can do an overall slight buff for the killer side to even it back out.