can toxicity be justified?

so let’s say, me survivor plays the game… does nothing wrong you know, loops the killer, does gens and in general doesn’t do anything toxic… then i get downed and slapped on a hook…… anddddd the killer hits me on hook. start spamming m1 on me on the hook and nodding his head as if i was horribly toxic to them which i wasn’t.

is it right to be toxic back? some may say no, because then you are just as bad as them.

but some say yes because they deserve it and it’s revenge.

what do you think. because i personally think that if a killer or a survivor is toxic for no reason whatsoever, you have it in your power to be toxic back. but a lot of people would disagree and say well if you are toxic then you are just as bad as the community you know. so i don’t know tbh, i am not a toxic person, unless i have received toxicity.

can toxicity bring justified this way?

a lot of people just constantly say that this community is toxic.


  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    It's just a mind game, bro! Grow thicker skin!

  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80

    🤣🤣yeah you are probably right! hahah

    but in all seriousness though people just toxic

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804
    edited August 2022

    Not really

    Toxic against Toxic is not a good thing to encourage

    however, doing it with friends who know you are being toxic in jest can be pretty fun

    if you're going to be toxic, do it in a party of friends who know you're not being serious, don't do it with randoms just because someone "might deserve it"

    Unless they're a Blendette who did nothing all match and escaped through hatch, then it's completely justified

    (for legal reasons the above statement is a joke)

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    It's a game who cares what they think, I'd play in whatever way makes you happy as long as you don't insult someone in the chat or make death threats for someone giving you a taste of your own medicine it's fine, it amazes me how many people get up in their feelings over this game and cant laugh it off and have a good convo with the person without making excuses or talking trash win or lose, im here to have fun ill never be toxic and always respectable in chat but in game anything goes thats gonna give me a few good laughs.

  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80

    i’ve received death threats funnily enough, because i looped this nemesis “too well”.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited August 2022

    At the end of the day, if people want to get that upset over a game, they need to put it down and find something else to do. If people want to make it personal, they probably need to consider therapy. If a stranger in a game can have that much of an impact on you simply by playing the game, then I can only imagine what negative interactions in real life do to you. It's fine to get tilted, but when you make it personal or take it outside of the game, then you definitely need to put it down and sort out your priorities. Games are supposed to serve as de-stressors. If they are doing the opposite, it's only making your situation worse.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I get like one every couple of days I'm immune to it at this point, I remember the old days with the old Mori I had a killer tell me I was "on his Mori list" for some reason the thought of someone actually keeping a list of names and keeping up with it was pretty damn laughable but sad at the same time lol

  • LittleBigSunset
    LittleBigSunset Member Posts: 246

    I'm only ever 'toxic' when the opposing side are to me first. And that only really applies to me when playing killer. If they're gonna go out of their way to try and make my experience unfun, I'm going to stop caring as much about how much fun they're having. But you have to take it on a game by game basis. No going into the next match and being an ######### from the get go just because the last lot of survivors felt like being cocks and rubbing in a loss or taking advantage of knowing you're worse than they are.

    Really though you should never take anything beyond the game itself. Someone wants to click at you and teabag then by all means tunnel them out. But don't sling ######### at each other in the post game chat or private messages. It's only a game at the end of the day and simply not worth the effort or thought. Nothing good comes from it. You move on and go into the next game and before you know it it's all forgotten about.

    To answer your question, I don't think it's 'toxic' to 'hit back' as hard as your opponent is in-game. You want to play dirty I'll play dirty back. But if you start getting personal and messaging people and saying ######### beyond the game then that is toxic. Not just in DBD but toxic behaviour in general. Unfortunately some people have bad games and then use that as an excuse to play dirty against the next people they go up against even if they've done nothing to deserve it. That's why the community has the reputation it has. If you lose bad and to a team/player that wants to rub it in then it can be fairly frustrating. But taking it out on the next people you verse isn't the solution.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I see no issue with being rude to a player that is being rude to you. The cincher is actually understanding what's a rude thing to do versus getting mad at a player for being good/having the audacity to try and make plays/interpreting crouching to avoid a hit as tbagging, because otherwise you'll just end up being the killer described in the OP where you think you're paying back toxicity with toxicity, but in reality you're being a BMing loser for no reason.

    Once it gets to chat and message logs, though, the best thing to do is walk away. I have no problem with playing hardball because the other team asked for it, or even facecamping a player that begged for your attention/bagging and clicking a killer that spent the whole game tunneling you and ignored players who tried to present free hits, but where chat's concerned, fighting vileness with vileness is... just don't.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,322

    There is a saying "Lead by an example"

    But hitting you on the hook isnt toxic, thats just stupid of the killer, i have used that cooldown the killer get from hitting people on the hook, to unhook people that the killer camped..

  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80

    whenever i have a bad game, i generally don’t take it onto the next game or post chat. i will still hold that grudge and that angry feeling, and generally show signs of try hardiness in the next game but never actually be toxic or salty to people that in no means deserve it. i always try better in the next games because that’s what you do, you know just try your best and don’t get angry at other innocents.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    It is toxic but is it smart? Maybe not. Usually killers do it to last person thought. I had game that I escaped but killer got david who made mistake at endgame and killer closed hatch in front of him and just continued hitting him on hook as he was last one remaining.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,322

    I dont see that as toxic, the killers are "beasts" after all.

    They are ment to cut you into pieces... (some of them at least)

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Sure, you say that, but it's a rare player that's actually roleplaying. Hitting someone on hook once is potentially to shut up the scream, so it's not necessarily BM, but sticking around to beat someone up on hook is BM and it's expressing rude sentiments. And yes, it's also a dumb thing to do because it gives other survivors openings to unhook where otherwise they would have had to hook trade.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    That's your opinion but I think most people think it is toxic I might myself hit survivor on hook once sometimes but very rarely I hit the last person and the survivors has to be toxic me to first. But real reason why killers do it is to bully you and show they got you and put their anger on you. That sounds toxic to me. When I had myself anger issues I did hit people over and over again on hook but I did get better managing my anger and only ever done it now when im drunk.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    While I understand why people might do it and even feel like it's justified, personally I refuse to do it.

    My main issue is that the very concept of toxicity is something with such an extremely varied definition that might very well change from player to player. It's not just the "obvious" stuff like tbagging or hook hits that make people feel like "retaliatory toxicity" is justified, all the completely wild things people consider "toxic" or "abuse" might lead to that kinda behavior. As a result it's really not as simple as "You tbag/hook hit me, I do the opposite to you".

  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80

    there is a line between flat out toxicity and just a little bit of in game banter.

    you know the survivor does a little bit of tbagging, take it as nothing more than a simple joke. nothing to get angry over.

    you slap them on hook, there’s your fair share of banter.

    but toxicity comes in when the survivor clicks you, or spams you with messages or is horrible in end game chat etc etc.

    so in game banter is fine, it’s funny and it generally shouldn’t get to you to often. (if it gets to you majorly and you are horrible to the opposing side in end game then i’m sorry but you have anger issues and need to speak to someone, because in end of the day… it’s just a game and it shouldn’t be your life. plus i can guarantee that there is a million other things to worry about and get angry over, and not just a clicks clicks come chase me killer cause i think i’m good claudette you know)

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I think in plague's case it's justified. :)

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106

    What's the Gandhi quote?

    "An eye for an eye makes the world blind?"

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    In this game of silent interactions with other players, it can be difficult to ascertain motive.

    You can feel something is toxic but maybe the player is just doing a challenge or daily that requires them to do that thing.

    The game designers are the ones who allow these interactions that they must know are unpleasant. If the game allows you to do it, do it.

    If it feels good do it. We play these games to feel good and escape. Do things we cannot normally do.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911
  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,182

    I really feel like the community bends the definition of "toxic" to mean stuff it isnt at times.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,367
    edited August 2022

    If you're going to be toxic just make sure you're good enough to handle everything that comes with it or else you'll wind up twice as mad and humiliated.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,474

    Nodding, hitting on hook, tbagging, etc, doesn't give any sort of in-game advantage. So none of it bothers me. It's not a personal attack.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    No it can’t.

    The problem is the term toxicity has been so overused by the dbd community that it’s lost all meaning.

    Most of what people call toxic is just gameplay.

    What’s toxic is the overaction to gameplay and the outside game abuse that results from it.

    Toxicity is a player problem not a gameplay problem. If you find yourself triggered by gameplay, getting angry and then feeling justified being unpleasant to others outside game then bam you are toxic not the game.

  • Bubble0seven
    Bubble0seven Member Posts: 115

    There are killers such as plague that do such things to help with their ability has nothing to do with being toxic (ironic to say toxic when talking about the plague)

    Also i think some hit a survivor to stop the scream since some have the most horrible screams.

    End of the day it is just a game and people do things in game that people will always class as toxic....

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699
    edited August 2022

    Happy Birthday OP!

    Here is a gift I think you might like...

    Just jump straight to Book II (PDF Page 58), it picks up at the perfect spot--Glaucon basically be like "yo Socrates, my man, we had a pretty good talk about virtue back in Book I, but like... we're not really convinced, so imma need you lay it on thick my man, you feel?" Then Socrates be like, "right right, I gotchu homie, lets get into it. I'mma tell you why it is better to be just than unjust."

    ...and basically, just read from there and you'll find all the answers you're looking for.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    So the killer player wastes time having his toon slap your toon.

    Good job, the other survivors can slam the gens.

    Beside, he is improving chances of rescue.
