Does anyone record every match they play?

Does anyone record every match they play?
Course not unless it's all on a twitch VOD and does anyone even have a 3rd party program to record the game play.
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I sometimes do, but only if I very recently encountered a cheater.
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i only take a screenshot for NightLight
i would record but honestly i tend to forget i even recorded and then wonder later why is that certain file 200GB
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I started using Geforce Experience recently, which is great. i don't actively record, but the instant replay feature is awesome if something happens and I'd like to have a recording of it. You can set it to record up to the last 20mins if you want. I do 2mins, for the various games i play. Doesn't appear to affect my fps or perf at all which is more important.
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I do
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Sort of, I have a button I can press that will grab the last 10 minutes played, I could make it longer but I usually only need to grab 10 - 30 seconds of the match.
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True, and not sure about XBox, but PS4/5 also has an option to save big chunks of recent gameplay.
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I used to.
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I haven't played xbox in a while, but i think they had a native instant replay feature, just not sure how configurable it was.
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Ill save ones I feel are memorable, both good and bad though obviously I save the good ones more haha. Makes some good background noise for me when Im doing stuff
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I record every game, but once i get to the loading screen i delete the previous game. This is so that if i encounter something that seems sketchy or it looks like someone is cheating i can review the footage and upload it to youtube.
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I did for a little while, until I realized how much space the videos take up lol. Luckily, Nvidia GeForce has a shadowplay feature, where you can retroactively record the past few minutes (which I only use to report a cheater or something).
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I just keep active Nvidia Instant Replay feature in case i need to make a video evidence for a report ticket or something like that. I set it so it saves 1 minute since i press the save button. It's so useful
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I will sometimes upload a video or clip on YouTube
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Not really. But Radeon overlay lets you start recording with a quick shortcut if I ever run into a cheater or something like that, so I don't really need to preemptively record every match.
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I record in the sense that I screenshot every end game screen (with all the perk loadouts etc). Have been doing so since 2017 and very consistently from 2019... they are kinda cool to look back on sometimes, like this one from October 25th, 2017:
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I'm trying to get into the YouTube content creation space so I record most of my games with Shadowplay from Nvidia. I even have a spreadsheet in the works. That being said, I don't record every single match. Sometimes I get tired of recording so many matches in a row so I take breaks.
Honestly, if you have Shadowplay, consider recording your games just for fun. Recording all your games is the only way to get good clips.