Michael Myer enjoyers i need your help

If you use the add-ons Fragrant tuft of hair + j.myers memorial can you reach t3 from only stalking 1 player? from t1 to t3?
In a word: No
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What about 2 players?
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I don't think you can do it in two. But I havent played Michael in a while. Might be worth a test in my next match
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@Goblets tested it, you can reach it with two it seems. Stalked the Feng until she was out of stalk and then the Claudette I stalked sat there while I reached tier 3.
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Okay so, i played a solo match like half an hour ago, the map was the game meatplant, i ran bond and did the gen near basement with another player, we then move to the upper floor in the middle to work on a gen.
I see myers chasing a jake with my perk bond and he gets t3 and down him, i thought nothing much of it, but the myers kept t3 so he must have had the fragrant tuft of hair addon (which i saw after the match along with j.myers memorial).
It sparked my curiousity but everyone left at endgame chat without a conversation to be had, the only thing myers said was i was lucky because i was given a iri key and found the hatch with it.
But i agree shadowWolf i did just now tried it and jesus christ is it powerfull, got infinite t3 at 4 gens, requires only to stalk of 2 players, must work great if you catch a group but i did test it for specifically 2 players.
Still, no myer players here? that was unfortunate
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We went for it at the same time then haha :D thanks for the help!
How did it feel? Sure myers is not that strong perkless but with add-ons such as these or Tombstone piece i feel really powerfull with him.
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I unfortunately got the new Haddonfield, and I've yet to play it so it was a bit rough. But with his instadown and extra lunge, safe loops were made unsafe. So I got 2k, 1 dc and a hatch escape.
Iri addons should be powerful. That's the whole point in them. Michael is definitely scary with his Iri addons and so he should be.
He's fun to play, but knowing when to pop tier 3 is crucial and it can literally lose you games if you don't do it right.
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Hey, I was one of the Kates this match and I think he might've stalked someone without them noticing him. Happens quite a lot actually, it requires the smalles gap in order to be able to stalk. I've done it with Ghostface and Myers and most of the Survivors don't even notice it.
And since he had Plaything, there was no TR either so he might've been close, stalking through a small gap without someone noticing it. Hell, might've been me who didn't notice him. He got Tier 2 and a small while after he approached me from behind those upstairs crates.
Edit: The other Kate, since you were the other one xD
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Myers is the most evolved M1 killer. His power is deceptively simple and I usually try to capitalize on his M1 strength, ie Bamboozle, Endurance, Brutal Strength, STBFL works surprisingly well with him.
I am on the go, but once I'm home I'll check your add-on combo out.
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Can't have been my match, I didn't have plaything. So must have been Goblets.
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Oh i see, yeah might be a tough map vs a decent team.
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No way :D what outfit did i have and what were the other 2 survivor characters on the team if you remember? uwu
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I meant him, I was another Survivor in his Survivor match.
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not sure about the outfit, but I was Kate, you as well, a Jake and a Nancy I think.
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No way :D what outfit did i have if you remember and what survivors did the team play? uwu
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There was no nancy :p
also what the hell happend here lmao the site buged out or something?