Give me back my Killers’s queue times

7 minutes to find a game as killer is bad! Most of the time I end playing against stupid players that get wrecked like noobies despite the fact they have more than 4k hours and they hit prestige 15-20+
On the other hand, I can find pretty fast games as survivor with THREE SECONDS queues. But hey, when I don’t verse tryharders (and I expect to verse tryharders) I verse stupid killers, unable to do what they need to do. Guess they’re ex-deadhard addicted-boosted survivors.
Fix matchmaking and give me fast lobbies against either noobs or tryharders, I want my 10 seconds queues back. My blades are thirsty
Killer queues are longer cause less people are playing survivor. Give it time for role incentives to be reinstated or try to play at a different time of the day. For my server region killer queues are around 2-3min and survivor are instant at peak hours, most other times of the day it's about 15-30 seconds for each role.
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Matchmaking is already being more lenient than it perhaps should, in order to make killer queues viable.
I have 100 hours as survivor, my mmr is low tier 'cause I suck at chases, and I am regularly put in front of 3k hours killers that stomp my team. If the matchmaking gets any more "fast > balanced", I fear many of us might jump ship on survivor, which would make the imbalance of roles even worse.
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Survs could play heavily safer before patch, now it changed. Worse of it is they think it's abnormal changes...
So survs leave the side of survs, but like i said on another thread, as a main killer, i prefer longer queues and have fun than being bullied and humiliated by OP survs.
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It's just unspoken etiquette to stay somewhat on topic. I believe he was talking about queues and then you said something about how a survivor sounds. He was asking for meme comments like yours though when he ended with "my blades are thirsty", because that just dissipates any air of seriousness he was trying to build.
OR you thought that him ending the title with "..." was asking people to finish the sentence with their replies, in which case I completely understand why you said that.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
It is.
2 Billy games, first game I have 4 Survivors with at least 4k hours each (4k, 5k, 5k, 5k to be precise). And the next game, I have: 1 private profile, 1 Survivor with 300 hours, one with 52 hours and one with 7 hours. I guess the latter group was an SWF, but still. This just shows how lenient the Matchmaking is.
And if it would not be so lenient, Killer queues would probably be longer than 7 minutes.
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Matchmaking try to put you with same levels, but if he can't because queue too long, it put you with random group, end of story. Annnnnd if i got to have a choice, i prefer not play vs 4k hours survs.
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He was on topic, OP is asking why killer queues are so long and he gave the reason why he doesn’t like playing survivor anymore. Killer queues are long because survivors don’t like the role anymore, patch 6.1.0 killed casual survivor players
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My ques have been fine as killer. 2-3 minutes during the day and instant at night.
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With my "main killers", aka the ones I use the most, I usually face good group of survivors. Since the last update dropped, I face both good survivors and stupid ones. I say "stupid ones" because I keep on facing high prestiged level and 3k hours+ survivors.
My usual playtime is around dinner-time on central EU and/or late night. Lobbies used to be around 10 seconds on dinner time and about 1-2 minutes MAX on late night. I need high frequency games because I prefer to play ten killers in ten games instead of going for same killer over 'n over. At the current state of the game I simply can't because the waiting time is more than the playing time and that's getting ridiculous honestly
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But the title sure is inviting for one.
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Brand new parts when it completed a whole gen in 1 skillcheck
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Lauri chode for life
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Give me back my forum freedom!!
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There is not enough survivors compared to killers that why your queque times will remain long. It was before the patch opposite. Survivors got many their fun things nerfed so many stopped playing or changed to play more killer. And unfun things were made worser gens takes now longer to repair. I would rather seen survivors get secondary objective at least that would been more interesting.
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I honestly thought this was going to be the quote from evil dead 2 ... Give me back my haaaaand
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Killers got buffed now the majority are playing them. Thats why its slow
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Before crossplay and the new MMR there was a time when we had to wait 30 minutes for a match on PS4.
My suggestions, read a book, listen to a book, watch something on your phone or other device.
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Exactly why I said what I said... his title was way too open to let it pass :P
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After rewatching Halloween, the voice actor did a fantastic job. She sounds almost exactly like Jaime in the movie
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Give me back my gamer girl SONIC
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What I want back is my pants... That thieving prick...
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Right before clown release was about 30 min wait on ps4 yeah
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Bro, this is the price we had to pay to not only get miserable game after miserable game, but to actually have fun most matches. Its a tradeoff I gladly take. And in the evening my queues are more like 1.30min, even below 1min during the prime time. Up until 3am I get 3min max and it only tapers off after (sane) bed time.
With killers not being miserable to play anymore not only hardcore killer mains wanna play, but also the occasional survivor main who wants to experience the other side, or a totally nooby who wants to try out playing the baddy.
Before the big patch the killer role was in such a bad state that the game was basically hemorrhaging killers, so even instant queues were cool for us mains with nerves of steel, that was actually a pretty bad sign. So I welcome the new ques and wait with pride in my heart.
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Had this exact thing yesterday.
First Survivor, 5K hours. Second Survivor, 1K hours. Third Survivor, 12 hours. Fourth one was on PC but they did not play like they knew what a pallet was.