Latest patch capping at 50FPS PC
After the latest patch I can no longer play at 120FPS, my FPS is capped to 50 and it's near unplayable. I've spoken to some people in my games who are also apparently experiencing something similar. Can someone confirm if this is happening to more people as well.
It’s been very laggy since the latest patch. Terror radius is inconsistent, people are DC even after they die on hook, unhooking animation freezes mid way and then survivor gets downed while unhooking their team mate. Lag with vaulting windows, Etc. The latest patch makes survivor really not pleasant. It’s to the point that I don’t want to play survivor. :/
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Oh, I made a post about this too. And that FPS drop sometimes causes distortioned sound. I think my headset's cord was broken lol
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Haven't had much trouble. I did freeze once while the entity was taking me. I blame the Pyramid Head smacking the hook while the animation was going on. Why do killers do that? It makes the clicky teabaggers look tame.
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Yeah this game fries my mid-range CPU recently at anything above 1080p how do console players stand this dog level of optimization?
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Many of us consolers don't, and have either left the game completely or else play very little like me. Especially us still toiling away on the prior gen machines.
If the next RE chapter is anywhere as destructive as Nemmy's release many more will go too. For the past year plus I've lived in fear that the next update will be the one to finish us off for good. Not a joyous feeling at all.
The largest thread ever on this forum goes into detail of the optimization issues of DBD and game performance on console in particular. Sadly precious little good has come from it. @Pulsar you're more or less Console Boss here anything to add?
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I play on console and haven't had any problems.
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What system? Just curious.
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I expect my Xbox1 to suffer, but when problems begin and then worsen on the new gen ones too it is quite worrying.