so dev's got a question
did you guys do away with the games closing if anyone dc's while loading/shortly after the game starts?
cuz just had a match where 1 teammate dc'd cuz they heard the theme of the legion, an the other started killing themselves on the hook
and let me tell you how fun THAt game was, it wasnt, especially knowing that the killers get full credit for kills with a dc, meanwhile we get screwed over for a match, even with one dc it can be a lopsided match, there is a reason killers try to tunnel out one survivor at the start, isnt there? why give double bonus of an easy match with zero effort plus punishing people who did nothing wrong? just have the lobbies remade if people dc within the first like 1-2 minutes or so of the game
and this isnt just survivors doing it, have had killers dc because they couldnt fine anyone or got looped by a survivor or lost someone, granted when the KILLER dc's the match is immediately over, so it is a tad different in that case, but still,
and im not saying survivors should get anything more just saying when ppl dc, regardless of which side, if its early enough, give people their addons and offerings back and boot everyone back to lobby
The game only ends if the player fails to load fully into the game, there is sometimes a delay on this due to the loading procedure. But it's certainly not meant to end the game once the game has already started - which is what you're describing in your post.
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I do think too that early survivor DCs (first 3 to 5 minutes maybe?) should put an end to the match the same way killer DCs do, and give back offerings and items. I can't tell how frustrating it is to lose items and offerings because someone doesn't like the killer and DCs. It's an easy match for the killer, as the game is not made to be a 3 v 1, and a terrible time for the survivors.
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true, though considering all the aura reading perks that are being run these days, most of the time it doesnt take 3-5 for people to know what the killer is, i would agree completely except 3-5 is a broad amount of time game wise, since most games usually last 15-20 (if the killer or survivors dont just steamroll the otherside) that being the case, even 5 would be 1/3 or 1/4 of the game overall, hence why i stuck with 1-2 minutes, i just want the game to be fun again, it use to be, but with the dc's, killing themselves on the hook after first hook, and tunneling/camping (i get its part of the game, but at this point i feel some killers feel their hand is forced that they have to play that way, even though i get 4ks myself most times without tunneling nor camping, and hey if you dont, you also get the added bonus of almost never having to deal with ds nor bt (things most killer mains complained about, at least on the steam forums)
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It would be abused easily.
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Why not do something where for the first minute if someone dcs the game just prematurely ends? I understand you can't control when someone leaves if good or for bad. But if someone dcs 20 seconds into a match. Its pretty clear how ruined that match is from the get-go?
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and i get that, but wasnt the whole point of that to stop 3v1 games? i feel it defeats the purpose if in the first minute or two of the game someone dc's be it their own choice or something going wrong
i also understand it might be a bit more difficult to code if it happens past the loading screen, especially setting a time limit to it, but its just frustrating when it happens on a regular basis, and true that means their game ban time goes up, if they do it too often, but doesnt change them turning it into a 3v1 or 2v1
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How? They still get a dc penalty for doing so, which increases the more one dcs.
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Yeah I said 3 to 5 thinking about the survivors who DC when they get downed from their first chase or who DC after being tunneled at 5 gens. These situations are an almost garanteed 4K for the killers unless hatch rng blesses the last surivor. This is a bit too broad though, you're right. 1-2 might be better.
I too never need tunneling or camping to get 3Ks and 4Ks since the update. Pity to see so many killers doing it from the start of the game, when they could get more points chasing multiple people and, if needed, tunneling later at 2 gens if they want to secure kills.
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Take one for the team, spare their stuff.
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That's definitely not taking one for the team. The person who dced still cops the penalty, which increases the more they do it, so it's not really abusable. Like, what, they gonna dc every time they get a killer they don't like and potentially cop a 2 hour matchmaking ban?
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Four times. That's quite a lot during one day.
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People already DC regardless of the penalty. There are definitely people who will purposely abuse that just to ruin people's games
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3-5 minutes is way too much. Definitely in the first minute, maaaaybe 2. But sometimes by 3-5 minutes there are already multiple gens done and that survivor DCs because they finally got downed after a lengthy chase (and are sometimes being camped).
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You do understand that it sucks far more when someone dcs at 5 gens and the game has to go on, right? The match cancelling is a mild inconvenience at worst. Everyone bar the person who dced get to move onto the next match sooner.
I'd rather play with people who actually want to play than people who don't want to play because they got downed early.
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OP, if you play Overwatch you may be mistaking it with DBD.
In comp Overwatch, if a player leaves in the first 30 seconds of the match the game will end and boot everyone back to lobby without any penalties. Given how difficult it is to win a 5v6 in Overwatch, this mechanic is an absolute blessing, and no doubt has saved many a heartache from problems completely out of their control.
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Are aura reading perks the problem or is it five hundred slowdown perks? Is there anything you people won't complain about?
Distortion is very good. Run it.
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Until they do something about tunnelling, I honestly don't think they'll do anything about this. I mean, they practically PROMOTE tunnelling as it is....
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have been, but, as devs have said as their reasoning for giving killers perks in basekit (old hangman's trick, brutal strength, etc) if killers arent forced to run certain perks to counter survivor play, why should survivors be forced to run certain perks to run killer play? some consistency would be nice
but we have basekit BT and speed boost when we are unhooked now, surely that means we wont get tunneled, unless you factor in the fact that unless the killer is face camping and doesnt hit the person unhooking, its almost never going to be up by the time you get hit unless you run the actually BT perk or off the record