Hints on Freddy Rework Timeline?

I know in the latest PTB we accidentally saw a glimpse of what the Devs are working on with Freddy but can any of the Devs or well anyone with knowledge give any hints towards a release of the rework? How far along it is, is it halfway is it just some ideas being thrown around or is it actively being worked on etc.

I got 4 Killers lined up waiting to get their 3rd Prestige and I want my main man Fred to be the first so when I get my trophy for my first Prestige 3 I got Freddy grinning forever on my PS4 trophies :) Also I've been wanting to level him up/play as him but every time I almost play a game with him I remind myself that there's no point in coming up with strategies for perks with him because everything will be different soon, no point in getting good at him again because when the rework comes out I won't be good at him anyway etc.

Oh yeah if it's not clear why I haven't Prestiged him yet it's because I'm assuming all of his add-ons will have different effects, like Wraith had his originally crappy Coxcombed Clapper turn into a all powerfu Ultra rare and before the change I avoided getting those so I screwed myself. If I Prestige him now and start getting his current add-ons I could potentially do the same thing and accidentally avoid certain add-ons that might turn out to be awesome later.


  • RabidWabbitz
    RabidWabbitz Member Posts: 93

    I am also waiting for some kind of information to come out except just "We are at some point going to work on Freddy" which is such a cop out in my opinion. The Devs have been so stand offish when it comes to anything Freddy related it is sickening. All your Customers and yes I used the word Customers instead of fans or anything else because we did pay for Freddy are waiting for you (The Devs) to give us some timeline and stick to it!

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @RabidWabbitz said:
    I am also waiting for some kind of information to come out except just "We are at some point going to work on Freddy" which is such a cop out in my opinion. The Devs have been so stand offish when it comes to anything Freddy related it is sickening. All your Customers and yes I used the word Customers instead of fans or anything else because we did pay for Freddy are waiting for you (The Devs) to give us some timeline and stick to it!

    I'm expecting to see something after their next Killer, maybe when they introduce the new Roadmap? I just want some new info so it doesn' seem like we'll wait a whole other year.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    The worst part is Freddy is actually a decent killer.

  • perotx
    perotx Member Posts: 77

    Not everyone wants the rework.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited February 2019
    - Make Wake Up a channel when healing and repairing that wakes you up once filled with the same effect of failing a skillcheck. 
    That garantees some minimum time waste while survivors no longer deal with RNG.

    - Freddy can now pick up survivors getting healed.

    - Autoaim no longer locks on to awake survivors.

    - Action speed penalty now affects dream transition, all actions are canceled after 4 seconds.

    - Reduced movement speed penalty, faster recovery to put multiple to sleep and/or longer range.

    - Reduced dream world effects for both.

    Thats it, then he'll be fine.
  • RabidWabbitz
    RabidWabbitz Member Posts: 93

    @perotx said:
    Not everyone wants the rework.

    the vast majority do want the rework and that is why they are doing it though.

  • perotx
    perotx Member Posts: 77

    @RabidWabbitz said:

    @perotx said:
    Not everyone wants the rework.

    the vast majority do want the rework and that is why they are doing it though.

    I don't see a vast majority. Quite a lot of threads pop up explaining how Freddy is actually good and a lot of people jump in to agree. I personally know many people who don't think he needs a rework. It's only a very loud and obnoxious minority who is demanding a rework without actually learning to play Freddy. Besides, even if Freddy was weak, it doesn't necessarily means he needs a rework - just a buff, and a lot of people hold that position as well. I'm okay with the devs being vague about the rework because it probably means it's never going to happen.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @perotx said:

    @RabidWabbitz said:

    @perotx said:
    Not everyone wants the rework.

    the vast majority do want the rework and that is why they are doing it though.

    I don't see a vast majority. Quite a lot of threads pop up explaining how Freddy is actually good and a lot of people jump in to agree. I personally know many people who don't think he needs a rework. It's only a very loud and obnoxious minority who is demanding a rework without actually learning to play Freddy. Besides, even if Freddy was weak, it doesn't necessarily means he needs a rework - just a buff, and a lot of people hold that position as well. I'm okay with the devs being vague about the rework because it probably means it's never going to happen.

    I don't feel he needs the rework, just some simple tweaks and in all honesty the tweaks I want probably won't even be in the rework.

    I love his abilities, it doesn't match his character in the very leastbit but he is fun and has huge snowball potential. But I don't like that he can't defend himself, he has great offense and map pressure but no defense. He can't defend his hook and if the Exit gates are open then everyone just gets out like that, super easy because it taskes 7 seconds to transition, you're being slowed and then if you get the hit and they're healed well they're through the gate. If they're injured then everyone bodyblocks with heals and they crawl out the gate. Other Killers don't have that problem and like I said, the rework probably won't fix that.

  • perotx
    perotx Member Posts: 77

    @HatCreature said:

    @perotx said:

    @RabidWabbitz said:

    @perotx said:
    Not everyone wants the rework.

    the vast majority do want the rework and that is why they are doing it though.

    I don't see a vast majority. Quite a lot of threads pop up explaining how Freddy is actually good and a lot of people jump in to agree. I personally know many people who don't think he needs a rework. It's only a very loud and obnoxious minority who is demanding a rework without actually learning to play Freddy. Besides, even if Freddy was weak, it doesn't necessarily means he needs a rework - just a buff, and a lot of people hold that position as well. I'm okay with the devs being vague about the rework because it probably means it's never going to happen.

    I don't feel he needs the rework, just some simple tweaks and in all honesty the tweaks I want probably won't even be in the rework.

    I love his abilities, it doesn't match his character in the very leastbit but he is fun and has huge snowball potential. But I don't like that he can't defend himself, he has great offense and map pressure but no defense. He can't defend his hook and if the Exit gates are open then everyone just gets out like that, super easy because it taskes 7 seconds to transition, you're being slowed and then if you get the hit and they're healed well they're through the gate. If they're injured then everyone bodyblocks with heals and they crawl out the gate. Other Killers don't have that problem and like I said, the rework probably won't fix that.

    I agree, his defense is pretty bad. But that's another thing that makes his playstyle different and unique. When the the exit gates are powered he is indeed in a bad spot, but you can prevent the exit gates being opened by using one of his perks, or you can prevent the gates from being powered all together by slowing the game down to 0 progress on gens. He is also weak in hatch situations, but you can always slug for a 4k, the slugged guy isn't going to go anywhere anyway.

    I guess his ability doesn't match Freddy's powers in movies exactly, but the idea is the same. He kills people while they're asleep. Implementing all kinds of crazy stuff happening in dream world would be pretty difficult and unnecessary.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @perotx said:

    @HatCreature said:

    @perotx said:

    @RabidWabbitz said:

    @perotx said:
    Not everyone wants the rework.

    the vast majority do want the rework and that is why they are doing it though.

    I don't see a vast majority. Quite a lot of threads pop up explaining how Freddy is actually good and a lot of people jump in to agree. I personally know many people who don't think he needs a rework. It's only a very loud and obnoxious minority who is demanding a rework without actually learning to play Freddy. Besides, even if Freddy was weak, it doesn't necessarily means he needs a rework - just a buff, and a lot of people hold that position as well. I'm okay with the devs being vague about the rework because it probably means it's never going to happen.

    I don't feel he needs the rework, just some simple tweaks and in all honesty the tweaks I want probably won't even be in the rework.

    I love his abilities, it doesn't match his character in the very leastbit but he is fun and has huge snowball potential. But I don't like that he can't defend himself, he has great offense and map pressure but no defense. He can't defend his hook and if the Exit gates are open then everyone just gets out like that, super easy because it taskes 7 seconds to transition, you're being slowed and then if you get the hit and they're healed well they're through the gate. If they're injured then everyone bodyblocks with heals and they crawl out the gate. Other Killers don't have that problem and like I said, the rework probably won't fix that.

    I agree, his defense is pretty bad. But that's another thing that makes his playstyle different and unique. When the the exit gates are powered he is indeed in a bad spot, but you can prevent the exit gates being opened by using one of his perks, or you can prevent the gates from being powered all together by slowing the game down to 0 progress on gens. He is also weak in hatch situations, but you can always slug for a 4k, the slugged guy isn't going to go anywhere anyway.

    I guess his ability doesn't match Freddy's powers in movies exactly, but the idea is the same. He kills people while they're asleep. Implementing all kinds of crazy stuff happening in dream world would be pretty difficult and unnecessary.

    I don't have the perks anymore but when I was actively playing him I was super powerful and dirty. I would use Remember Me, Knockout, Sloppy Butcher, and Thanatophobia. I would slug the Obsession and move on to the next Survivor and hook them and repeat. He has a bad rep and I think that combined with his defence is why no one knows how to use him effectively and cry for that rework. I wasn't around when he first came out but I saw how powerful he was before they made him slow during transition and yeah it weakened him but I don't see how that made him ''impossible'' and the ''worst killer''.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700
    Freddy only needs two changes, one necessary and the other one would make things more interesting.

    The first change should be Survivors being put into a dream state should be unable to perform any action, or at least have their current action cancelled. I don't mean vault or pallet throws, but gen repairs or totems. This would help Freddy be able to defend his gens and totems better.

    A second change that would make things interesting is the removal of random pallets and vaults in the dream world, showing Freddy's reality warping abilities.
  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited February 2019

    Freddy is by far the worst killer in Dead by Daylight. The only real purpose of his power is to remove the hindrance he has by default (can't interact with survivors), and he gets cucked by the most used perks in the game (Self care, Sprint burst and Adrenaline). He's the only killer that has to give a up to 9.5 seconds head start to his targets, who can, by the way, keep doing whatever they were doing right in his face without him being able to do anything about it. He's even less than your regular M1 killer (like the Doctor or the Trapper). He has a laughable stealth and the most basic-ass offense you can think of, that pretty much only kinda works if the survivors ignore him during the transition. He's so bad that he can't even camp. He has no way to stop/punish hookrushing, bad positioning or stupid plays by survivors in general. Killers win if the survivors play non-optimally or if they make silly mistakes, and Freddy is the only killer that can't capitalize on said mistakes. No matter how you "mindgame" survivors, you still have to wait 7 seconds to hit them. If a survivor is anything but braindead, they will run to the nearest pallet/loop, and proceed to stall you until you either get frustrated and give up or 5 generators get completed and they Adrenaline to an exit gate.
    Every other killer is far better than Freddy, because they don't take nearly as [BAD WORD] long to take action against survivors.
    So yes. He does need a rework. Sadly, though, it's not happening.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Acromio said:
    Freddy is by far the worst killer in Dead by Daylight. The only real purpose of his power is to remove the hindrance he has by default (can't interact with survivors), and he gets cucked by the most used perks in the game (Self care, Sprint burst and Adrenaline). He's the only killer that has to give a up to 9.5 seconds head start to his targets, who can, by the way, keep doing whatever they were doing right in his face without him being able to do anything about it. He's even less than your regular M1 killer (like the Doctor or the Trapper). He has a laughable stealth and the most basic-ass offense you can think of, that pretty much only kinda works if the survivors ignore him during the transition. He's so bad that he can't even camp. He has no way to stop/punish hookrushing, bad positioning or stupid plays by survivors in general. Killers win if the survivors play non-optimally or if they make silly mistakes, and Freddy is the only killer that can't capitalize on said mistakes. No matter how you "mindgame" survivors, you still have to wait 7 seconds to hit them. If a survivor is anything but braindead, they will run to the nearest pallet/loop, and proceed to stall you until you either get frustrated and give up or 5 generators get completed and they Adrenaline to an exit gate.
    Every other killer is far better than Freddy, because they don't take nearly as [BAD WORD] long to take action against survivors.
    So yes. He does need a rework. Sadly, though, it's not happening.

    I make sure I Mori Quentin every time I see him in my lobby when I'm Freddy.

  • perotx
    perotx Member Posts: 77
    Acromio said:

    Freddy is by far the worst killer in Dead by Daylight. The only real purpose of his power is to remove the hindrance he has by default (can't interact with survivors), and he gets cucked by the most used perks in the game (Self care, Sprint burst and Adrenaline). He's the only killer that has to give a up to 9.5 seconds head start to his targets, who can, by the way, keep doing whatever they were doing right in his face without him being able to do anything about it. He's even less than your regular M1 killer (like the Doctor or the Trapper). He has a laughable stealth and the most basic-ass offense you can think of, that pretty much only kinda works if the survivors ignore him during the transition. He's so bad that he can't even camp. He has no way to stop/punish hookrushing, bad positioning or stupid plays by survivors in general. Killers win if the survivors play non-optimally or if they make silly mistakes, and Freddy is the only killer that can't capitalize on said mistakes. No matter how you "mindgame" survivors, you still have to wait 7 seconds to hit them. If a survivor is anything but braindead, they will run to the nearest pallet/loop, and proceed to stall you until you either get frustrated and give up or 5 generators get completed and they Adrenaline to an exit gate.
    Every other killer is far better than Freddy, because they don't take nearly as [BAD WORD] long to take action against survivors.
    So yes. He does need a rework. Sadly, though, it's not happening.

    <font color=#FFA500>Yeah, yeah, you're wrong. This ######### literally needs to become a copypasta because of how much it is parroted, with none of it being actually true.
  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @TatsuiChiyo said:
    Freddy only needs two changes, one necessary and the other one would make things more interesting.

    The first change should be Survivors being put into a dream state should be unable to perform any action, or at least have their current action cancelled. I don't mean vault or pallet throws, but gen repairs or totems. This would help Freddy be able to defend his gens and totems better.

    A second change that would make things interesting is the removal of random pallets and vaults in the dream world, showing Freddy's reality warping abilities.

    I don't like straight up removing pallets and windows but I think having a different set of pallets and windows in Dreamworld compared to real world would be cool. The only way to do it is that the pallets and windows are always there but based on color coding they appear/disappear to Survivors when they are in the Dreamworld and can only interact with pallets/windows that are in whatever world they are in.

    For example, Quentin runs down a hallway with a window on his right when he's awake, when he is in the Dreamworld that window is now on his left, but to Freddy both windows are there but color coded so he can differentiate which one is which. Also I think it would be awesome for Freddy to use both windows.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Wait what was this "glimpse" you speak of?

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Wait what was this "glimpse" you speak of?

    In the last PTB where we saw the proposed Legion changes they acci8dentally slipped their possible new mechanic for Freddy. When he activated his power to Transition someone he walked slower. Not slower after he activated his power but slower when you hold the button to Transition. In the Devs stream after that PTB came out they confirmed that that was accident and it was from their Rework for Freddy.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited February 2019
    - Make Wake Up a channel when healing and repairing that wakes you up once filled with the same effect of failing a skillcheck. 
    That garantees some minimum time waste while survivors no longer deal with RNG.

    - Freddy can now pick up survivors getting healed.

    - Autoaim no longer locks on to awake survivors.

    - Action speed penalty now affects dream transition, all actions are canceled after 4 seconds.

    - Reduced movement speed penalty, faster recovery to put multiple to sleep and/or longer range.

    - Reduced dream world effects for both.

    Thats it, then he'll be fine.
    This auto-aim business shouldn’t be an issue to players if they were using Freddy properly. 
    If an awake survivor is within hitting distance during a chase with an asleep survivor, and you’re not taking a moment to quickly use dream demon on them too before resuming your current chase, then you’re just an idiot. 
    Its not a huge deal, i said that myself some time ago arguing with a basic dude claiming he is the worst. Still a design flaw/oversight that should be fixed regardless. 
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Alls I know is that my wallet will not open to pay for Freddy until the rework comes..
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Alls I know is that my wallet will not open to pay for Freddy until the rework comes..

    I don't think it's fair for you to say something is bad if you've never tried it, granted I can understand if the reason to not buy was because of the eventual rework but that's a good reason. Have you played Freddy at all, maybe on someone else's account, or have you just watched noob players suck ass because they inherently suck and listen to everyone conform about something they also know nothing about?

    CL4P_TRAP_ER Member Posts: 114

    The main reason they are reworking Freddy is because his ability is too tunneling. They want to make Freddy not tunnel people as much. They'll most likely rework his ability to be radius based around himself. Easier to transition the add-ons and keep Freddy about the same.

    And to answer your question about when they might release the Freddy rework, it'll probably come out the same time the next killer does. Again, easier for them to release an update for Freddy the same time they release a big update for the next killer.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @CL4P_TRAP_ER said:
    The main reason they are reworking Freddy is because his ability is too tunneling. They want to make Freddy not tunnel people as much. They'll most likely rework his ability to be radius based around himself. Easier to transition the add-ons and keep Freddy about the same.

    And to answer your question about when they might release the Freddy rework, it'll probably come out the same time the next killer does. Again, easier for them to release an update for Freddy the same time they release a big update for the next killer.

    Did they say he was too tunnely? I never thought of him as a tunneling killer.Do you mean going after the person who just got unhooked because they'd be easier to target than the savior?

    I kind of thought they would release it with the next Killer but we had no info on how far along the rework is so I was hoping someone could shed some lighjt on it. I hope they don't release it with the new Killer, I'd rather it be in the mid-chapter but that's for personal reasons.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited February 2019

    The main reason they are reworking Freddy is because his ability is too tunneling. They want to make Freddy not tunnel people as much. They'll most likely rework his ability to be radius based around himself. Easier to transition the add-ons and keep Freddy about the same.

    And to answer your question about when they might release the Freddy rework, it'll probably come out the same time the next killer does. Again, easier for them to release an update for Freddy the same time they release a big update for the next killer.

    Freddys base mechanic punishes tunneling and rewards pressure and hit and run tactics. He should not get a rework cause some idiots play him incorrect. 

    Thats like saying Pig needs her RBTs removed cause some morons keep tunneling the sole person that can't work on gens.
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    edited February 2019

    The main reason they are reworking Freddy is because his ability is too tunneling. They want to make Freddy not tunnel people as much. They'll most likely rework his ability to be radius based around himself. Easier to transition the add-ons and keep Freddy about the same.

    And to answer your question about when they might release the Freddy rework, it'll probably come out the same time the next killer does. Again, easier for them to release an update for Freddy the same time they release a big update for the next killer.

    On the contrary. If we were going to be seeing the Freddy rework soon, it would definitely NOT be along the next chapter. Maybe the small tweaks everyone wants, but full reworks are something done exclusively on mid-chapter patches. This is because of the workload and possible technical difficulties that could happen when releasing too much at a time. My guess, the soonest we will see Freddy's rework will be after releasing the final Killer of the current roadmap.
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Alls I know is that my wallet will not open to pay for Freddy until the rework comes..

    I don't think it's fair for you to say something is bad if you've never tried it, granted I can understand if the reason to not buy was because of the eventual rework but that's a good reason. Have you played Freddy at all, maybe on someone else's account, or have you just watched noob players suck ass because they inherently suck and listen to everyone conform about something they also know nothing about?

    I've seen how he plays... and his design is bad and unfun.... that is why I'm not buying him until the rework comes through... freddy was pretty much a God and in this game hes nothing... I mean really? Hes pretty much a trapless trapper who has to wait 7 seconds before he can actually defend stuff... really? 
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Bravo0413 said:
    HatCreature said:

    @Bravo0413 said:

    Alls I know is that my wallet will not open to pay for Freddy until the rework comes..

    I don't think it's fair for you to say something is bad if you've never tried it, granted I can understand if the reason to not buy was because of the eventual rework but that's a good reason. Have you played Freddy at all, maybe on someone else's account, or have you just watched noob players suck ass because they inherently suck and listen to everyone conform about something they also know nothing about?

    I've seen how he plays... and his design is bad and unfun.... that is why I'm not buying him until the rework comes through... freddy was pretty much a God and in this game hes nothing... I mean really? Hes pretty much a trapless trapper who has to wait 7 seconds before he can actually defend stuff... really? 

    He has the worst defence, can't defend hooks and has problems when the gates are open. But he is the best tracker in the game, his invisibility is better than Wraith even though everyone can hear him.

    Freddy is a run-n-gun killer, I use his 7 seconds to my advantage to set up chasing somene else. With Discordance you can get two people in Dream transition and then chase neither of them, see where they go then ######### slap them when they turn the corner. He's an information killer, with Class Photo he is almost unstoppable because everyone is always in the dream world. When I was playing him I was dominating so hard I got safety pips. You just have to undersdtand he's not your offensive killer, he's a strategic killer.

    But I get why you're waiting, like I said you're probably better off because you won't have to adapt to his new play style after you've learned so much about him. That's why I'm not playing him right now.

  • e8Lattice
    e8Lattice Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2019

    ^ Freddy finally gets his say?

  • krayziek
    krayziek Member Posts: 21
    Freddy needs two tier dream states. One that is regular like it is and a deep sleep one where only other survivors can wake you up and it makes you take twice as long to do things. 
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @krayziek said:
    Freddy needs two tier dream states. One that is regular like it is and a deep sleep one where only other survivors can wake you up and it makes you take twice as long to do things. 

    That's the most original thing I've heard on this subject. That's like Doctor but more powerful, hot damn.

  • TheDarkWall
    TheDarkWall Member Posts: 132
    CrowFoxy said:

    The worst part is Freddy is actually a decent killer.

    I agree. Don't get me wrong he's the worst killer oh, definitely. Without a doubt. But the killers are all fairly viable in one way or another. So that tier list is pretty close together. I've used Freddy at rank one for a very long time, as well as other killers.

     He needs a buff and some mechanics need fixed. There is no reason whatsoever that the devs have to hold off and keep this massive rework Undercover to the point where many of us question if it will ever happen since it doesn't involve selling a new DLC pack. Faster dream transition, ability to grab survivors from the hatch, failed rescue attempts and vaults even if they aren't in the dream. The ability to pick people up off the ground even if they are being healed. Multiple failed skill checks to wake up. I don't know if all of those things are necessary, but there are certainly small changes they could make to improve the character.

     The thing is, if you can get over not being as good as other killers oh, he's a fun character to play. So my fear is that they will ruin him in the rework.
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @TheDarkWall said:
    CrowFoxy said:

    The worst part is Freddy is actually a decent killer.

    I agree. Don't get me wrong he's the worst killer oh, definitely. Without a doubt. But the killers are all fairly viable in one way or another. So that tier list is pretty close together. I've used Freddy at rank one for a very long time, as well as other killers.

     He needs a buff and some mechanics need fixed. There is no reason whatsoever that the devs have to hold off and keep this massive rework Undercover to the point where many of us question if it will ever happen since it doesn't involve selling a new DLC pack. Faster dream transition, ability to grab survivors from the hatch, failed rescue attempts and vaults even if they aren't in the dream. The ability to pick people up off the ground even if they are being healed. Multiple failed skill checks to wake up. I don't know if all of those things are necessary, but there are certainly small changes they could make to improve the character.

     The thing is, if you can get over not being as good as other killers oh, he's a fun character to play. So my fear is that they will ruin him in the rework.

    More truth on the subject, I hate seeing more and more people bringing up that he's the worst Killer and that this rework is necessary. It's not necessary, he needs tweaks. Legion needs the rework but they're giving him tweaks, why not Freddy? Pig just got tweaks, why not Freddy lol As far as I can tell the only time the Devs tweaked him was to nerf him and then they say he needs a rework, a rework after the small tweak that ''ruined'' him? Why not just ######### get rid of the nerf and tweak the bastard like they tweak everyone else?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @HatCreature said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Wait what was this "glimpse" you speak of?

    In the last PTB where we saw the proposed Legion changes they acci8dentally slipped their possible new mechanic for Freddy. When he activated his power to Transition someone he walked slower. Not slower after he activated his power but slower when you hold the button to Transition. In the Devs stream after that PTB came out they confirmed that that was accident and it was from their Rework for Freddy.

    Oh, that. Honestly it tells us nothing. Besides the fact it's just something that makes him weaker, it doesn't hint at any core changes to his design. On top of that, it's stuff that's being tested so this might not even make it to the final version.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @HatCreature said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Wait what was this "glimpse" you speak of?

    In the last PTB where we saw the proposed Legion changes they acci8dentally slipped their possible new mechanic for Freddy. When he activated his power to Transition someone he walked slower. Not slower after he activated his power but slower when you hold the button to Transition. In the Devs stream after that PTB came out they confirmed that that was accident and it was from their Rework for Freddy.

    Oh, that. Honestly it tells us nothing. Besides the fact it's just something that makes him weaker, it doesn't hint at any core changes to his design. On top of that, it's stuff that's being tested so this might not even make it to the final version.

    Tells us a little though.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Poweas said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @HatCreature said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Wait what was this "glimpse" you speak of?

    In the last PTB where we saw the proposed Legion changes they acci8dentally slipped their possible new mechanic for Freddy. When he activated his power to Transition someone he walked slower. Not slower after he activated his power but slower when you hold the button to Transition. In the Devs stream after that PTB came out they confirmed that that was accident and it was from their Rework for Freddy.

    Oh, that. Honestly it tells us nothing. Besides the fact it's just something that makes him weaker, it doesn't hint at any core changes to his design. On top of that, it's stuff that's being tested so this might not even make it to the final version.

    Tells us a little though.

    Exactly, it's proof it's being worked on.

  • RabidWabbitz
    RabidWabbitz Member Posts: 93

    @perotx said:

    @RabidWabbitz said:

    @perotx said:
    Not everyone wants the rework.

    the vast majority do want the rework and that is why they are doing it though.

    I don't see a vast majority. Quite a lot of threads pop up explaining how Freddy is actually good and a lot of people jump in to agree. I personally know many people who don't think he needs a rework. It's only a very loud and obnoxious minority who is demanding a rework without actually learning to play Freddy. Besides, even if Freddy was weak, it doesn't necessarily means he needs a rework - just a buff, and a lot of people hold that position as well. I'm okay with the devs being vague about the rework because it probably means it's never going to happen.

    keep in mind that the Devs have Stats behind everything that they do. so they can see how many people play every killer and how often everyone dc from killers and so on. so this leads me to believe if they have the stats that back freddy being bad and people not playing him as much that is why you have a re-work in the works. and you say you know many that like it and I can say that I know just as many or more that disagree with your statement so it really just comes down to facts that we do not possess.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @RabidWabbitz said:

    @perotx said:

    @RabidWabbitz said:

    @perotx said:
    Not everyone wants the rework.

    the vast majority do want the rework and that is why they are doing it though.

    I don't see a vast majority. Quite a lot of threads pop up explaining how Freddy is actually good and a lot of people jump in to agree. I personally know many people who don't think he needs a rework. It's only a very loud and obnoxious minority who is demanding a rework without actually learning to play Freddy. Besides, even if Freddy was weak, it doesn't necessarily means he needs a rework - just a buff, and a lot of people hold that position as well. I'm okay with the devs being vague about the rework because it probably means it's never going to happen.

    keep in mind that the Devs have Stats behind everything that they do. so they can see how many people play every killer and how often everyone dc from killers and so on. so this leads me to believe if they have the stats that back freddy being bad and people not playing him as much that is why you have a re-work in the works. and you say you know many that like it and I can say that I know just as many or more that disagree with your statement so it really just comes down to facts that we do not possess.

    There's this and there's also that some people can be good at things others are not. Like Tyde says about Hag, hsays you can be good at Hag but Hag sucks. Now he's wrong about Hag of course but the statement itself is what I'm trying to say. I'm excited for the rework.