Do you think it's possible to have a DbD 2 in a distant future?

I mean, DbD is pretty much an unique game in the market. Though we all have our own feelings regarding this game, we can't deny it is one of the most succesfull games of all time. The market is satured with tons of game, but there's only one DBD and Behaviour probably won't have another title as succesfull.
As I'm an very anxious person, I like to think about the future a lot. Why not a DbD 2? Same killers (at least Spirit must be in), next gen graphics, new effects, new technologies, etc.
What do you think and what would you like to see?
I mean they keep updating graphics, gameplay, bugs and adding new content. Is there really a need for a DBD 2?
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Honestly I would love to see DBD built from the ground up with a better infrastructure. BHVR never saw this game getting this big and the engine wasnt designed with a game this big in mind. The spaghetti code causes new bugs every single patch. Not a DBD 2 but just built from the ground up
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If they made a dbd 2 wouldn’t that mean they would have to reacquire all the licenses again?
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Possibly, if they want to reuse the same licensed killers.
It also means they get to sell those killers a second time to people who've already bought them in DBD 1, so it's still likely to be a financial win.
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I'd love to see a DbD 2.
I just don't want it made by BHVR.
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I don't think they would do a dbd 2. However I do think they might redo most if not all of the code and upgrade to a better engine behind the scenes so that way they don't have to make "dbd 2" and have to reacquire all of their licenses.
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If they do make a DBD 2, Spirit better be in it or no way I'm buying it.
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So many problems with the core gameplay loop are so deeply ingrained in the playerbase that they will never be able to fix them without coming out with a sequel.
In DbD 2, they can say "Survivors have three different objectives, and you're expected to do this, that, and the other."
Any time they try to add even the most simple secondary objective in DbD 1, the survivors lose their minds and the secondary ends up getting nerfed so survivors can just ignore it instead of actually doing anything other than click M1 once per gen.
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I can't remember why but i think they said they don't want to do a DBD 2 and would rather just keep adding to the first one for as long as people keep wanting more DBD.
Personally i don't think it's a good idea. Just look at Overwatch 2. Extremely popular from 2016-2018 and then it started slowing down with the content, eventually coming to a halt to say the following year they are going to make a sequel to this live service game that they have no idea when it will be out. Fast foward 2 years and they come out apologising for the lack of content and say they are going to release basically half the game and then start releasing the start of the other half next year. Whether their plan to revive overwatch will work remains to be seen.
Knowing this i don't think a DBD 2 would be a good idea. If they stopped content for years, i think people would get bored of the game quickly. It's a miracle DBD is even as popular as it is so i think it's better if they just kept with the game we have now and not push luck.
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Next gen VR, where you can feel and be part of the game...
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Why launch a sequel when they can make all the improvements and additions to the live game?
With everything players have bought and time invested, it would be a huge middle finger/money grab to declare we have to start over.
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They don't have to do that.
Final Fantasy Online did this before. They developed game again and then they upgraded game for free. BHVR can go with same way. So there will not be risk to lose playerbase and licenses.
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sounds good in theory, in practice you'll just have a gen in front of your face for most of the game lol
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I would argue that the game needs either a sequel or a complete rework if there is any chance of making the game actually balanced and getting rid of things like camping/tunneling.
I just started playing recently so I don't really know the history like other people, but it seems to me like the game started out as a silly party game that was meant to be played for maybe a couple dozen hours for some casual fun. It caught on, became very popular and now people want it to be balanced and competitive. They also don't want to hold M1 on generators every match but half the perks in the game revolve around gen speed.