Night time gameplay is horrendous

lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

People play so so so so so badly it's almost unimaginable. Not only are they bad when they try to play the game most are just trolls throwing games on purpose just because...People constantly cleansing and using vaccines, people who do nothing but go for chests and do nothing else after that.

So manny farming killers who make matches last half an hour just to farm....

Why are people so damn SAD!? Play the freaking game or GTFO!

And no i don't want SoloQ survivor buffs i want to no be playing with these people, i want better players..

Why am i getting this all night long!? This is the result of making this game for brain dead or damaged people for over 6 years... This is the fault of making the game absolutly skilless and boring for survivors.... You attracted all the brain dead or damaged people. Now you got a population where 90% or more don't know or care to play the game and the 10% that do are constantly frustrated because the other 90% are useless...

If it wasn't for Queues being so damn long for killer and so fast for survivor i wouldn't even touch the cesspool that is Survivor.

Find a way to fix Queues. Get rid of MMR and let everybody be a big Blend where everyone is facing everyone, there will surely be more people to play with instead of all the Jimmy no Thumbs and the Timmy no Brains that exists in this game.


  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    for the farming killer portion, you can literally just do generators and leave, who cares what the other people are trying to do, if the killer tries to force you to farm, you can report them

  • TarunCosmo
    TarunCosmo Member Posts: 181

    Oh I thought we were going to complain about nightfall on Dredge.

    Also I played a game where I named myself PiggyBack Rides to complete a carry survivor challenge. I thought we had fun with me dropping them and carrying them around then go to next survivor and so on. They get 30k BP, I get 30k BP, My challenge is completed, and they all laughed when I said I hope you enjoyed the rides. Well, one person didn't laugh, soooo, sorry you didn't have fun. :)

  • VoidOfMe
    VoidOfMe Member Posts: 416

    right now I play killer and let the survivors leave

    I find it way more fun to get all of them in second hook and then just let them leave

    i farm, they farm and no one gets stressed about it.

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    DbD has reach Call of Duty I think. Maybe not player numbers but more so it's a game that's big enough to have enough traction to not really worry about fading away. They both have a stranglehold on their respective genres, and most of the people playing longer than 2 years are miserable.