Build opinion

My new "meta" Survivor build is

Prove thyself level 3 everyone based because Dwight p3 and because gens are nightmare now and for bps

Off the record level 2 everyone based because zarina is p2. It's obvious it's the new iron will+infinite bt but what I don't like is that it deactivates when all the gens are done

Boon CoH . Its obvious. Self care it's been nerfed to ground so best next solution this perk plus that helps your team

Blast mine. With all these new changes to slowdown perks killers now kick gens more often so a good perk to "counter" make fun or whatever is this . But i might change it and i dont know with what. I used lucky break but lucky break alone is kinda not good. Need help tell me what to run instead of this

You can also use it i you want to

Tell me your survivor builds also if you want

And tell me your opinion on mine


  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Your build is good I think OTR and prove thyself are definitely meta, my tryhard build to rank up is dead hard / kindred / Woo / CoH

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    You forgot bond.

    Haha, I wouldn't say meta, just good in general.

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317

    I personally would not use Blast Mine, because it's ultimately a minor inconvenience at most. There's a lot of better things to put in that slot, such as an Exhaustion perk.

    Mine is OTR, Windows of Opportunity, Lithe, and a flex slot for CoH or Prove Thyself or something else strong like Built to Last + Purple Medkit with add-ons.

    You can basically just go on that perk ranking site and pick 4 of the top 15-ish survivor perks and you've got a strong build.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I think something along the lines of: OTR/CoH/DH (or SB)/Kindred is meta for SoloQ

  • _kostas_pap_207
    _kostas_pap_207 Member Posts: 453

    I think I'll use lithe

    Kindred is very good but whenever I use it my luck gets ######### up and everyone lets me die on 1st hook

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 686

    i run

    COH, Dead Hard ( is so much better than before, its guarantee free hit in pallet or windown), Kindred/bond, Windowns of opportunitty

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    My build recently has been Off The Record/Botany Knowledge/Circle of Healing/Kindred, which I've been having some moderate success with. Botany and CoH play really nicely together, leaving you in a good spot for healing yourself and a good spot for providing healing to the team, whereas OTR and Kindred have obvious utility.

    Yours looks pretty solid, though! Prove Thyself is definitely shaping up to be a meta perk, it's very good.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    The Build I used to run:

    Leader- Having help healing, Cleansing, Unhooking are pretty good IMO

    Stakeout- Getting the bonus for being close to the Killer is good IMO

    Kindred- Getting to know where the Killer is moving to (or staying) and knowing where the other Survivors are is good IMO

    Prove Thyself- Getting Gens done in Solo Queue is hard enough so yea

  • _kostas_pap_207
    _kostas_pap_207 Member Posts: 453

    Yeah everybody runs perks that are guarantee to work as I see

    And it's pretty understandable

    Can't blame anybody

    Thx for the suggestions tho

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2022

    It's not bad, but unless you're doin' a challenge to blind or stun the killer, Blast Mine's just not worth it; Ever since PGTW got nerfed, literally everybody in mid-high MMR runs Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, so Blast Mine's not gonna take the effect.

    If you're in SWF with VOIP, feel free to go without Kindred, but if that's not the case.. Do swap Blast Mine for Kindred; As has the Depip squad proven numerous times, coordination is what makes survivors so good, and that's simply never present in Solo Queue. The least you can do is to make it a bit better by bringing-in Kindred.

    I do kinda like your loadout, I've been using it before, but with Kindred over Blast Mine.

    Nowadays, I do use Boon: COH, Lightweight, Lithe / Prove Thyself / Iron Will, and Kindred pretty much 24/7.

    I'll probably swap the second and third perk with Rebecca's Better Than New and Hyperfocus, though..

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Circle of healing and Shadow step is a pretty deadly combo, I have noticed my survival rate sky rocketed when I started using them every game. Windows of opportunity is still very very strong, have also been using a lot of dead hard and lithe.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Dunno about blast mine but if you enjoy it use it.

    Prove, otr and coh are obviously good. I am always grateful when teammates bring coh. It saved my ass tons of times.

    My current surv build is sb, self aware, otr and woo. Controversial probably but I enjoy it. I don't walk all the time tho I just use self aware for convenience in times I need to save sb for some plays.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited August 2022

    An interesting alternative to Blast Mine if you want to specifically mitigate gen kicking perks, especially Pop Goes the Weasel which is still one of the most used killer perks even after its nerf, is Repressed Alliance. If you block a gen with Repressed Alliance that you think a killer is planning to kick with Pop it lasts for 30 seconds which is enough time that the killer's Pop window will probably expire before the block does. Like others said above, as a killer player I never really find Blast Mine all that powerful against me, it's more just an annoying effect that slows me down a few seconds than something really impactful.

    P.S. There is one niche use for Blast Mine I can think of, pair it with Residual Manifest to inflict Blindness on the killer for 30 seconds when they kick the trapped gen. Killer blindness is actually not too bad an effect since it makes it so they can't see the generator or hook auras or any auras from any of their perks or add-ons. (And unlike blind survivors, killers don't potentially have someone else on comms to tell them where things are on the map.)

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 930

    Prove Thyself is not as good as people make it out to be, particularly when you can't coordinate with fellow survivors to pressure certain important gens together. But it's also not bad of course, and alongside Blast Mine you will at least more often get other survivors on your gens. My tip for your build if you want to keep Prove however would be to replace Blast Mine with Bond and then Circle with Sprint Burst. Bond can partly do both of those perks' jobs, since you can join other survivors on their gens (or lead them to yours), and also get heals from them/heal them. And then Bond obviously has a lot of utility beyond that. Sprint Burst is just the best Exhaustion perk now, and it also sort of replaces Blast Mine's utility in that you can make a lot of distance away from gens if the killer decides to kick them.

    I think the most solid build particularly if you're playing solo and as such have no team loadout coordination is Borrowed Time, Off The Record, Sprint Burst + 1. OTR in case you get tunnelled, which is crucial to have tools against, but you can also intentionally take aggro after being unhooked and use the extra hit that way. BT in case your fellow survivors don't have OTR, as well as for endgame saves. Sprint Burst because again, it's the best Exhaustion perk - you can use it to pressure gens and hooks more safely even in deadzones, you can use it to increase the starting distance of chases, you can use it in chases if you 99% it or are capable of recovering Exhaustion mid-chase, you can use it to traverse the map and position for rescue plays (e. g. pallet and flashlight saves), and crucially, you can use it instantly after getting unhooked to make sure you retain your Endurance for the potentially ensuing chase, as well as to make actual use of the 5 seconds of base Endurance (relevant in the endgame for this build, since OTR doesn't work there of course).

    The final perk can be much of anything, but the best candidates usually are: Kindred, Bond, Circle Of Healing, Adrenaline, Unbreakable, Deliverance, Decisive Strike, Prove Thyself, and in the future, Reassurance. Hope, Resilience and Vigil are also good, and ultimately you can use whatever you personally like in this slot. Will mention that bringing a med-kit with this is usually the best idea.

    Here's a few different surv builds I personally like:

    Dead Hard, Desperate Measures, Resilience, Self-Care - Measures and Resilience increase not only your self-healing speed, but also your unhooking speed, which alongside Dead Hard can allow you to go for bold unhooks where you tank a hit, unhook, and then tank another hit via DH. You can potentially replace Self-Care with Borrowed Time here, and bring a med-kit instead.

    Sprint Burst, Vigil, Self-Aware, Hope - With Vigil, you want to stand and walk in chases as much as possible so as to recover Exhaustion and get your SB back. Self-Aware helps with this by making walking mid-chase possible more often, and in the endgame, as does Hope.

    Kindred, Bond, Windows Of Opportunity, Open-Handed - Pretty self-explanatory.

    Lithe, Quick & Quiet, Dance With Me, Iron Will/Lightweight; Head On, Quick & Quiet, Decisive Strike, Parental Guidance; Circle Of Healing, Shadow Step, Overcome, Bite The Bullet; Overcome, Lucky Break, Inner Healing, Quick & Quiet - A variety of stealth-juke builds.

    Dead Hard, Breakout, Resilience, Self-Care/Circle/Bond + sabobox - Sabobuild. Resilience makes sabo even faster, DH can save you after the sabo, particularly if they have STBFL.

    Dead Hard, Saboteur, Resilience, Flashbang - Another one, this time relying on the right timing of dropping your flashbang at a hook and starting the sabo such that the killer is forced to look up and can't hit you while you finish the sabo.