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Wesker 1 week later? Buff/Nerf?

Petforces Member Posts: 42

I'm not here to say one way or another, and truly only the devs know by looking at stats. But In your opinion, should Wesker be Buffed or Nerfed. Or is he fine the way he is? Also small side note how do you feel about him having the largest terror radius in the game?

Wesker 1 week later? Buff/Nerf? 35 votes

GibberishMrPenguinMattie_MayhemOGmewmewLordRegalpanakucilver_NIGHTMARE_Viktor1853ThatOneDemoPlayerLeFennecFox[Deleted User]LekitzulSmoeConfigCybilxni6_SlanWowieIgor_Bielobereg 20 votes
Wolff_BringerbadThotsVenusaPSPTuttersWife 5 votes
Just fine.
Adeloobrokedownpalacemusstang62MrJack20252YatolAurelleEvilSerjeAlex_ArkckTyGuy 10 votes


  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,629
    edited August 2022

    I'm not entirely sure. From what i can tell his power is kind of like trickster where it's useless in some loops but if he catches you out in the open he's gonna beat you to death.

    HOWEVER, unlike trickster, he is 4.6m/s and he has a lot of impactful add-ons. Him being 4.6m/s means he shouldn't struggle so much in loops.

    His terror radius means that terror radius perk will be great on him. Use Sloppy, Distressing, Coulrophobia, those survivors are going to have a very difficult time healing. I think this is a great thing because terror radius perks have always been underused.

  • WalterBlack
    WalterBlack Member Posts: 148

    His bugs need to be ironed out first. See how he does (relatively) bug-free.

  • Igor_Bielobereg
    Igor_Bielobereg Member Posts: 67
    edited August 2022

    He should be buffed and finalized.

    1. Charge time of Virulent Bound is too long for a power, that is non-lethal and straightforward. It should be the same as Demogorgon's (1 second).

    2. Wesker lacks mobility. That can only be fixed by a special ability dedicated to it. I propose a dash similar to Oni's Demon Dash, but without being able to attack.

    If you combine lack of mobility and 40 meters terror radius, you are not helping, but hurting him. In a state as he was in PTB, 40 meters terror radius is unjustified.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    i think buff him by fixing collision, setting his terror radius to 32m (40m should be reserved for killers who get around the map quick enough to warrant it), allow him to use his second dash after vaulting a pallet/window if he has it, and have him hit vaulting survivors (he has a slap for hitting endurance, they can reuse that quite easily)

  • Petforces
    Petforces Member Posts: 42

    I truly hating playing Oni, with his dash. Same as Hillbilly, and I was so afraid they would give Wesker a power with that effect. I'm so happy he does not have a power like that lol. Its just to hard to do right with controller imo.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think he's mostly fine assuming they tweak his collisions like they did for Blight after his PTB. There are two other possible slight adjustments I wouldn't mind

    • Tweak Bound so it does a normal attack against survivors who are mid-vault. (Currently Wesker just stops dead in his tracks and does nothing when the survivor is mid-vault which looks kind of odd.)
    • Swap the priorities of Bound and Desperate Measures so that if a survivor is trying to raise a pallet with Desperate Measures while simultaneously Wesker tries to vault it then Wesker's vault cancels the survivor's attempt. Again as above, it looks kind of odd to have Wesker just come to a dead stop at a pallet that a survivor is fiddling with that common sense says he would just vault over.

    Aside from those fairly minor changes I'm hoping for and the devs probably slightly shrinking the size of his collision box for Bounds so he doesn't stop dead on really tiny objects and corners I think he's solid. 🙂 He has very good map mobility, can Bound around corners, his maximum Bound range is very good (I think it's 21 meters which is a few meters longer than Deathslinger can shoot), he can get instant downs, and his Infections can noticeably Hinder survivors. He even has just a touch of periodic tracking with his killer instinct when a survivor cures themselves. I think he's looking to be A tier assuming they make the minor adjustments.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 306

    It can be considered a buff, but it would be more like fixing him. His hitbox is still inconsistent, especially with survivors, as sometimes when you collide with them they alter your trajectory instead of grabbing them as you should.

    Then, as a propper buff, I'd reduce his cooldown a bit. It simply does not feel right that his power has such a high cooldown. I'd also make him able to dash after vaulting, or simply not having to wait after doing so. That animation after vaulting takes time and makes vaulting useless most times, as the survivor gains distance from you unless they make a mistake.

    And why a 40 meter terror radius? It is excessive. For the killer it's bad because they know when are you comming more clearly than with the others, and for survivor it is also a bad thing due to perks like starstruck and coulrophobia.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    Just fine.

    The only one that need nerf is the Pig, of course. Wesker is fine.

  • Pyrosorc
    Pyrosorc Member Posts: 202

    At this point I just want him to get a normal terror radius and a sound queue when he uses power, like every other killer with similar mechanics.