Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Buffing Solo queue is NOT going to make it better

ThiccClaud Member Posts: 78
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

Just do a little experiment and run Bond + Open Handed in solo queue. No amount of communication or information is going to make the random Meg do a gen over the nearby totem/chest. The main reason why SWFs are better than solo queue is not the comms, but the fact that they did the matchmaking themselves. I play SWFs without comms and its nothing like solo queue


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,597

    I'd say getting more basekit changes would help... but it's Killer basekit that I am talking about

    1) Revert the 10 extra charges per Gen... makes it better for new(er) players

    2) Increase the base Gen regression to .50... that should (theoretically) lower Camping enough -cause giving Killer players more use out of base regression means less regression perks are being used and gives more reward to spending time to kick Gens

    Then perks can be next... cause why not

    1) Change all of the regression perks to fit the new base regression... also it'll allow more to be done to regression perks

    2) Revert the stun time on DS... cause that was necessary

    Then Maps...

    Change how: Pallets, Long walls, LT walls and Deadzones are figured in the algorithm

    I would say Killer Powers but that may be to much at this point... but yes those as well

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    They just need to stop try to buff solo-queue with perk band-aid fixes, no one wants to waste several perk slots just so they can get the slightest bit of information, add some form of communication.

    Chat wheel, icons for what that survivor is doing, ect. But every "buff" to solo-queue is normally a perk because they don't give a reasonable buffs, there has been plenty of suggestions that I've seen that would buff solo queue without making swf stronger.

    More information would help, just not so much information that you end up becoming an unstoppable force, also it depends how competent your solo team is as well, because sometimes you get good teams, and sometimes you get people that run around with their heads cut off. But this has less to do with solo-queue as a whole and just the terrible MMR, because no one wants to play Survivor anymore, so people have been swapping to kill her which has made killer queue times hell, and survivors just get put with whoever.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    Honstly, I think that depends on just how we are planning to improve SoloQ. An emblem system that allows you to see what the other survivors are doing will definitely not be enough. I recon some kind of notification system to delegate and communicate would definitely help but of course SoloQ will never be equal to SWF.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    You're absolutely right about matchmaking. Because it is general misconseption. SWF is not equals tournament team. SWF is just some dudes play together 80% of the time. Main fuzz is that strong players get very much valuable information. Thing is that very few killers that complaining about SWF are actually meet strong SWF teams.

    But bond info is still useful if random Meg is used it too. Kindred helps a lot, btw.

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 302

    SWF get about 20 information perks for free. That's a huge boost even if they're mediocre players.

  • ThiccClaud
    ThiccClaud Member Posts: 78

    Maybe read before you reply, it would make you look at lot less stupid

  • ThiccClaud
    ThiccClaud Member Posts: 78

    I'm just saying it's not going to magically make solo queue less frustrating. If anything, it will make it more frustrating knowing that that random Meg has the right information and is still too ######### to do a gen

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963

    Nothing about most game balance complaints is actually about game health. its always about "getting mine" to most people.

    It takes a lot more effort and insight to consider why each role runs into the issues they do, and the psychology behind why they adapt the way they do. Its much less common to see that kind of perspective instead of just "x thing is always a problem for me specifically, it needs to go!"

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    He actually has a point, you said that to prove comms don't make much difference you can

    Just do a little experiment and run Bond + Open Handed in solo queue. No amount of communication or information is going to make the random Meg do a gen over the nearby totem/chest. The main reason why SWFs are better than solo queue is not the comms, but the fact that they did the matchmaking themselves. I play SWFs without comms and its nothing like solo queue

    Of course that's a terrible experiment because you're running two perks to get information that if you were on comms you'd partly get for free. Also if the Meg was on comms with you then you could be asking her to get on a gen or ask what she was doing which would spur her to get on a gen.

    I'm not disagreeing with you that showing auras isn't as good as actually being on comms and directly giving feedback on what's going on. But I guarantee if people in solo queue got Bond and Open Handed -for free- along with four other perks they would have better escape rates.

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293
    edited August 2022

    You are 100% wrong. For example, if someone goes up on hook having comms or other information would help because the other three players wouldn't stop doing their gens, chests or whatever else they might be doing at the time to go for the unhook. Communication is key to winning any multiplayer game. Just watch any pro tournament. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if they didn't have some form of communication.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Solo queue was decent when MMR was more strict when it released. With the way MMR is currently working to make killer queues shorter you could make gens take 40 seconds and solo queue would probably still be terrible.

  • ThiccClaud
    ThiccClaud Member Posts: 78

    You are totally not getting why I said to do the experiment. The point of the experiment is to see what your teammates are doing. Which in solo queue is nothing most of the time. No amount of information giving is going to change the fact that the random Meg just doesn't want to sit on gens

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Well yeah, your basically removing the rng of teammates. If I know there are teammates that will actually do necessary actions then I'm not gonna use certain perks and that frees up a lot more individual potential.

    Aside from the action icons that were mentioned, I doubt there are many changes that can be done to solo without making swf even stronger.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,840

    Trust me, it's not the huge boost you think it is. Good players aren't reliant on comms, and comms don't make mediocre players better if they're bad at chase.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    being swf does not mean you auto-win the game. there are many weak swf that are not strong. 4 solo players that are bad at the chase will lose faster and get less total gens done.

  • Chaellooo
    Chaellooo Member Posts: 106

    still waiting for the devs to make kindred basekit