Do You Think a Gorilla Would be a Good Killer?

Naturally just shoving a Gorilla by itself isn't a good killer, obviously there would have to be some primal based power and some other elements to make them horror. But to make the argument FOR a basic Gorilla we can take the fundamentals of horror antagonists and make them apply here.
Horror relies on the concept of 'the other' or some creature that is unnatural to a circumstance or within an entire setting and situation that is unnatural to the protagonist (Which should be a natural extension of the audience.) That's why the less we know about it the better. For example, if you put an Orc in a fantasy setting, that's just a normal every day occurrence. You put an Orc in a modern day setting that doesn't typically have orcs, and have it hunt in the night you have horror. I'd say that the latter example is very similar to your slasher horror.
So by that context alone a Gorilla outside of its element in a situation that is intrinsically not natural or not safe for humans can easily be horror. Narratively speaking this would be a classic story of Man V. Nature, this isn't that uncommon for horror either. If you look at Western's a lot of horror found there was in the wildlife like bears, wolves and mountain lions.
A lot of the killers we have already have elements of not knowing it's motive like Dredge and Demogorgan. Essentially primal forces of nature that just kill for the sake of killing.
I also did a quick google search and discovered that a Gorilla's strength can be as much as 4 times that of a human which got me thinking. A 4v1 is a perfect match against a gorilla which is the asymmetrical formula that DBD uses.
I don't necessarily know what the power of a Gorilla could be, but I do know that I would be terrified if I were being pursued by a Gorilla especially in the indoor maps.
Opinions? Thoughts?
Blighted gorilla, I can picture it. Imagine the skins they could come up with.
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The best
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We could have a Congo DLC and have Bruce Campbell's character from that movie so we could have 2 different Bruce survivors. 😂
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Man I'm just thinking of the viscera of a Gorilla Mori where he just grabs a survivor by the head and swings them around violently with rage monke noises until splattering them on the ground with the force of a thousand suns.
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Monke mode
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Perk: Banana
After hooking a survivor, a banana spawns in the trial, if you pick it up, you eat it
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NO I just want a gorrila. No fancy power because gorrilas dont have powers. Just a gorrila that does gorrila #########.
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I am in full support of this
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Reject Modernity, Embrace Monkey
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I mean compared to a human a Gorilla being a normal Gorilla is a power. A Gorilla simply racing towards you while beating its chest and shouting is a typical Gorilla behavior that puts the fear of God into you.
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Alternatively, it does this
i can guarantee that if we ever got a Gorilla killer with a Rajang skin, i would buy it immediately
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A Gorilla killer would probably drag a survivor by the ankles instead of carrying them over their shoulder.
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Exactly. Just a gorrila that does gorrila things in a gorrila way.
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This is not a thing I have ever thought about and probably never would have...but I kinda want it now. So I don't think a straight gorilla works in dbd and the only example I can really think of is king kong who is obviously far too big BUT there are tons of sasquatch and yeti horror movies and that would be pretty close to a gorilla.
As for a power I'm not sure maybe some sort of roar AoE that creates a hinder or a dash that goes through walls and pallets? Kinda at a loss tbh as they're not really known for anything other than brute strength and being able to hide well.
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Now this topic made me laugh a bit.
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So you want Winston from Overwatch
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Lowkey.... I'd be for it
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Kind of, but Winston is smart and uses technology and has a whole character art involving heroism and nobility. He can even speak English.
I just want like a Gorilla of normal Gorilla strength and aptitude.
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No, I don't like the idea of endangered species being presented as horror villains.
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I think gorillas make everything better, so.
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I hadn't considered it but yeah, a killer gorilla could be pretty fun. 🙂
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I guess it's conceivable that a gorilla could play blight better than me.
Wait that wasn't the question?
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New Killer: Flying Gorilla from Flying Gorilla on the app store
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That wasn't the question but it should've been.
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King Kong or Grape Ape?