This game is well balanced and I will make it even more
Since the meta perks nerfs for survivors, DbD team propagandaed the so called scourge hook pain resonance ann a series of great perks for killers in the place for the ruined ones. Now every day in east asia server, I keeping getting 4k with 3 or 4 gens left playing as killer and the same as survivor. There has never been one exception match, given how east asia players are not so skillful in general. Shout in slogan with me : Pretty good job so far ! Game perfectly balanced ! From today on, I will begin afking as survivor to grind Shards easily, since killer takes great time to queue up, obviously players are not fool and all know how ez it is now to play killer. GG worse and worse game, now ruining other survivors pleasure is my greatest pleasure since matches all go 4k in the end.
Btw, playing killer really is not fun anymore since with current meta perks, Nurse and Blight guarantee me a 4K in every single match.
: ) Be salty as you can thanks.
For those who cares : I have 1600 hours in this game since 3.1.0. It was a great game.
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Wow, cool. What a interesting and innovative post. I've never seen a discussion like this before!
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You say playing killer is easy then you tell us all that you use the 2 best killers in the game, which pretty much makes your whole topic pointless if playing killer is so easy do it with bad killers and non meta perks?
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I keep seeing some version of your last paragraph and I still don't get it. It usually goes like:
-"Killer is so easy it's boring, I 4k every time playing nurse and blight with meta perks and their best add-ons and tunnelling at 5 gens"
-"So don't do any of that"
If you're wanting a challenge play padded jaws trapper with no perks or something. Send yourself to eyrie too if you like. I assume no one has a gun to your head demanding that you finish off your collection of alchemist rings.
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LOL i have 1.500 hours since February. I started with 5.X.X...
What will u tell us?
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You are forgetting one small fact: killers are not the only role played by humans.
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I agree, it's pointless, they are the two by far best killers of the game. Fun is i don't even play them xD
Should give a more serious try one day...
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We don't.
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I'm not sure I follow
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I think OP is highly exagerating. Personally I've been only playing killer since the patch and tunneling/facecamping every game, and, while it's true that most of my games have been 4Ks, there's still this occasional game where a survivor has been crawling on the ground for several minutes like a miserable slug and makes me feel so uncomfortable that I end up giving them hatch, breaking my streak.
On top of it, there have been many times where the person I decided to tunnel straight up DC'd, which also prevents me from getting a 4K and makes me feel powerless. I don't think this should be allowed, imo when a survivor wants to leave, the game should first ask the killer whether they want to allow it or not. The killer is supposed to be the power role, so if I decide to tunnel this guy he should not be able to prevent my strategy with just one click.
So in the end, survivors still have options to escape, they just need to adapt. The reality is, before the patch solo Q survivors were toxic low MMR players who were just here to bully the killer, and deserved to be spanked. BHVR properly recognized that and addressed it, so now nasty survivors have to respect the killer's authority.