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Basement Trapper Solo Queue Experience

Basment trapper is legitimately the most boring, anti-fun, anti-skill play style for solo queue. I went down with 2 gen remaining after a 3 gen chase and got left on the hook until death. I think solo queue survivors should have a base kit version of kindred to heavily punish facecamping killers, but to also give enough information against camping oriented killers like trapper and bubba. Trapper could still make use of clever trap placement around strong tiles, but would be at a disadvantage if they wanted to trap every entrance point around a basement.


  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 302
    edited August 2022

    If it's solo queue and you're up against a killer like trapper you should just stay away from the basement even if it means you go down faster, and never attempt a save there. Even if it looks like he's leaving, he's really not and he WILL tunnel even through Off The Record. Do the gens and get out. Fortunately nobody plays Trapper anymore. And yeah, Kindred should have been made basekit years ago.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    While you got my sympathy, here is a hot solution: as a soloQ survivor you can vastly increase your chances of getting rescued/survival and heavily punish camping in one fell stroke ... by just equipping the perk Kindred.

    Unironically, try running Kindred/Bond/OpenHanded and a perk of your choice and live the soloQ dream.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Let Trapper have Its only good thing he is good at. Run Kindred if you hate it so much.

    It's not like you see Trapper once a week.

  • S4ShadowWolf
    S4ShadowWolf Member Posts: 92

    This post makes it sound like everyone is running basement Trapper. You're lucky if you see one. Not to mention its still Trapper, so if he's doing basement tactics, he's got to get you down there. Even in your example, 3 gens were done before he managed to down you.

    God forbid Trapper has to use his kit to his advantage rather than run a Machete Man build and hope the survivors he's against don't have thousands of hours and know typical trap placement and tactics.

    Just go to the next game and move on. Is it fun to die to first hook? No. But it's not like it's a common tactic. And why in God's name are you comparing camping with Trapper with Leatherface? One has to set up, get survivors where he needs them and hope they don't get everything done before he gets someone into the basement. The other one holds M2 and you die. Not exactly the same.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    It was kind of your mistake to go down near basement. I know... it's hard to realize where basement is mid chase and sometimes too late once you know that you won't make it far away enough from basement, but if you ran the trapper for that long, you should have been able to take note on where basement was.

    Also, if you ran the trapper for that long, you kind of have to expect him to use the only thing he's got to guarantee one kill and maybe get another if the survivors are greedy. Most games in soloq will have survivor just complete the gens and leave you in basement because that is the most logical play to do generally. There's only been on game in soloq where we almost recovered from a basement situation because the trap was just far enough in the doorway where i could hold the trap as someone ran out (still didn't make it because someone else assisting got stuck in a trap nearby and got sent to basement).

    Going down near basement is a death sentence with some killers, so it's just best to avoid basement even though it may cause your chase to end quicker.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940
    edited August 2022

    Delete basement tbh... unless killer play super nice it's an autolose nowadays, would be much more fun and healthy if the whole map had normal hooks

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    Like basement trapper being the most oppressive build.

    You are against a trapper, stay away from places he can lock!

    Like when you are against bubba you stay away from open spaces.

    Why you need to make the life miserable to a killer noone play anymore?

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    i play basement trap without tunneling thank you very much.