Things I want in DBD that will never happen Pt.2

JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

Just a random list of things I thought would be cool in Dead by Daylight but I guarantee will never be in the game.

-Create your own maps: I always thought that there should be a mode where players could make their own maps using the assets in the game, they could choose the color of the map, generator, totem, hook, basement, chest etc. placements, program the actions that repaired generators do, Example: Opening certain doors upon activation. I love thinking about this idea, but I highly doubt this will never be thought of, considering that Behavior probably don't even use the forums for content ideas.

-Other escape modes: Escape in the car, boat, helicopter, kill the killer IDK, fixing generators and opening some poorly constructed gate gets a little boring after awhile.

-Voice acting: Like, actual talking. I still don't understand why nobody talks. Sure there are theories and speculations, but they aren't official reasons why nobody talks. I really want to hear Freddy call the survivors "#########" while he kills them.

-Console Exclusive survivor: Yeah, I doubt it

-Original Freddy: Maybe in some alternate universe we have cosmetics for Freddy that make him look like the original Robert Englund Freddy, but not this universe

-Offline Bots: They won't add these because let's be honest, in most games, the AI are pretty easy to deal with and because of this in DBD if they ever added them then they most likely wouldn't give you any points unlike games like Friday the 13th

More Moris: LOL more Moris

That's about it, remember that being toxic can get you camped, peace

Post edited by JoyfulLeader on


  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @Swiftblade131 said:
    A fun match for both sides :chuffed:

    True :chuffed:

  • borna_lk
    borna_lk Member Posts: 124
    I just want a rank reward system. maybe a 2 v 8 game mode but honestly the game NEEDS dedicated servers before that and will need to revamp maps or make bigger maps for the gamemode
  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @borna_lk said:
    I just want a rank reward system. maybe a 2 v 8 game mode but honestly the game NEEDS dedicated servers before that and will need to revamp maps or make bigger maps for the gamemode

    Sounds like a fun gamemode, I hear everyone talk about a gamemode like this since 2016, but I think after we get Dedicated Servers then the devs should think about adding more modes

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836
    Might be quite unpopular to say but a different payment model and studio.

    For a niche game like this, a free to play model would make the most sense to me. Remove as many barriers to entry that you can, without comprising on the core experience.

    Plus the game is already set up with a micro transaction oriented store, it wouldn’t be all that different. Other than that, a more experienced and employed studio to update the game would be wondrous.
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @JoyfulLeader said:
    Just a random list of things I thought would be cool in Dead by Daylight but I guarantee will never be in the game.

    -Create your own maps: I always thought that there she be a mode where players could make their own maps using the assets in the game, they could choose he color of them map, generator, totem, hook, basement, chest etc. placements, program the actions that repaired generators do, Example: Opening certain doors upon activation. I live thinking about this idea, but I highly doubt this will never be thought of, considering that Behavior probably don't even use the forums for content ideas.

    -Other escape modes: Escape in the car, boat helicopter, kill the killer IDK, fixing generators and opening some poorly constructed gate gets a little boring after awhile.

    -Voice acting: Like, actual talking. I still don't understand why nobody talks. Sure there are theories and speculations, but they aren't official reasons why nobody talks. I really want to hear Freddy call the survivors "#########" while he kills them.

    -Console Exclusive survivor: Yeah, I doubt it

    -Original Freddy: Maybe in some alternate universe we have cosmetics for Freddy that make him look like the original Robert Englund Freddy, but not this universe

    -Offline Bots: They won't add these because let's be honest, in most games, the AI are pretty easy to deal with and because of this in DBD if they ever added them then they most likely wouldn't give you any points unlike games like Friday the 13th

    More Moris: LOL more Moris

    That's about it, remember that being toxic can get out camped, peace

    I can't remember the last time I agreed with everything in an op...

    But I agree with all these! Fun escape modes...YES! Make me.guard a boat/chopper/ sounds like an awesome change!

    Great voice lines (lauries grunts are the closest thing we the original Halloween when she is trying to unlock the door when being chased by mm...they got it pretty close!), But it would be fun to see some dialogue...especially If it was in surround sound!

    And the original freddy...scary from 1 yet campy from 3-5(and ok...throw in something from 2..).I grew up with those....PLEASE put them in game (getting tired of the revamps).

    And an AI mode....omfg, I have been wanting this since forever! BHVR: go ask blizzard how much $ I spent in the past year to play mostly against AI! Then tell me you can't finance one.



  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @Attackfrog said:

    @JoyfulLeader said:
    Just a random list of things I thought would be cool in Dead by Daylight but I guarantee will never be in the game.

    -Create your own maps: I always thought that there she be a mode where players could make their own maps using the assets in the game, they could choose he color of them map, generator, totem, hook, basement, chest etc. placements, program the actions that repaired generators do, Example: Opening certain doors upon activation. I live thinking about this idea, but I highly doubt this will never be thought of, considering that Behavior probably don't even use the forums for content ideas.

    -Other escape modes: Escape in the car, boat helicopter, kill the killer IDK, fixing generators and opening some poorly constructed gate gets a little boring after awhile.

    -Voice acting: Like, actual talking. I still don't understand why nobody talks. Sure there are theories and speculations, but they aren't official reasons why nobody talks. I really want to hear Freddy call the survivors "#########" while he kills them.

    -Console Exclusive survivor: Yeah, I doubt it

    -Original Freddy: Maybe in some alternate universe we have cosmetics for Freddy that make him look like the original Robert Englund Freddy, but not this universe

    -Offline Bots: They won't add these because let's be honest, in most games, the AI are pretty easy to deal with and because of this in DBD if they ever added them then they most likely wouldn't give you any points unlike games like Friday the 13th

    More Moris: LOL more Moris

    That's about it, remember that being toxic can get out camped, peace

    I can't remember the last time I agreed with everything in an op...

    But I agree with all these! Fun escape modes...YES! Make me.guard a boat/chopper/ sounds like an awesome change!

    Great voice lines (lauries grunts are the closest thing we the original Halloween when she is trying to unlock the door when being chased by mm...they got it pretty close!), But it would be fun to see some dialogue...especially If it was in surround sound!

    And the original freddy...scary from 1 yet campy from 3-5(and ok...throw in something from 2..).I grew up with those....PLEASE put them in game (getting tired of the revamps).

    And an AI mode....omfg, I have been wanting this since forever! BHVR: go ask blizzard how much $ I spent in the past year to play mostly against AI! Then tell me you can't finance one.



    You seem happy, I'm very pleased you agree! :chuffed:

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @Blueberry said:
    You forgot "game balance".

    Isn't that a great dream.

    What are your main balancing issues?

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Kill the killer? YOU MONSTER. You would ever hurt Phillip?!
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Voice acting is probably the one thing out of that list I sincerely hope they never introduce. 
  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @PigNRun said:
    Voice acting is probably the one thing out of that list I sincerely hope they never introduce. 

    IDK, maybe if they ever added a story mode?

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    You should be allowed as many killers and survivors as you want in kyf. Always figured this would be kinda fun. Just me?

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @blue4zion said:
    You should be allowed as many killers and survivors as you want in kyf. Always figured this would be kinda fun. Just me?

    I agree with you, I love messing around in KYF, they should add things like moon gravity or flying in it or something like that

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    @JoyfulLeader said:

    @blue4zion said:
    You should be allowed as many killers and survivors as you want in kyf. Always figured this would be kinda fun. Just me?

    I agree with you, I love messing around in KYF, they should add things like moon gravity or flying in it or something like that

    Give everyone +100 movement speed. Oml those would be chaotic xD

  • things they will never add:
    physics for feng's hair

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,683

    @JoyfulLeader said:

    @Blueberry said:
    You forgot "game balance".

    Isn't that a great dream.

    What are your main balancing issues?

    You mean specifically or that you just disagree?

    The game isn't even remotely close to balanced. Anyone that plays both sides at rank 1 with a decent amount of hours agrees to this.

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @Blueberry said:

    @JoyfulLeader said:

    @Blueberry said:
    You forgot "game balance".

    Isn't that a great dream.

    What are your main balancing issues?

    You mean specifically or that you just disagree?

    The game isn't even remotely close to balanced. Anyone that plays both sides at rank 1 with a decent amount of hours agrees to this.

    I was curious on the most annoying things about this game in your opinion, but okay...

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2019
    • Season and Devotion Rewards
  • I agree with all those thing, it sounds awesome. I only have one thing to say maybe for all killers and survivors from a film customasation, not only freddy. How cool would it be if evry survivor had a costume of his/her killer.. 
  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @Quentins_TwynBrother said:
    I agree with all those thing, it sounds awesome. I only have one thing to say maybe for all killers and survivors from a film customasation, not only freddy. How cool would it be if evry survivor had a costume of his/her killer.. 

    I thought about that one time, that would be interesting

  • borna_lk
    borna_lk Member Posts: 124
    I rlly would like them to half the prices in the store, they’d sell WAY more auric cells that way. Rn there’s probably only 10% of the playbase actively buying auric cells, imagine is 50% were, more money = more quality 
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    Freddy rework-I mean you have all of the things that won't occur that I want to occur

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    The silence is so you don't alert the killer.

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    Freddy rework-I mean you have all of the things that won't occur that I want to occur

    But a Freddy rework is happening. This is a list of things that WON'T come to this game

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    @JoyfulLeader said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    Freddy rework-I mean you have all of the things that won't occur that I want to occur

    But a Freddy rework is happening. This is a list of things that WON'T come to this game

    It was a joke but okay

  • Ghost_Potato
    Ghost_Potato Member Posts: 59

    Survivor slowdown when running into/along a wall, and killer either getting stunned or blocked by a pallet not both.

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @Ghost_Potato said:
    Survivor slowdown when running into/along a wall, and killer either getting stunned or blocked by a pallet not both.

    But, killers already get stunned and blocked by pallets

  • Maybe for killer costumisations what if the entity took them over, They would-be all dark and with spider claws.
    What do you think

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    I at one point decided to watch the first movie of all Killers, since i never did.
    Today, i still don't know if the movie i watched was the one with Robert Englund.