This game is just not fun anymore...
I'll be honest, im basically a survivor main. Play killer rarely when im bored, but its just too easy now a days. I just feel like with the gens being slower, killers actions being faster. I swear it feels like doing more than 2 gens before someone dies on hook is rare now a days. Plus with all the survivor nerfed perks, its just rough man lol People dc'ing, dying on hook... I escape maybe 2 out of every 10 games it seems like...
Playing in a SWF is basically what the patch is enticing because solo queue is hell right now.
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Yeah its crazy man, People have picked up tunneling as meta. I'm running big bt guardian otr and deliverance and 9/10 games someone is still getting tunneled out of the game at 5 gens. It's super rough playing 3v1 most games. I'm doing it as killer as well because its so effective. Would love to see some kind of "electrified" perk. You hit the person off the hook and you are stunned in place for 3/4/5 seconds.
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dude... you know how many times theres 4 gens left, and already 2 people on death hook? You're lucky to get 2 gens done...