Tunneling Has Gotten Out of Hand Since The Mid Chapter Patch

Star99er Member Posts: 1,452
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

I rarely ever got tunneled beforehand as it was never an effective strategy at higher MMR but I feel like ever since the mid chapter balance changes it's made things much worse. With how much more time it now takes survivors to complete Generators + DS Nerf + the base kit buffs killers got there's no longer an effective way to counter this playstyle especially in Solo Queue. It's better for killers to eat OTR & DS and just keep tunneling because how slow the game is now. Literally almost every game either me or another survivor gets tunneled. Somethings needs to be done about this.

Post edited by Star99er on


  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,629

    did you tried to discover the cause of all this? it's because only 10 seconds added to generators won't change things in the slightest, quite the contrary, it only worsened the situation that was already grim since slowdown perks were utterly nerfed, survivors bring tools to improve the genspeed due to this change (mostly prove thyself) and maps are still broken... i talk for experience: since that rework i had literally 3 matches that were chill, the rest were all sweaty (and toxic most of the times) tryharders, who worsened the situation by bringing map offerings (those should go away from the game once and for all btw), white wards with the best items and addons and ABUSING zones on the map that are just straight up unfair and unbalanced (yesterday one of those matches that i did: start a normal chase, hit the survivor once, with their sprint they went in the central house that's actually an infinite, then heal themself with CoH... the map was garden of joy and i was playing as ghostface, every survivor in that match did this, no one tried to loop in other zones of the map despite this map has tons of pallets and windows). We can call this "optimal" gameplay (just like playing nurse and tunnel the 1st survivor that you see), but if you abuse those zones then don't complain about killers play in that way...

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Alot of the influx of Campers and Tunnelers I believe are Survivors that moved over to Killer after patch.

    Before patch I found a Camper/Tunnel maybe 1 out of 30 games but after patch I see a Camper/Tunneler 1 out of 10 games. They aren't new players either because they have t3 perks.

    There's no way that many Killers would switch to Face Camping or Toxic Tunneling after patch without some kind of influx of new Killers albeit New players or Switched players.

    But that's just my opinion because there is no real way to prove it unless BHVR has statistics that can show that.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    use ds if you getting tunneled

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    "It's ONLY 5 seconds of Endurance and Haste at base" never fails to put a smile on my face.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    they will not. since most of them aren't getting tunneled actually, they just dislike being caught again down the road

  • Vagab0ndCat
    Vagab0ndCat Member Posts: 80

    "With how much more time it now takes survivors to complete Generators"

    Aaaand I stopped reading.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Without using a perk or anything. Compare that to before.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,197

    Tunnelling was always a strong strategy at any mmr, and this was always a much-complained about topic. So the idea of not much tunnelling at high mmr doesn't ring true for me.

    I've experienced far less tunnelling over the course of the past few years, and even after the patch I've not seen that much of a change. Obviously, I'm not saying it doesn't happen. Maybe I'm lucky; maybe people let their emotions judge what tunnelling is; maybe it's people switching over to killer more ... most likely all three and more.

  • leviivel
    leviivel Member Posts: 277

    Tunneling is sometimes very necessary in the early game, because managing pressure is much easier with 3 people rather than 4.

    i want both myself and survivors to have fun, but i also would like to win.

    tunneling will forever exist and there’s basically nothing to do about it besides one idea i have: instead of endurance, you basically cannot be hit and lose collision, of course off the record you still cause endurance, but BT should extend this immunity as normal. With this change, survivors can no longer body block with BT, giving killer an easier time and more reason to not tunnel.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    You are right, if it only were 10 seconds added to gens. But it is also base regression on kick, its reduced cooldown after a hit, its reduced sprinttime after a hit, and several other changes, that all go hand in hand.

    Either you didn´t know that, then you should reevaluate your opinion after checking the facts, or you deliberatly chose to ignore those, which makes your opinion untrustwhorthy.

    I, for one, have just switched to killer for a good portion of my games, and enjoyed making all the achivementes i couldnt get before the patch. Very chill games, actually.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333
    edited August 2022

    You are just born if you think tunnel/camp/slug weren't already in place before recent updates.

     I often play killer and I often do.

     Updates do not change these practices for me.

     So I don't understand your post.

     Even if other killers get into it, I don't care.

     Even when I play survivor I don't care if that happens to me, it is life, I lost, I wasn't good enough as a victim chased and my allies wouldn't take blows for me.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    Maybe the subtext wasn’t clear that I don’t think it’s an issue that needs to be solved lol. It’s part of the game. Might not like it, but hey, I don’t like playing against swfs but I deal with it.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    It's problem I was just in game where sadako hard tunneled nea we took hits and even game her downs but she just continued tunneling.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    Killer has to be bad not to win 1vs1. That's why tunneling is so effective killer is much stronger in 1vs1. I've seen bad killers tunnel good survivors whole match and then facecamp yeah they were better kill is skill.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I mean yea. Tunnelling is so free now

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,629

    I know those changes, but this change absolutely nothing, especially in the case that I bring above... You can be buffed with the cooldown weapon, break pallet faster, but with those kind of loops it doesn't matter, especially in the case of infinites... Try to catch an average looper in that house with a m1 killer like trapper or Ghostface, then come back and told me how much useful was the reduced cooldown to your weapon and breaking pallets and how many kills/hooks you did without playing scummy... I won't argue that killers got some buffs, but those buffs were a mockery since the problems lies elsewhere (without mentioning that all the perks that were useful to slow down the game were nerfed so much that we could say that killers were actually nerfed instead of being buffed under certain aspects)...

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I disagree, I want the change to be that they fix the problem, which is that tunneling is the best strategy to win right now. So that means if you are a soloQ survivor. You should swap to killer and exclusively tunnel until they cannot ignore it anymore.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    No idea how you didn't get tunneled before the patch honestly. For me personally, it has actually gotten less. But in the end, tunneling is still as effective as it ever was, which is a serious problem.

    There is a reason why killer queue times are longer than survivor queue times, and 95% of those reasons are camping and tunneling.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,867

    Babe, it's Tuesday. Time for your biweekly "tunneling got out of hand" post

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I don't think you need to balance maps to stop people from tunneling. Two easy changes, first you buff DS back to 5 seconds. Second, you reward killers for chasing unique survivors. Have something like Devour hope exist base kit where you get bonuses throughout the game for unique hooks.

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    Agreed. Thought this patch would make killers tunnel/camp less because they have better base-kit attack speeds and slower gens to give them enough time to get downs and hooks, but it's gotten worse.

    Killers now tunnel or camp someone quickly out of the game and then enjoy getting a relaxing 4K game.

    P.S: for those saying "get better at looping so you don't get tunnelled", there are tons of arguments against this. Lots of killers don't care about your looping skills, vaults, pallets or walls won't be effective. No Iron Will to hide ur noise, etc. You might last an extra 5-10 seconds, but won't make a difference since killers have gen-slowing perks etc.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    Yeah only way to change tunneling is to do that yourself and if everyone starts doing it devs has to nerf it as most survivors would probably stop playing. I find it unfun playstyle personally as killer as I don't enjoy ruining others games. It also feels like cheating given how easy it is now. Before it was fair when you had to eat bt/ds/dh and even bodyblocks but now usually nothing and if they have ds it gives them only few exta seconds.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    What if it was, 1 hook unique survivor gives nothing, 2 hooks on unique survivors gives - see the auras of non hooked survivors for 10 seconds, 3 hooks see the aura of non hooked survivors and they suffer from exposed for 60 seconds, 4 hooks on unique survivors, double blood points and 4% haste for the game. And then it would start over, any hooks in-between that was not a unique survivor would reset your counter.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I am actually super excited for reassurance for this reason, if the killer is planning to camp or tunnel, the perk will severely punish them even after the recent nerf to it.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    Yeah and if you know killer will tunnel one out you can keep the guy on hook until killer goes to chase someone else far away from hook.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I think you would be surprised at how many people would play around trying to do it 2 to 3 times a game, to give themselves free 300% blood points for the game.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Well, in a perfect world STBFL would be nerfed by the time they added an incentive mechanic.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I mean it is without question probably the strongest perk in the game right now, across all killers. And yea, that is why I was proposing one, it is a start they could make it OP.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    Let's say the devs totally give in and find a way to completely stop tunneling from happening. What do you think that will do the kill rate if they don't make chasing a consistently viable strategy in return? Adding 10 seconds to gens and making actions 10% faster is not enough to compensate for totally eliminating one of the best strategies a killer can employ (when done in a smart way). Sure it will make survivors happy because their games will become even easier, but it is naive to believe killers will suddenly become successful/fun being forced to try and 12 hook every game.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Was last patch with 5 second DS really that bad? Cause that is all I am asking for at the very least.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    In general 5 seconds is probably fine. It does need to shut off in the EGC though. There's no reason to go back to granting guaranteed escapes.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I am completely fine with it not working in the EGC, but survivors need at least one perk that killers are afraid of, after a survivor is unhooked.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    I can tell you as a killer main, for the most part I am not afraid of ds during the match (unless it's paired with off the record and someone purposely body blocks).

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    It's useless when you get dropped behind the killer and decide to run through/in front of them. People don't want to use the distance the perk gives them, or run to safe pallets immediately afterwards. They just decide to go down again.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Last night I was running OTR, DS, DH, and BT.

    We were on Shelter Woods against a Devour Hope/Pentimento Demo.

    I was the first survivor to die, on the 4th hook of the game, with 1 gen remaining.

    The demo went on to 4k.

    Killers who want to win will always choose the most optimal play. It doesn't matter if the map favors the killer, or if the survivor is armed with anti-camping & tunneling perks, killers will camp & tunnel until the game is designed to prohibit those strategies.

    I've been running this build in most of my games since 6.1.0 released, and it has done very little to help my situation. I'm either tunneled through all of my second-chance perks that I despise needing to equip, or I loop the killer so long that DS and OTR deactivate and I die in EGC because BHVR decided I don't deserve my easy escape after keeping the killer busy for 4-5 gens.

    I really wish they would crack down on this problem--to seriously deminish the possibility of camping/tunneling netting the killer a kill. Survivors either escape because the killer lets them (by playing nice), or their teammates are the ones tunneled instead of them; neither of those scenarios feels rewarding to the survivor.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    I want the devs to make tunneling and camping the worse play to make, I really do, but I don't think they can do it. If we somehow make tunneling unviable, to where you can win without doing it 90% of the time, what happens in that 10% of the time where killers need to do it to win? They just lose by default? It would mean going back to the same thing we've been fighting against for years, which is survivors getting out guaranteed once they're off hook and it's endgame.

    I believe that a lot of survivors want to use their anti-tunnel tools to prevent themselves from being tunneled, but this is what I see too often at the higher levels: body blocking and flashlight saving, without fear of the killer being able to punish them, simply because they have that 80-second Off The Record and 60-second DS.

    The best play for the devs is to make things fair, focusing on high level play only, by encouraging killers to leave the hook and rewarding them for that. People can call it a "free reward" all they want, I don't care. It means not destroying perks that let killers pressure gens and not giving survivors arbitrary advantages that are built into the killers themselves. Why was Pain Res nerfed if it only rewards killers who get multiple hooks? Why does Ruin deactivate after someone dies, as if the rest of the survivors can't win with it up at that point? Why do Twins have cooldowns and lengthy animations on everything they do? Why do Freddy's clocks let survivors wake up AND give immunity to falling asleep for a while? I feel like nobody questions this stuff.

  • malibu_barbie_26
    malibu_barbie_26 Member Posts: 79
    edited August 2022

    All of the killers saying a survivor doesn’t deserve a guaranteed escape need to switch that around. Killers don’t deserve a guarantee kill and they for sure don’t deserve a guaranteed 4k which is what camping and tunneling early in the game to get a 3 v 1 does. The way survivors have had keys, hatch, toolboxes, DS nerfed to virtually unusable I just hear hypocrisy. Survivors are limited on the tools and the strategies they can effectively incorporate on at a solo level to maximize their escapes. If you are getting looped as an M1 killer then learn to play with the Nurse or killer w more map pressure. Survivors literally are now forced to do all 5 gens to get a 4 man escape and the average 2 hook states are lasting less than 3 gens if you are lucky and have team members that spread out on gens. Tunneling should have never been a viable strategy when there is 3 other opponents on the board. Killers want an easy win at the end of the day if they are down right choosing to tunnel from the start of the match. And they should be punished when they get to high MMR and have to deal with the toxic SWFs. Learn to be an effective killer without tunneling the first hooked survivor. Devs need to bring back the old hatch and key system since the tunneling is out of control. Or better yet bring back toolboxes that could get more than one gen done per toolbox.

    literally every change the devs have made taking away essential perks or tools from survivors has enabled or reinforced the tunneling strategy.

    Keys/Hatch: Used to be able to escape at 1 or 2 gens left with 2 or 3 survivors remaining due to hatch spawning earlier. This made many killers think twice before dwindling down the survivor numbers before the 3 or 4th gen popped.

    Toolboxes nerf: Essentially slowed down gen progression so that if a killer was camping/tunneling they were punished w gens being done quickly. So while you may have gotten that one survivor killed in the basement the other 3 were able to escape.

    DS nerf: The stun used to be a surprise and effectively the killer would know to stay away from the last unhooked survivor and the stun was actually a STUN. 3 seconds is a joke to get away in the current game mechanics.

    And unfortunately I have seen killers wait out BT repeatedly just to get the easy down and kill. Those by far are the worst.

    And survivors the only thing you can do when you KNOW a killer is tunneling is to:

    1. Do a gen!!! Don’t do a totem, don’t hid in a locker. Do your gen and hit your skill checks get them done.
    2. If the chase comes your way and you haven’t been hooked. Take a hit and try to bait the killer into a chase. If they don’t bite get back on your gen!!!
    3. If you are being camped don’t try to escape. Let the killer eat all 120 seconds of your hook phase.
    4. Do a gen!!! Don’t run in circles don’t urban around the map do a gen!!!

    Survivor teammates are either on the team on their killers in survivor skins. Be the teammate you’d want to have.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I agree tunneling and camping is a sad part of the game. As a blight player I go out of my not to, because I know I could tunnel someone out of the game in A gen. But It's something the devs NEED to make objectively bad for killers to do. There will always be camping bubbas because they find fun in that for some reason but everyone else needs incentive. I find chase fun and skillful, there is no gameplay to tunneling outside of the term strategy.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    Tunneling is not a real thing.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Bold claim. It doesn't matter the terminology you use, tunneling exists and it's boring.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452
    edited August 2022

    How can you say it's not a real thing when the Devs even acknowledge how bad it is right now. The fact that the built in Borrowed Time is getting buffed next update should be proof enough that it's an issue.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    tunneling is as real as gen rushing, which survivors tell me is not real all the time

    so tunneling is not real