Disconnecting or suicides

when would you say it’s OK to disconnect from a match either as killer (Bullies? etc?) or survivor (Campers? First hooked?)and do you think suicides are acceptable? Or is it never ok on both sides? Just giving some examples of what Ive seen in game. What do yall think?


  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I only DC if I'm being held hostage from a hacker or if I get a phone call and can't focus on the match because it's worse to just sit afk in my opinion.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I've never experienced a hacker, but that or if ive been playing for while and am getting close to breaking a controller (frustration) at which point i dont care about the dc penalty because im done for the day.

    I will hook suicide to give hatch, or if I have absolutely no faith in my team, and I mean none, we are talking going through my whole hook stage with no rescue attempt and no one on gens, or if i cant find huntress lullaby when its fully powered up because i cant do gens at that point so i take my final chase for as long as I can.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I've never taken issue with a killer disconnecting--can usually empathize with their reason why

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    It is never ever okay outside of IRL reasons, cheaters, or gamebreaking bugs (like being permanently stuck in a hill).

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,476

    The only ones that annoy me are the survivors that do it because they're the first ones down. The ones that do it when the game is clearly lost... well, I don't like it but I get it and don't begrudge them.

    Oh, and of course hackers but I feel like that goes without saying. Most hackers are very subtle but if you know what to look for you can pick them. Sometimes you might have hackers and not realize, but the killer or your team mates do.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    just don't disconnect or suicide if your presence still has value to the team.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Can't tell if that's a serious response or a sarcastic one but if it's serious....yes they do. They exist in more High Med to High MMR games and their soul purpose is to ruin the match for Survivors and Killers alike.

    They sometimes Smurf themselves down to Low Med to Low MMR when they get bored but mostly target Content Creators and Fog Whispers more than regular players.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I wish the killer had a way of leaving the match early if it's going really badly. Seems unfair survivors do. Add a bed to the basement that the killer can interact with to just go to sleep.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,878

    Only if someone is blatantly cheating. Other than that, take your medicine.

    I would like to see harsher penalties for players who DC repeatedly.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    If you're on first hook going into second stage and none of your teammates are running to get you, or are all hiding/crouching somewhere, I can understand if you suicide on hook. Other than that, I feel like for both Killers and survivors the only real reason to DC is because a hacker is holding you hostage, or there's a game breaking issue that is making it incredibly difficult or nearly impossible to play properly.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 622

    If I suicide, it's typically on second hook under the conditions...

    • If we're still at 4 or 5 gens
    • If I'm very clearly being tunneled
    • If the teammates screw me over
    • If the killer runs Devour Hope or Third Seal (unless they're broken early)
    • If it's a Huntress with the iridescent hatchet head add-on
    • If my internet lags
    • If I'm trying to give hatch to the last remaining teammate


    DC's or first hook suicides are rare, but they'll happen if...

    • I screw up REALLY badly and end up in the basement at the start of the match
    • I get hooked in basement by a Trapper or Hag
    • I'm slugged and the killer refuses to hook me
    • It's near the end of the game and no one left to save me, or I'm trying to give hatch
  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    DC only in case of the game not able to end or in irl emergencies

    Suicides i guess are okay if it'a clear that you don't stand a chance at winning anymore but even then it's iffy

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    Survivor: when you're sure that game will be absolutely bad and unpleasant with tiresome and annoying gameplay loop (facecamping iri huntress for example)

    as Killer I've never disconnected myself, so i would say never except cheaters holding you as hostage

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I've only DC'd once

    And that was due to frustration

    But since then I haven't DC'd

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    This is probably a controversial opinion, but this is a game. If you're not having fun in this game, go ahead and DC/suicide on hook.

    If a killer is camping you first hook at 5 gens and you're solo Q, just go ahead and get it over with. If I notice the killer tunneling (or they're tunneling me), it's better I move on to the next game, because I simply do not want to play with someone who think this is a viable strategy.

    I don't care that some killers think they "HAVE" to act this way because otherwise they can't get their 4K. I'd rather play against someone with actual skill and gives a fair chance to the survivors to recover and enjoy their game as well.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,995
    edited August 2022

    I DC once against a Freddy because he had Remember Me and I messed up the 99% on the gate, so I opened with a survivor on hook. We saved them and I got downed by a pallet. A teammate save me with the pallet but my character would not move for a couple of seconds for some reason. The Freddy ended catching me up and grabbed me, other survivors tried to body block, then I DC. He had Blood Warden.

    Or the occasional DC when the killer is slugging and you just want the other survivor to try escape through the hatch.

    Or when I start a game against a Ghost Face and I reveal him only for the game to freeze and unfreeze with me on the ground

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,995

    I honestly think survivors should just start playing against the "killer rules" if the killer is playing against "survivor rules". Camping or tunneling? Just don't play at all then, let the killer finish the game and move on. Is it gonna be fun to play as killer when no survivor is actually playing the game? I would not find fun at all. Just saying.

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    This is exactly my mentality behind it. A killer is tunneling me? They want me out of the game? Ok fine, I'll make it easier for you. Enjoy overpowering the 3 other survivors.

    I can tell you from experience playing killer, when I am constantly winning against survivors over and over, it doesn't feel fun or engaging. There's no value in the win if survivors aren't even trying.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Do you just up and quit when you're playing board games with friends?

    Just asking because you quitting a game affects the other players in the game. Typically in a negative way.

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    If there's a board game where someone can block me from playing the game and I'm just sitting there watching until I am out of the game, then yes, that doesn't sound like fun and sounds like a huge flaw in such board game.

    A killer camping and/or tunneling essentially doesn't care about the game being fair for everyone involved. They care about winning. Which is completely fine, but I don't want to be part of that game.

    FYI, I have equal if not more hours playing killers as survivors (I have all killers unlocked and all perks unlocked). And I have given up myself to killers if they're doing badly and trying their best in a game that is obviously going badly for them.

    This is a social game. You're not playing against ruthless bots. You're playing against other humans. You can play dirty to get an easy win, but don't pretend that survivors facing that gameplay should be happy about it.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    My personal feelings are never DC, full stop. If you have to afk the game for something, park yourself under a hook. That's a solid sign to the players and killer that you are done. DCing just makes sure everyone loses out.

    DCing just screws everyone involved from the other survivors, the killer, and yourself. If you afk, at least you'll get some points, not pickup a match timeout, and the killer will likely waste a little time at least hooking you.

    Suiciding on hook is not quite as bad, but I would urge you to stick it out if you can stand it. Any bit of time you can waste of the killer's helps your team mates out, but if it's just too unfun, or 100% pointless, I get it and don't completely blame you.

    I occasionally get unfun matches as killer - bully squads that are beyond my capability to shut down are the most difficult to handle. My approach is to flip it and do something outside of normal gameplay like memeing or something goofy to find another way to have fun with the match. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Yeah I'd only do it if i got a hacker. Camping killers is no reason to ragequit out. Just a response to how the survivors play. Being a new player when I'm up against good survivors i can either camp hook and get sacrafices, or i can run after a nea, meg or feng who will repeatedly loop stun blind and teabag at me. And get no kills. Pretty easy choice for me. I can get next to no bloodpoints and no sacrifices, or switch tactics and actually get something.

    Likewise I'll never rage quit out against a bully team of survivors. If they outplay me, they outplay me. I just do my best and get on with the next game. It just makes me tunnel because it's the only viable tactic lol

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited August 2022

    Also suicides are fine, still in the game parameters. And when I've had a decent game I'll often give the last survivor hatch. Unless i have to wait for someone to time out on the hook. Had a match where someone sped up their hook, and resulted in me giving the kast downed survivor hatch instead of just sacrificing them lol

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Yeah, but why quit when it hurts the other survivors and rewards the killer?

  • get_barted
    get_barted Member Posts: 207

    I spawned next to a Hex Totem once and cleansed it right away. No soon after i cleansed it the killer DCd. Didnt even try to play the match.

    I personally never DC intentionally. My game does crash every so often causing me to DC and give me the DC penalty, which I do not nagree with. Why do I get a DC penalty if my game crashes. I didnt DC but i get the penalty. Stupid.

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    Survivors will get a shorter game, killer's MMR goes up higher to face tougher survivors, I move on to a new game with hopefully a more engaging and entertaining gameplay. I've been in games where other survivors suicide (sometimes unjustified IMO, like getting downed first etc), yes it ruins the game for the rest of survivors, but hopefully if the killer plays fairly, we can still have a semi-decent game.

    I don't care about losing. I don't want to win every game (or care about winning games). It's really just about having a fun game where I feel like I'm given a chance to loop, do some objectives and get some points.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Whenever you go against a camping Bubba now since Reassurance is dead.

  • Maxx_Calin
    Maxx_Calin Member Posts: 86

    If noone is saving u from the hook and letting u die on it. That is a valid reason to suicide on hook weather killer mains say it is or not. It isn't screwing over ur team when ur team isn't trying to save u.

    Killers on the other hand, if they are disconnecting from matches cause they are losing. They shouldn't be playing as the killer. Same applies to ones who disconnect before the match even starts. Don't wait until u are loading into a match to leave the group u are a part of. Makes no sense and only upsets a person playing survivor cause then they have to wait to join another match. There is no valid reason to justify doing it Granted Survivors shouldn't do it either before a match begins but I've had some that do.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    I will suicide on hook if I know a match is going nowhere and staying in the game is just a waste of time when I can move onto the next.

    I never DC. Unless I am being held hostage by a hacker.

  • Buffy101
    Buffy101 Member Posts: 126

    Yea when its before the match even starts I do get annoyed but I can understand a point if something comes up and u dont want to just die and leave your team alone

  • Buffy101
    Buffy101 Member Posts: 126
    edited August 2022

    Its dead? Before it even comes out? How? I thought it was once per hook or is that only 1 teammate can use at a time?

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    From what I understand, its once per person only now and against a face camping Bubba, its just not worth 30 seconds when you have to run to get near the hook then run back to your gen. Its like Kinship. Kinship was okay but no one uses it even though its 35 seconds. Paywall plus too short of an effect. Not worth running anymore.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    If i have a last second switch by survivors to all flashlights or all same skins i will gladly kill the match before it starts

  • Buffy101
    Buffy101 Member Posts: 126

    No No its a serious question. I had no idea the game could even get hacked! That is so sad, Who TF does that?! So silly.

    so they will lower MMR? Is that to get like easier matches?

  • CheesyBabyBoi
    CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 234

    For me personally, as killer boi, i generally see it as if theres someone that disconnects or gives up, i let one of the survivors live, no matter what. Disconnecting and suiciding are always reasonable, there is really no difference to just going afk, and if you dont wanna play anymore, then don't, its not a big deal.

    dc/sc is almost always a detriment to the team for survivors though, and so i let the last one off with freedom just so anyone who watches knows that there was at least some sort of justification for their work. And, for 2 dc\scs, i just let the remaining two do gens, and leave, and its whatever.

    the only exception is if the remainder are being especially toxic, e.g. they try and throw the fact that im not killing them for some reason other than mercy in my face, or they think they can try to loop me forever, or just refuse to do gens and leave and get it over with so i can play a compelling game, my mercy is Revoked.

    (speaking of Revoked Mercy is a bomb ass name for a perk related to it they should do that)

  • Xane
    Xane Member Posts: 61

    I think it's okay any time to dc as long as the game doesn't go your way.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Ahh ok yea hackers do hack in this game sadly but like I said they mainly stick to higher MMR to mess with steamers or fog whisperers. You'll rarely see them in low MMR matches unless it's a player who just bought the hacks.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    Survivor - Shouldn't disconnect - there's better ways of leaving a game early that don't invalidate their 'stats'. If the killer is being a butt by holding you against your will, well, you got to do what you got to do.

    Killer - I never DC'ed as killer. Even during rough matches there's still interaction going on full time over just having to works on gens. You can also just meme with them or ignore them totally, the gens get done eventually then pop the gate. They'll leave in 3 minutes.