So the devs try to "fix" tunneling while giving survivors more tools to bully and not fix tunneling?

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

With off the record especially and the upcoming increasing base borrow and haste (also buffed to 10% speed) to 10 sec experienced squads will have much more tools to bully casual players or Killers that are not that good.

Especially weaker Killers anyway suffer STILL to this day from taking hits. You cannot deny that Killers like Clown, Ghostface or even lets say Legion get cucked often when a teammates comes out of nowhere while you are about to down someone and just take a hit.

Especially if you try NOT to tunnel and go for the survivor that just saved. Often you see the unhooked survivors follow you straight up and just try to annoy or you stay positioned to take a hit for free.

This got lately ALOT worse with off the record and borrow. With the upcoming change you dont necessarely need borrow anymore but with burrow it will be a 25 sec haste + endurance effect.

This therefore leads to a weird situation where actually going for the tunnel is more beneficial for you since you just immidiatly get rid of the potential hit tanking and get more pressure out of tunneling rather then going for the saved person.

Now you can say "but great BenZ0 then you can just tunnel for free and get kills like this?". Yes young one but my point is the devs try to "fix" tunneling by not fixing it at all.

Two Solution:

While you have endurance status effect you have no collision as survivor.


After a survivor is unhooked the survivors is protected by the entity and DOESNT lose a hook stage for the next 30 sec. This effect is visual with a slight smoke effect around the survivor. (The Killer can still pick that survivor up and hook that survivors but the survivor will just be back at the same hook stage as they where before, basicly nothing happened and the Killer now wasted all that time for just restarting what he just has done.)

That isnt a fix for hit tanking but fixes tunneling once and for all.


  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    While you have endurance status effect you have no collision as survivor.

    I could agree with this, but only for Borrowed Time. This way the recently unhooked can't basically force a tunnel through bodyblocking for the rescuer.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,053

    And the speed boost, which also got buffed, is designed to encourage exactly that.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,086

    Well im fine with that because that makes tunneling fair tactic to use and is totally survivor fault getting tunneled.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited August 2022

    "experienced squads will have much more tools to bully casual players or Killers that are not that good."

    Match making is horrible, but being better at the game doesn't mean "bullying the opposite side", it means you should be entitled to victory unless serious ######### up while also being guaranteed the possibility to play the game without being forcibly removed within 3 minutes due to cheap tactics. And that still does nothing to camping, there's the pay to win perk for that.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,623

    If someone is bodyblocking/the team is legit coordinated, tunnel them out of the game as fast as possible.

    There's nothing wrong/bullying with bodyblocking....or removing the problem asap.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,053

    I was referring to the "most survivors run away" part, for sake of clarity.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I literally 4k the majority of my games by just tunneling, tunneling is easier then ever without DS. The only thing off the record does is helping survivors to annoy killers but ot does little to nothing to help against tunneling.

  • ThePrizz
    ThePrizz Member Posts: 111

    The killer needs to be blinded for 5 seconds when he hits a survivor that just got unhooked (even if he has Lightborn), that's how you fix tunneling, you blind the killer, the survivor has time to run and hide.

    Prolonging the duration of BT does absolutely nothing, since the killer can still see where the survivor is going and tunnel him.


    Blind the killer and there's no more tunneling. I swear people in charge of those changes have literally 0 imagination or creativity. All they do is tinker with numbers.

    Let survivors have BT the way it is now, blind the killer when he hits the unhooked survivor, and there you go, you fixed tunneling, congrats.

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 247

    Nobody said that experienced means they will bully. He said it helps, and encourage this.