Huge surge in Nurse players

I feel all the Nurse bashing has created a lot of Nurse mains. I've personally seen a huge increase in Nurses over the past 6 months. It's not surprising really, a portion of the player base sees all these hate posts and wants to get in on the action.
Also don't forget that we have a Nurse tome challenge ("Hit 6 survivors right after blinking in one game"). Today I played Nurse for the first time in nearly a year, just to get that challenge done. I blundered through the game and just counted hits ^^ I was so bad, but in the end got an accidential 3k, that no one saw coming, so I will tell the story, even though its not strictly on topic:
during the EGC a survivor on death hook went for an unsave unhooking and got subsequently killed. I chased the others around and finally cornered and hooked the one super elusive player that had danced on my nose for the entire game. I was pretty sure that I had my 6 blink hits by then, so when the survivor kobe-ed I nodded to him and let him run past me, suggesting that I let him "off the hook". Another survivor had come for a very late rescue attempt and both of them were running towards the exit gates and actually died due to the timer while inside the exit gate area ^^"
I felt bad for them but everyone was a good sport about it, because me respecting the kobe didn't go unnoticed.
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I haven't noticed this but then again I'm not high MMR on survivor.
I've mained nurse for over a year but haven't used her as much recently. I did the "6 blink hits in one match" challenge today. If you know nurse it's easy, but I didn't even have to try because the first guy I caught gave up on hook so the rest of us farmed. Got my challenge done super easily and we all got a ton of bloodpoints.
One of the 3 remaining survivors refused to leave after farming and we spent the entire EGC arguing about it. She kept running to a hook and asking to be hooked and I kept shaking no, and carrying her to the gate and letting her wiggle off.
Definitely one of the most wholesome interactions I've had in DBD and it honestly made the rest of the day dealing with sweaty groups a lot more tolerable.
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I think its been about the same, basically a steady rotation of Nurse and Blight most matches
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Sad, boring. I've been dabbling in newer killers like Dredge and Onryo last couple days and it's a much better time than before.
So boring to go full meta all the time for me, i can thank HybridPanda for that habit xD
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It's because players have realized she really isn't as difficult to play as people try to make her out to be - at all. When you throw on a range addon and the combo Agi + Starstruck or PR + DMS or BOTH, it's a walk in the park.
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I think over time the nurse problem is just going to get worse as the game ages. Once all the god pallets, flashlights and teabagging you go through as a normal killer drives you to play nurse why would you go back to that. I think more and more killers are either reaching that point or leaving.
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Sadly too many players would rather "win" than play in a match that is fair for both sides (can be applied to SWF's on comms doing map callouts like they are in a tournament, too)
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I mean... there's literally a Nurse challenge.
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I have half of my games vs sweaty nurse for weeks.
Yesterday I played 7 games. 1 trapper, 1 bubba and 5 nurses.
I am sick of those 2 add ons every one of them using, usually also with map offering and hard tunnel first survivor they down. For extra fun I guess.
Its so ######### boring
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Nurse has never been easier and as smooth to play as she is now.
+fewer people using DH makes her incredibly more fun to play.
She needs a few nerfs
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There was an absolutely MASSIVE surge when it was confirmed range add ons were "working as intended".
After wesker drops I assume we'll have less range rats playing nurse.
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This hits way too close to home.
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Since Nurse got fixed, she overtook Huntress in my games as the most common Killer I play against. Add to this that players try her out and realize that she is not as hard as people like to claim (once you learn her).
And currently there is a Nurse-Challenge in the Archives, which adds to it.