Finally burned out (of Killer)


Preface: Been playing since December 2017 across multiple platforms. 9/10 Killer main, 1/10 Survivor sub

Im burned out on Killer. I have little to no desire to play and only Survivor gives me some form of entertainment. Bad/good teammates make games varied and surprisingly good or laughably bad. I find losing as survivor easier to cope with than losing as Killer. Helping teammates and evading the killer feels more rewarding than overall Killer gameplay. Stupid things happen but it’s just easier to cope, and yes, even as a solo survivor.

The nail in the coffin for me has been the upcoming chapter. I tried the PTB and while it was good at the time, I’m just not hyped for it. Whenever I play Killer, It’s just pressure. It’s four people against one. I can play my best, the fairest, the kindest and still be at risk of abuse. I even had to remove comments on my steam profile/make it private due to harassment from one persistent person.

My overall desire to play the game is lower but when I do play, I’m just sticking to Survivor. I think the game might be loosing that magic touch that kept me gripped for so long. My interest has been wavering for months now but it’s at an all time low. Still, it will be interesting to see where the game goes from here.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    When you play/do something for so long, you eventually get tired of it

    Ive taken my fair share of breaks from other games, or Ive let them go entirely for my own reasons. Either I lose interest, it becomes more frustrating than fun, or what ever else.

    Some times all it takes tho is a small break. I just got back maybe 2 weeks ago from a 2 month break from For Honor, game was getting frustrating so I stopped playing. And now Im having a blast again.

    Just set the game down, and come back when you feel like youre ready. And if that feeling never comes, then so be it.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,164

    I suggest that you indulge in some of the cross over content while you take a break from dbd. Maybe play some RE5 or play the SH2 PC enhanced edition. There will be new content and likely a new meta waiting for you when you come back.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,435

    I may biased as a pure blight main, but anti hold w is the best form of killer. Nothing is skillful or fun about w, and killers that remove that aspect increase the fun of the game.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    killer is still fun but I play a lot more survivor too nowadays.

    Survivor is probably the best its been for a while in that it feels genuinely threatening to face a range of killers making most games, at the very least, interesting.

    I mean it was fun to uber run your way through 3-4 gens with a single chase but that got dull quickly, I'm liking the current changes.

    Even if my general motivation to play dbd overall is down but that's just time spent online. I'll probably come back in a big way when they release custom game bots, all the fun of DBD without the random PVP giant man babies to contend with.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    I agree with lonely and more blood points, but even blood points don’t incentivise me, the gameplay does.

    SWF’s or even just groups of solos that know how to run the killer, bring good builds, and work together well make many of my games genuinely boring. Chases feel futile and most of these kinds of games always end one way, with people waiting at the gates for me to swat them out, only to leave just before the hit connects.

    I take getting stomped by a Killer to those kinds of games any day. At least getting ravaged by a killer is (usually) quick.

    To be honest, I’m just not an amazing killer, and I’m not putting in the mental effort required to sweat my games and play at peak performance. I’m here to chill and Killer just doesn’t do it for me anymore despite being a one man team.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I played against 2 blatant cheaters yesterday and still technically won, game is a weird spot. Survivors are frustrated so they resort to being cheaters, quitting, or swapping to killer and being toxic. Killers are tunneling because it has never been easier.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Playing a killer is a cool concept, but doing something so complex and stressful must only be done in moderation. If not, it would be at the expense of the player. That's why you see a lot of killers tunneling and camping. They're already tired of chasing survivors yet they keep playing because they want the dopamine hit. (not gonna lie, I speak from experience specially how hag can be quite stressful as a beginner killer)

    Game Addiction is one hell of a drug.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,541

    Fair enough

    It happens to all of us

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,201

    Yeah killer is more burning because you're alone. But as survivor you have team and you loses as team. Only time when survivor is as frustating to lose is when you get tunneled out ans killer still wins or if you team leaves you to die at least for me. I think dbd needs something more than just 1vs4 I hope they would add 2vs8 then you have teammate and more fun.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 532

    This is where I am at and I am going to be honest I am not a good killer before the mid chapter update I won maybe half my games probably less if I am being honest. Now I win the majority without even trying. When I get 4k it doesn't even feel satisfying. I went from a killer main to a survivor main because of it, and lets be honest playing survivor right now is worse than it was for killers pre mid chapter update. Something needs to be done.

    I've said it before in my very few posts that lately I've been 2 hooking everyone and then just letting everyone leave and that makes me feel better than just getting a 4k. It shouldn't be that way. 4k's bring zero satisfaction unless its against a toxic bully team, I get excited for those, when before they were the bane of my killer existence.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    This is…an extreme example. You must be a good Killer who can read and predict survivors who are good at looping and co-ordinating then if you’re getting so many consistent wins, to the point where you show pity. I assume this is also against co-ordinated SWF groups? If not I can only assume matchmaking is completely busted.

    I am on the opposite end of the spectrum where most of my games are a chore when it comes to managing chases, hooks, gen patrolling and time efficiency if my chases don’t go as well as I’d like them to. Some chases even feel futile because the survivor can read me like a book or I’m not performing optimally with my power. I’m an average Killer who could do better but I’m not putting that much energy into getting better when trying harder means failing harder.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347
    edited August 2022

    You are not going against good survivors if you think killer is now so easy. Or you are just lying, that could also be the case.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    If you go against good survivor teams, you will still be up for a good challenge. These killer buffs certainly haven't made killer so easy now, they really weren't THAT impactful. Matchmaking can just make that a bit difficult at times.

    I do hope you realise that you just keep on lowering your mmr by letting survivors go, which could be one of the reasons why your matches are so easy.

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 432

    At this point I'm just waiting Wesker to see if I can get back to have some fun with killer. I'm not saying it's hard to win, it's just... not as rewarding for the fun aspect of it, I don't even know how to explain why tho. Even playing survivor with just 1 friend is better nowadays.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 939

    I switched from killer main to mostly survivor too with instant queues 24/7, playing killer is taxing against good teams and it feels bad when I'm winning easily against bad teams, meta is exactly the same gen regression perks are still needed, win or lose I'm not having much fun

    solo Q is awful too but I can't stop playing

  • RedPlll
    RedPlll Member Posts: 36

    Playing killer has become so unbearable. High mmr survivors have all the advantages over every killer except nurse and it has inflated their ego beyond repair. And the worst part is that bhvr listen to these ppl.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I waited eons for these killer buffs and yet I've spent most of it enjoying survivor more lol.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,952

    Sadly, that is a pretty wide-spread and common misconception among low-mid MMR players. Once you get into high MMR and face actually good survivors who know how to evade and how to loop I assure you that the game is anything but super easy mode. I tell you a secret: its not even normal mode, its actually pretty darn hard. Quite shocking and hard to believe, but you can be a good killer and STILL end a game with zero kills, just because the opposition played better.

    Thats why we need different rules and modifiers for different MMR brackets. Blanket "+10% buffs to all killers" barely affect the high end of the game (if feels way more fair now, though, and less then a chore), while totally tanked a lot of the lower and mid MMR games. Camping and tunneling is ultra uneffective in high MMR gameplay and you won't get handed your "guranteed 2 kills for zero effort", but it totally dominates the other ranges. So curbing this playstyles won't affect me personally 90% of the time, while letting the mid tier players play more fun games.

    The anti camping and tunneling campaign has my support in the most parts, just tunneling is sometimes a very valid strategy to ferret out the hiding players and force them to take protection hits, who would otherwise just stick to their gens and slam one out after the other. Altruism helps the killer just as often as it benefits the survivors. So please everyone, be as altruistic as possible :)

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 532
    edited August 2022

    It isn't like I play that many killer games these days to drastically lower my mmr by showing pity. It isn't fun to do that. I blame the busted matchmaking right now. Teams are just so uneven. You get maybe 1 good player a couple average players and then the player who sits in the corner and hides in a locker, is allergic to gens and just crouches all game and waits for their team to die so they can grab hatch whats worse is when you get multiple of these people.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359
    edited August 2022

    Mine is more looking at the killer roster and deciding based on what weak points do I want to have, I try to stay away from m1 killers for that reason. I’m super excited about wesker , cause it will mostly change how killer has been for a while.

    I read about all these killers face camping and tunneling on the forums, at without sounding like I would be defending it or whatever, I won’t do it on principle. I’m not a god at taking out good loopers but I learn absolutely nothing from that play style. I don’t even do it to toxic teabaggers/clicky clickers. Mostly cause they are wasting their own teams time by doing that and I like that better

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Play another multiplayer game alongside dbd. I used to play battlefield 1 alongside dbd, and I just got back into valorant recently. 99.9% guaranteed you won't get burnt out from the game if you play other game alongside it. I also finished dead space 1 and 2 a while ago.

    For your situation, I'd say take a break for like 2-3 weeks then come back, but don't play it as much as you did before.