Why Devs punish killer for tunneling instead of incentivize mixed hook?



  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Because if something is unhealthy and should have been done better, it doesn't need an incentive to not do it. People do not have to be "convinced" not to do it, it shouldn't simply be a thing, period. That's why gen times were increased, and could be increased even more, if survivors are allowed to live a little longer. There is so much stuff that should be deleted from the game. Tunneling, camping, 4-men SWFs, 4 toolboxes with BnPs, 4 flashlights, bloodlust, spammable killer powers.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    Because tunnelling is too much output for too little effort and honestly quite OP. So if you want to 'incentivise' NOT tunnelling, you'd need to make the alternative either lower effort or higher reward.

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    Sorry if my post sounded harsh, I was just a little confused. If you really want to tunnel the haste isn't too big a deal as long as you are around when they are unhooked. I think the solution has to be some form of both incentives and "punishment" however. People will still tunnel even if it increases gen speed because 3 survivors are still going to accomplish far less than 4. Unfortunately, I don't think it is possible to remove tunneling from the game without just making it really hard to do, unless they do a complete rework of the game.

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    I keep seeing survivors saying that they are being tunneled almost every game. Is this not an indication of said survivor-induced tunneling? You have three teammates why are you being tunneled every game?

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Thing is nothing in that patch was an incentive not to tunnel as the changes were global. There was no benefit to not tunneling that didnt apply when you tunneled. Something like after hooking a random survivor screams and is exposed would be an incentive not to tunnel (not a suggestion just an example that is pretty miserably OP on many killers). Killers getting a buff overall gives 0 incentives not to tunnel it just makes tunneling more appealing since its easier.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    It's a very simple cause and effect. If the cause of tunneling is that gens are too fast, then surely shorter chases for killers, and shorter basic attack cooldown alongside increased gen times and nerfs to survivors should reduce tunneling, no? It makes sense, logically, since that is in and of itself the proverbial carrot.

    The stick is that survivors got 80 seconds of Endurance in the form of Off the Record. This brings us back to not tunneling, and having shorter chases. Going for the unhooker instead, you waste less time, which means more time to pressure gens.

    Of course, while all of this makes sense logically, it did absolutely nothing to deter tunneling and only made it stronger because removing someone from the game early is efficient.

    At least the people who claim they tunnel because it's efficient are being honest, which is in stark contrast to the ones who are constantly moving the goal posts. "Gens go too fast", "Chases take too long", "Regression perks got nerfed", etc.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I'm convinced 90% of the people that complain about tunneling are people that throw themselves in front of the killer to rub their OTR in the killer's face and then go Pikachu face when they get tunneled. I'm a solo survivor that isn't even good and I rarely ever get tunneled and I also don't throw myself in the killer's face like that. I keep running OTR/DS and they're absolutely unnecessary when you aren't teabagging/clicking and trying to endurance bodyblock

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Survivor-induced tunneling is when somebody makes a very obviously bad play such as abusing their endurance to take a protection hit/body block the killer, or when somebody unhooks before the killer's even had time to leave the hook.

    I get tunneled almost every game for no reason other than I'm the first one found and hooked, which is usually a 2 and a half gen chase. I'm far from being the "weak link" of the team, and my teammates play well enough that I've been on hook for around 15 - 30 seconds before they rescue.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    See the cause of tunneling isnt fast gens. The cause of tunneling is basic strategy and how effective it is. Abusing the weak link is always the best strategy if your VSing a team. You say it yourself it is flat out efficiency and effectiveness not "Gens too fast" "Chases too long". If the Devs made not tunneling more powerful then voila it is no longer the most effective way and people who complain about gens being too fast will now play in this new more effective way. The only way to make tunneling less prevelant through punishments is to either A) make it such a chore to do that no matter how effective people wont do it (However this is pretty flawed as there are still some people who will tryhard no matter how boring and unfun it is to do) or B) Punish it so ridiculously hard it is somehow worse than 2hooking everyone before a kill which would results in killers overall becoming much weaker and potentially even needing another 6.1.0.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Tunneling would be less prevalent with DS not only getting the 5 second stun back, but also being able to be used twice, once per hook state. Killers tunneled slightly less before DS got nerfed because the more gens you lose on one chase, the less efficient tunneling becomes.

    Yes, you're right about the cause of tunneling being that it's effective, which is why it's a problem. It should be and could be more efficient to not tunnel, but BHVR is against outright punishing tunneling which creates this weird problem where every solution is just a bandaid.

  • ThePrizz
    ThePrizz Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2022

    Because if you incentivize mixed hooks, the killers can still tunnel.

    You're not addressing the issue.

    To put it in simple terms for you to understand, it's like your mother giving you a cookie if you promise not to slap your brother.

    You promise not to slap your brother, you take the cookie, but now if you really want to, you can still slap your brother.

    Your mom is not preventing the issue of you slapping your brother, she just incentivizes you not to do so.

    In order to prevent you from slapping your brother she'd have to put you two in different rooms, or to punish you harder for doing that until you realize that it is counter-productive for you to do that.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    DS being strong isnt a valid enough solution imo. The fix shouldnt be behind a paywall and this is just gonna bring back the slugging for days form of tunneling. And DS in general makes the game less fun overall imo. Its 1 less perk slot for survivors. Its one of those perks that influences games even without it being there which is easily my least favourite abstract thing in the game. Also sometimes it just comes outta the blue because survivors try to get your attention. For example a game I played 2 nights ago as pinhead a claudette got off hook went off to be healed then did the PH box if I teleported to her now with old DS she would still be protected and even if she didnt have it it isnt worth the risk to try and protect my box which yes could be fixed by making killer powers conspicuos actions but still there are many situations such as when there is 2 survivors left where DS becomes an incovienience that slows down gameplay or pepople who use DS to run around in your face trying to interupt you chasing other survivors.

    Something like survivors who are unhooked gain lowered gen speeds until they are hooked again and that grows for each survivor thats been hooked less than them or something simalar to grim embrace basekit where after hooking 4 different survivors in a row you gain some form of bonus it doesnt even have to be slowdown it could be auras, exposed, mobility, help in chase anything to benefit the killer. Something universal. Even in just the satisfaction of gameplay it would be a better design. I would say more people find it rewarding to play well and get a reward rather than punishing someone for being a dick.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Killers have BBQ, Scourge Hooks, Devour Hope, NOED and a ton of gen regression perks after hooking to incentivize people to leave. Do they? No. They rather do the scourge combo so they can continue to camp.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Most of those perks are either hexes or not guaranteed every down .

  • Xane
    Xane Member Posts: 61

    because this game is a lost cause and you people need to learn to stop playing.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I gotta say 5 second BT I can understand, but this huff is a terrible idea.

  • Pyrosorc
    Pyrosorc Member Posts: 202
    edited August 2022

    "An unhooked survivor cannot be hurt by any means for the next 30 seconds but does not have collision with the Killer. These effects end early if the survivor takes any conspicuous action and do not trigger during the End Game collapse. A survivor benefitting from this protection is highlighted in white".

    There you go, tunneling died without unbalancing the game.

  • Khelendrose2020
    Khelendrose2020 Member Posts: 207

    Slig matches are not easy to pull off for most killers. There are too many ways to counter it. To make it even harder, remove the broken symbol from anyone running No Mither.

    I think the OP has a solid idea here. Killers need incentives to spread the damage out. Pressuring gens is not the answer at high MMR. Many young killer mains learn the effectiveness of tunneling the first survivor out from watch streamers. They see how well it can work and copy it.

    The biggest problem for killers is gen speeds and map size. Address those, make it harder to tunnel and camp and you now have something.

    As a Trapper main, map size is often the first thing against me. SWF is the second. Being able to call out every trap and move I make turns me into pure M1 with a movement disability. Add gen speeds in and I might as well be the prey in most matches.

    Another anti camping idea: hooks should move to a random location like cages do when someone is on it. The killer should not see where.

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    There is really no incentive to play this game at all no matter what role you choose

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    If not tunneling gave you more pressure and helped slow down the game better than tunneling would you tunnel?

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    There are perks that reward you for leaving the hook. Killers still camp. Built in 5 seconds of BT, killers still tunnel. If a person wants to camp or tunnel, nothing you do will change that if all they care about is winning at the core. It's simple as that. Slugging would be a guaranteed win with slowdown upon slowdown by using perks plus walking away from a hook.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    A killer should not rush the objective, only the survs can do it. The killer should be punished for rushing his objective.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 425

    We just need more good, strong perks that reward hooking different survivors like Grim Embrace and No way out. Well I wouldn't say Grim Embrace is super strong but you still get the point, give me more perks that do that sorta thing.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Let me fix what they said. When no one is hooked or in the dying state, the progress is slow but it'll get faster the more occupied survivors get. Not equal to it taking like 30 seconds to do a gen if you're the only person up but you get the idea.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    They nerfed Thana because the slowdown was making games almost unbearable to play. Certain killer powers made it even more obnoxious. I will never agree to free slowdown. I started this game from the beginning and saw each change balance each side. I've lived through so many game breaking bugs, I could write 2 paragraphs about it.

    I play both sides but slowly, I've been pushed to play killer almost solely because I'm sick of the slowdown and teammates who do nothing and killers who face camp then proceed to trade and face camp the new person. After all the changes over the years to fix certain problems, we got swivel hooks and perks.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    What they need is a perk that grants you extra blood points for hooking each survivor...oh, wait.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Because just the one isn't enough.

    We literally got a patch with a bunch of baseline killer buffs, and even on day one, when no one could say how effective those buffs would be, some people still just camped and tunneled again.

    Killers got a bunch of buffs that did indeed help them, now it's the survivors time to get something against camping and tunneling. That's kind of how BHVR should balance their game.

    You can't just buff killers and let survivors in the dust with their frustrations. In future, I would like to see the devs continue in this direction. Motivating the killer even more to go more for hooks with some buffs, especially by making some of the problematic maps fairer, and camping and tunneling being further nerfed, as they are very unhealthy for the game.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Would that be for the entire duration of the match, or only limited? I could see 10% maybe getting out of hand if you had that for the entire rest of the match, but it's not a bad idea either.

    The only thing about it is that it buffs killer more during the later game, when only few gens are left. Killers are weaker at the start of the match. So I feel like some early game delay would be nice. But only if survivors got far more help as well, solo queue buffs and further nerfs to camping and tunneling come to mind.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Then that's the devs fault for having a poor foundation. I'm just spitballing here.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,632

    Gens are faster than ever.

    Many maps are still busted.

    Any good team will do gens in five minutes.

    If they ever make tunneling too difficult, win rates will most likely drop significantly. Then they'll have the choice to revert it or to make gens even slower (or finally prevent doing them in parallel). They also could make gens reparations require pieces to find and bring. After all, the only player who is doing something interesting is the tunneled one. Doing gens is boring and easy : the antithesis of fun.

    I don't see it fixed anytime soon.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    No hate to you. I'm just letting you know that I legit stopped playing survivor halfway because I'm getting sick of the "balance". One of my best friends stopped being a survivor main and switched to Nurse because of how unfun the game is becoming. I love DBD. I cannot give it up. I took breaks a lot recently and finally just set to play killer only except for Rift challenges because even when I escape as survivor, I don't feel happy.

    I felt like I just barely finished a super aggravating chore. As killer, I can shut my brain off and just focus on what I'm doing. My wins aren't based upon others. It's how good are my mindgames and did I pressure enough? Not, oh, 2 people are jerking off in a corner of the map while I was chased for 3 minutes just to get 1 hooked and lose a pip plus mmr goes down. That isn't fun. If I came off harsh, I apologize. The whole slowdown meta has just made me playing survivor miserable.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    It wasn't harsh. You were just giving your side. Have a good one, mate.