I played every killer without perks or add ons.

And then I ranked them from 1 to 5,best to worst.

Disclaimer: if you already seen this on reddit don't comment me again. Let's just respect each other's opinions and let that discussion closed. Thanks.

Trapper: 3 

pretty much a m1 killer, loses time in the beginning, but 1 good trap can change a whole game

Wraith: 1

Good killer, simple killer, doesn't need #########, pressure without slow down, chasing without warning.

Hillbilly: 2

I'm sorry, but I just couldn't figure out how to effectively use his chainsaw in close encounters. I did get several hits with it, but in a loop, he was mostly m1 for me, so it's just a 2 but you can play him better if you try. 

Nurse: 2

Unloopable. That basicly makes her great. I never have the time to learn her probably, but even after just a few matches her potential expanded fully. 

But requires long time learning. So just a 2 instead of 1

Hag: 5 

I'm sorry if you think she's good. Maybe she is with your build, but vanilla, she's absolutely useless. No range or time for teleport. Setting traps takes to long on high mmr, pallets can't be counterd without blocking add on. And she is a slow killer. 

Doctor: 3

Without add ons, so Basicly without any advanced hallucinations, madness was a bit weak, but still great for tracking sometimes. And blast makes good pressure while shock provides antilooping. 

Meyers: 1 

Stealth and one hits with more range. What do you want more? First I thought the recharge would take it away, but it after some adjusting my play, it got great. 

Huntress: 4

Please don't kill me, but a slow killer, with need for recharge, Basicly no bloodhunt and ability can be counterd with the pressing of a button? Sorry.

She's good for pallets and windows, when survs are kept in a spot, but on my mmr they were clever enough to not depend on it. (and recharging takes to long without iron maiden)

Leatherface: 1

Do I have to say anything? If you can play him, hes an unstoppable monster. The strategy, make him m1 you, doesn't even work most of the time,because you still can and should use the chainsaw for the slight speed boost.

Pig: 5

Dont know if it was because my mmr was completely ######### after Bubba, but piggy is ######### up useless. Even with her black outfit that I had equipped, her stealth doesn't do anything, the traps don't do anything and her dash can't even be properly used for antiloop, because it takes to long to charge and has cool down, no matter what.

Freddy: 4 with snares, 2 with pallets.

I know, I Basicly broke my own rules by equipping the brown pallets, but it's a completely new Freddy.

His snares have no use for pallets, but sometimes it can surprise survs and keep them from fast vault. His teleport and unreadable terror saves him there. But with pallets, most chases end after 5 seconds. But it needs time you sometimes don't have.

Clown: 3

Pretty solid. Can be fast if needed without being much, can antiloop or block paths without being much. He's OK.

Spirit: 3

Maybe it's a 4, but it's pretty normal use. Antiloop is good, mind game is good. I don't know, let's keep her in 3.

Legion: 4

No actual antiloop, but sometimes it just works as it is. Depends a bit much on thanato to actually have an effect, so just a 4. But potential is theire.

Plague: 3

I would have put her in 2, but in the end I got into a state were nobody cleansed anymore and everybody got able to loop me. Maybe just a me problem but that's my ranking so ######### off.

Ghostface: 2

Good ability with some range of use. But it's counterble as hell. That destroys his whole deal.

Demogorgon: 1

His ability have a so big range of usage. Jumping long ranges, sometimes through windows, shackloop is nonexistent, smooth around some walls for fast attack, no pallets after 5 minutes, portals for tracking, distracting or stealth. He's great. But I'm a demo main from the start,so think what you want.

Oni: 3

Very solid ability, but it takes to long to charge without addons. And he can be avoided very good. But will be 2 after I practice some more. 

Deathslinger: 3

No loops whatsoever with him. Got around with tricks hots after 5 minutes and even if they get away, it still has an effect, espacialy on healthy survs. Never be afraid to hit a healthy through pallets. It's still a hit. But he's slow, has only one shot (even though recharge doesn't take long) and is easily avoidable. But a quick scope works better than on Huntress, espacialy as a distress. 

Pyrimidhead: 3

Without his through wall and ability to insta kill, he would have been useless. Basicly a m1 killer with extras. 

Blight: 3

Very antiloop, pressure on the whole map, but needs to much practice and can be completely ######### by hit boxes. 

Twins: 5

I found Victor to weak and that is Basicly everything that makes the twins viable. Maybe I need more practice. 

Trickster: 4

He's only really valuable on close combat and that is bad for a range killer. He did got me some good kills with this, but I don't like it. He's a MP. I don't like MPs. 

Nemisis: 3

I'll be hones, the zombies save him. But if you get to Tier 2, his destruction of pallets make him pretty antiloop. But without the zombies he would have a problem. 

Pinhead: 5

He can scout but that's it. Chains aren't useless but break to quickly, he's teleport can be used against him and he has no antiloop whatsoever. Only when he can find somebody instantly through teleport or when chain hunt is active he has value. 

Atrist: 2

Second biggest antiloop potential after nurse, massive advantage for map knowledge. Fast killer. Brilliant. Just a bit low on actual mappressure, because her crows are actually avoidable and give away her location. 

Sadako: 1 

Solid 1 for stealth, antiloop with demanifest and chareckter height and teleport anywhere + the occasional kill with ability. I like her. 

Dredge: 2 He is a be everywhere but nowhere killer, wich makes good map presure, has good stealth and the teleport back for loops.


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think the only killer that I really care too much about using specific add-ons is Meyers. I never really liked his base kit that much but I love how he plays with this Mirror add-ons, his Infinite Evil or his Tombstones. The Mirrors especially are a ton of fun.

    Honestly if they made Infinite Evil just be how his base kit ability always works, and then replaced that add-on with something else, I think he’d be more fun to play all around. They could even replace Infinite Evil with an add-on that plays kind of like his current base kit, maybe with a slight buff, for the people who might happen to like that style compared to all the others.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    There's a lot of interesting takes on this list😂 I'm going to just take it with a grain of salt because I personally have different experiences with the killers, which would make sense since different MMR brackets and skill level with killers would vary between us.

    Since your ranking is based on how you feel they should rank from playing them, I don't see a problem with any of it since it is your anecdotal evidence. I find it interesting how some killers that are traditionally pretty strong were lower than traditionally weak killers.

    I'm not sure how much this data is actually helpful because limiting yourself by having no perks against 16 survivor perks (usually) doesn't really seem like it would be a good showcase, but still interesting to hear about your experience. Coolio

  • MauriceMaverick
    MauriceMaverick Member Posts: 276

    Please give your own opinion. That's why it's in discussion after all.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I thought I did, but if you want me to elaborate a little more I will. I try not to sound too judgey with this type of post because I don't really disagree with what you're saying, but I can see how my post came off as completely neutral with no actual opinion stated😂

    It's a little difficult because I haven't actually played all the killers without add ons AND perks, but most killers I have played a decent amount of games without add ons, so I'm just going to state the killers I'm surprised by.

    The killers that surprised me were Wraith, Myers, Bubba, Pig, Spirit, Blight, and Sadako.

    Wraith usually struggles in chase and with no perks to help out with either hit and run play style or slowing down/regressing gens, I'm surprised he got ranked so high.

    Similar situation with Myers, I feel like you can have games where he stomps and games where you just hear Myers stun noises the whole time, so I'm surprised he ranked highest.

    Bubba surprised me because although he is great with camping, I feel like against good survivors, he can be made a fool out of. If you're playing dirty though, I can see why he could rank pretty high, just didn't see him being this high.

    Pig I was just surprised with how low since her basekit actually provides built in slow down, unlike most of the killers. I don't doubt it because she is pretty weak, just surprised she didn't get at least a little help from her traps (especially since they were buffed).

    Spirit I would imagine being higher, though if you don't play her often, I could see how she would be middle of the road. I find her pretty strong without add ons, not nurse level of course, but better than being with a lot of the rank 3s you had.

    I feel like blight should definitely be higher. Even without speed add ons he's still really good at providing pressure and getting downs. He does have more counterplay without his speed add ons, but even then it's hard to keep up sometimes.

    Sadako is so bad without add ons that I'm surprised you got any good results with her. Her map pressure gets decimated from teleporting and her chase power isn't the best either. Her shortness can help a little, but even then her stealth is subpar that if survivors start running before you arrive, it takes forever to catch up.

    Most of them I can see where you're coming from because yeah, they can go either way depending on if you get lucky or not. Hence why I'm not so sure this shows any relevant data, but still fun to look at anyway. I feel like there are a lot of variables that factor into how they get ranked as well since maps can really impact whether a killer struggles or not. I'm just glad that you didn't butcher Artist, she's my main<3

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,491

    Well these are definitely some hot takes lol

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,163

    definitely some strange takes..... hag, plague, pyramid head and blight are easily most useful killers base-kit. Myers, sadako and clown genuinely feel awful to play without add-on.

    the only killers that i play add-on less are freddy and nemesis because.... well add-on do nothing anyway.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    you should know.. each killer has its own MMR. Just because you have a “high” mmr with one killer, does not mean it’s high for every killer. My blight mmr is very high because I’m good with him, my nurse mmr is low because I suck with her.

    Some of the killers you ranked 1 would be 4’s and 5’s in high mmr, while some of the 3’s and 4’s would be 1. But I understand it’s your own personal take. Just gotta disagree with most of it!