Solo Q survivors suffer more than killers at any MMR level

Yes its frustrating to play killer at times, but whenever I play killer, I win most of my matches (by winning, I mean I get at least 2K), streamers who complain constantly about survivors average over 3 kills per match as well.

Solo Q is hell. At any MMR level. Doesn't matter how good of a looper you are, doesn't matter if you have the best toolbox/medkit/perks. If your teammates are bad (and most likely they are), you will die.

For killers, if you truly keep doing badly, your MMR will lower to a point where you'll face easier survivors.

As a solo q survivor, that is not existent. Lowering your MMR matches you with even worse survivors who will ultimately die to the killer and you end up dying or escaping by hatch.


  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    Get Botany knowledge and Self Care, and bring 2 other strong chase perks(I like to use resilience and Dead Hard.) I find solo queue less frustrating than weaker killers, because at least when I'm in solo queue I feel like I'm not being limited by the constraints on my character, but by my teammates. When you see survivors pop the final gen in front of you with Pig, and they all have adrenaline, you just want to explode.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,503

    I dont think thats ever been debated. The power level has always been

    solo q < killer<<<<<< swf

  • BradQuackson
    BradQuackson Member Posts: 385

    MMR literally only exists for like a very low skill level, its hardly activated, I have a 93% 4k ratio on a fresh account nurse for 1123 games in a row won and I was facing the same average 200-700 hour sometimes 600/1100 hour survivors at peak time. It hardly exists bro

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited August 2022

    They adjusted MMR, all the streamers and players who thought MMR would be great started quitting because matches got so sweaty and they were tired of facing nothing but Blight/Nurse/SWF every single game.

    It's like everyone forgot they changed MMR to make the game easier and give people more "Variety"

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    Haven't used DH since the nerf, I feel like it would be much more frustrating to use than not at all because of the very tiny small window + lag issues...

    I considered getting Botany and Self Care, I usually bring CoH to benefit my entire team.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Did they? I've always been under the impression that MMR never really worked properly after its first few days, once everyone reached the soft cap.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited August 2022

    Yes, they had like a week long testing where the parameters were changed every day, some days were extra sweaty and some were more relaxed and one was completely off basically.

    They settled with something more on the loose side.

    MMR works and always did. Otherwise people wouldn't need/want to manipulate their own MMR for easier games. The soft cap does cause a certain amount of crowding different skill levels together though. They lowered the soft cap so it got even more wild west.

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    not everyone. They just wanted to please the 'top' performers on the platform, which are a small percentage and just put them in with everybody else. As a result, they might have better matches, but a lot of the matches for average people are frustrating because of it.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Eh, I disagree. High mmr killer was annoying as hell and I would rather play solo queue. So did the entire high mmr killer community which is why the concept of "high mmr" is more or less erased nowadays. The devs got scared and made mmr extremely loose.

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    And yet, everyone who ever complains about is how killers need to be buffed, or survivors to be nerfed, and in both situations, solo q survivors get f**cked.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited August 2022

    SoloQ will always be screwed to some extent, because that's what happens when you put 4 random strangers together and tell them to work together. Plus there are Rift Challenges and people have different motivations. You should lose more as a solo, like any other game. A 5 man premade wrecks 5 randoms every time assuming they're roughly equal skill.

    There's a point where you give solos so much power the game is unwinnable vs groups. Unless there are separate queues this problem is always going to exist between Solo vs SWF.

    Some of it could be resolved with better matchmaking for 4 randoms. They're trying to navigate a delicate balance between SWF, Solo, and Killer which is pretty much impossible.

    Post edited by Sludge on
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    They did decrease the MMR cap. Wasn't it especially because killers at high mmr were complaining about too challenging matches? I can't remember exactly anymore, but that's at least how I remember it.

    Now that killers are in a better spot, they should really increase the cap of the MMR again, that would maybe help at least a bit. I guess Blight and Nurse would still be a problem then, but now because they are just too strong. Nurse in general, and Blight because of weird techs and overpowered addons.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    It can definitely be improved though. The most important part would be to work on matchmaking and improve it. Though at some point I wonder if too many survivor players just aren't that good, which would mean one thing that could improve solo queue is in fact better tutorials, that actually teach survivors how to play more efficiently.

    The other improvement would be information buffs to solo queue, such as the survivor icons BHVR talked about early this year. Those would go a long way to help out solo queue a bit more.

    If they just found ways to reduce the gap between solo and swf survivors, it wouldn't be much of a problem anymore.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081
    edited August 2022

    Solo survivors << low tier killers < average swf <<< nurse/Blight = top swf

    Solo survivors have little chance if the killer has equal skill and decides to play "dirty"

    Post edited by Omans on
  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    The problem is they use to just balance for solo thats how the SC, DS,SB,UB with OG BnP toolbox meta happend. Solo was so strong they could take a hit run to a pallet start SC and be about half way done before they would have to drop the pallet then finish healing on the next loop or 2 ans if they messed up OG DS was a free chase reset.I think they might be afraid to mess up and give survivors to much power again

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Survivors suffer from matchmaking; which is not a balance issue related to play mechanics

    Solo survivors can excel in every aspect other than outside help from comms

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    solo q gives me grey hairs

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383
    edited August 2022

    It's "<" ....

    But yeah soloQ <<<<<<< anything

    I don't know why some people keep posting this BS. SoloQ survivors suffer from bad balance, not from matchmaking. If you are bad at logic, don't even try to reason about things.

    SoloQ used to be great years ago (in the days before slow vaults, window blockers etc were introduced) when matchmaking was much worse and before survivors were nerfed so much. Did all soloQ players suddenly became potatos and killers became so much more skillful? I don't think so.

    If it was purely a matchmaking issue, that would mean that most soloQ survivors get matched to potato soloQ teammates and/or high-mmr killers. What about the bad killers and good soloQ survivors? They surely exist, they didn't magically vanish and they must be matched to someone too. They would even out the soloQ experience, but it doesn't happen. Oh oh, we have a contradiction there. This little thought experiment easily disproves your "theory".

    Post edited by _VTK_ on
  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,878

    quick- someone put this on a t-shirt and baseball cap. 👏

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Solo Queue experiences do get better the more you move up in MMR, until you start facing killers, who do know the game just as well as you do.. So, they'll fake red stains, place unpredictable and yet effective traps in certain areas, and use perks to fit their gameplay Vs. nonsense generator regression loadouts.

    So, you'll be getting actively punished for every single mistake you make - Be it a little miscalculation of half of a second, missclick, hitting a good skill check over great skill check (this ~1% or how much is it, can sometimes result between a finished generator and a generator grab). That's when matches are kinda fun, but start to become too competitive for my liking. I don't enjoy most of them, as I'm not the type of a player to grind the game everyday, remember every single possible RNG of each map and its tiles.. That's just no longer for me.

    But, there's also some decent middle ground, which is where you'll be having the most fun; You'll be punished for your mistakes, but not for all of them.. Only for those that the others manage to notice or punish, so a miscalculation of dropped pallet, good over a great skill check from time to time and such stuff won't cost you a hook, sometimes the difference between sacrifices and escape.

    And, there's the low and high MMR; In low, survivors are getting so slaughtered that it's not even funny, and high MMR is so biased towards SWF premades with VOIP that playing as a killer is stressful, difficult, and a really negative experience overall.

    My point being, as long as you're not facing SWF premades with VOIP as a killer, you'll be having more fun as a survivor playing Solo Queue against mid-high MMR killers. You may be ignored, but there doesn't exist any worse experience in this game than getting matched against SWF premades with VOIP 24/7. Those do treat each match like a Tournament, it simply becomes no place for casual players anymore.

    So, I'd argue that who does suffer the most overall and throughout all the years Dead by Daylight has been out were the killers in high MMR. They're there for years, they can't leave it unless they throw hours of their free time degrading their MMR.. And even then they may not be having fun because it's not fun to play against newbies.. There's no challenge, no satisfaction from actually performing well.

    Solo Queue, however, is really close to the killers in high MMR in that regard; Luckily, because there are four other players, you may encounter some decent players in your team and against you, creating numerous and mostly more positive possibilities than the ones that do arrive for the killers in mid to high MMR.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    Average swf < decent killer is enough to beat them < good swf = blight < seal team swf = nurse

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    Average SWF does not lose to lower tier killers unless they're all drunk and talking about football

    I think you meant below average

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,487

    Always have been.

  • Kweh
    Kweh Member Posts: 88

    True for DBD, not true for almost every other game. It's more that DBD doesn't encourage you to play like a team at all. Right down to the way MMR is determined for survivor. It emphasises solo skills like: map awareness, looping, spreading out to solo gens and most importantly, getting YOURSELF out of the trial, not others. There is no reason to ensure anyone else leaves the trial unless you find that fun or want to.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    I wonder why everyone is equalizing/associating "solo" with "bad". You dont need "swf" to be "good" at survivor. Hatch is always there to catch you anyways.

    Oh and as per tradition: