The current state of the game as survivor on ps4

Sleephartha Member Posts: 242
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
  1. 90% of the time there are long wait times, whether solo or swf. We’re talking 3-15 minutes.
  2. 50% of the time you finally get a game the killer quits
  3. 70% of the time you start a game the killer is running ruin and/or noed and/or bbq
  4. 80% of the time the killer camps and/or tunnels
  5. 30% of the time you encounter an in game glitch like going to run but staying crouched. Or disarming a trap but instead it making you walk into it.
  6. 50% of the time a teammate quits immediately or trolls or potatoes or sandbags or is otherwise useless or a hindrance
  7. At levels 1-5 75% of the time the killer is running some op addon like 1 hit hatchets or permanent ew3 etc
  8. 15% of the time the killer humps his totem and your teammates absolutely cant tolerate that so the team gets decimated going for the totem
  9. 30% of the time your teammates suck at saves. Either too early or too scared of taking a hit or prioritize doing a totem or finishing a gen they just started and let you hit struggle or die.
  10. 30% of the time your team doesnt know how to do a damn gen.
  11. 3% hatch standoff
  12. 10% of the time the game is really fun.

I’m a 2 account rank 1 every season. I’m good to very good but not great. I’m not a good looper. Numbers 1-4 are the real killer. Games can be mind numbingly repetitive.

I really hope that a completely new version of this game comes out sometime in the next year without all the flaws. At a minimum they need to separate swf and solo play so that we can better balance killers to survivors. In the meantime im looking for another game...


  • Judicar
    Judicar Member Posts: 36

    Camping and tunneling on PS4 is a ######### joke. Literally all ranks do it and yes, I am a rank 1 survivor every season as well. Like you said, most games play out the same - first person gets hooked, is camped or tunneled until they quit and then the killer just moves on, tunnels/camps the second and so forth. I play killer as well and cannot fathom how any killer can find any that type of behavior justified or fun. Mind numbing and boring as you said.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 993
    edited February 2019

    #3, #7, and #8 are plain stupid, learn to play. I can agree with the rest. #4 is way over the top though, less than 5% of the matches I’ve been in have either. It’s usually a killer daily when that happens.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Just play killer instead?
  • Sleephartha
    Sleephartha Member Posts: 242

    @Tsulan said:
    Just play killer instead?

    Lol. I wish killer was as fun but it isnt. Theres no risk with killer. Ideally they fix the game. Its a great concept but the flaws are excessive.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Tsulan said:
    Just play killer instead?

    Lol. I wish killer was as fun but it isnt. Theres no risk with killer. Ideally they fix the game. Its a great concept but the flaws are excessive.

    I wouldn't call laser eye surgery risk less. 
    What rank have you reached as killer?
    Remember that you get instant lobbies as killer. 
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited February 2019

    Get a PC

    Maybe dedicated servers can result in cross platform, that would be great. More people is always great!

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Of course, there are long waiting times as a survivor. Nobody plays killer at the moment. As a killer, you get instant lobbies. And why doesn't anybody want to play killer? Because this game is unbalanced and survivor is easy mode.

    Really, play killer for a while on highrank and then we can have a talk about camping, tunneling and op killer add-ons.

    (BTW, your claim #7 isn't even remotely true.)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited February 2019

    @Sleephartha said:
    1. 90% of the time there are long wait times, whether solo or swf. We’re talking 3-15 minutes.
    2. 50% of the time you finally get a game the killer quits
    3. 70% of the time you start a game the killer is running ruin and/or noed and/or bbq
    4. 80% of the time the killer camps and/or tunnels
    5. 30% of the time you encounter an in game glitch like going to run but staying crouched. Or disarming a trap but instead it making you walk into it.
    6. 50% of the time a teammate quits immediately or trolls or potatoes or sandbags or is otherwise useless or a hindrance
    7. At levels 1-5 75% of the time the killer is running some op addon like 1 hit hatchets or permanent ew3 etc
    8. 15% of the time the killer humps his totem and your teammates absolutely cant tolerate that so the team gets decimated going for the totem
    9. 30% of the time your teammates suck at saves. Either too early or too scared of taking a hit or prioritize doing a totem or finishing a gen they just started and let you hit struggle or die.
    10. 30% of the time your team doesnt know how to do a damn gen.
    11. 3% hatch standoff
    12. 10% of the time the game is really fun.

    I’m a 2 account rank 1 every season. I’m good to very good but not great. I’m not a good looper. Numbers 1-4 are the real killer. Games can be mind numbingly repetitive.

    I really hope that a completely new version of this game comes out sometime in the next year without all the flaws. At a minimum they need to separate swf and solo play so that we can better balance killers to survivors. In the meantime im looking for another game...

    And now take a minute or two and think about the reasons of most of your points.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Tsulan said:
    Just play killer instead?

    Cant do that of course..... jesus ..... what a suggestion :sarcastic:

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    BBQ isn't that big of a deal, it's easy to dodge. Ruin is boring but also not a big deal. NOED can be lame depending on what the killer does with it, but also not a big deal.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Master said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Just play killer instead?

    Cant do that of course..... jesus ..... what a suggestion :sarcastic:

    I know... heresy
  • Sleephartha
    Sleephartha Member Posts: 242

    In response to some posts:

    As i said, i dont find killer to be fun. I dont disagree that it can be difficult. But its not as fun as trying to survive. Thats what i mean by no risk. The worst that happens is you dont kill everyone. And i completely disagree that people play survivor because its easier. I play it because its harder. I can die. Its harder to get points as survivor as well so where anyone gets off saying its easier is beyond me. Yes you get games faster but theyre games i dont care to play.

    I know how to compensate for bbq. Its just used so frequently because its so strong that you basically have to do the bbq dance every game. Its a boring hassle. Same with Ruin. Yeah you either find it or work through it. But on ps4 the high ranks arent as good as on pc and they mostly dont work thru it. They run and look for it without small game and waste time. Noed just sucks. You can only counter that by doing all totems or not letting ypurself get hit. That perk will almost always net the killer a kill.

    Anyhow i stand by my points. This game has way too many negatives for survivor on ps4. More ######### killers and more ######### survivors even at higher ranks. Killers will almost always run 1 or 2 of those perks, camp and tunnel and as a solo player without great teammates its a lot harder to have good games. The game balances killer to a swf team. And im solo 95% of the time.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Most of those sound like a personal problem 
  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731
    1. 90% of the time there are long wait times, whether solo or swf. We’re talking 3-15 minutes.
    2. 50% of the time you finally get a game the killer quits
    3. 70% of the time you start a game the killer is running ruin and/or noed and/or bbq
    4. 80% of the time the killer camps and/or tunnels
    5. 30% of the time you encounter an in game glitch like going to run but staying crouched. Or disarming a trap but instead it making you walk into it.
    6. 50% of the time a teammate quits immediately or trolls or potatoes or sandbags or is otherwise useless or a hindrance
    7. At levels 1-5 75% of the time the killer is running some op addon like 1 hit hatchets or permanent ew3 etc
    8. 15% of the time the killer humps his totem and your teammates absolutely cant tolerate that so the team gets decimated going for the totem
    9. 30% of the time your teammates suck at saves. Either too early or too scared of taking a hit or prioritize doing a totem or finishing a gen they just started and let you hit struggle or die.
    10. 30% of the time your team doesnt know how to do a damn gen.
    11. 3% hatch standoff
    12. 10% of the time the game is really fun.

    I’m a 2 account rank 1 every season. I’m good to very good but not great. I’m not a good looper. Numbers 1-4 are the real killer. Games can be mind numbingly repetitive.

    I really hope that a completely new version of this game comes out sometime in the next year without all the flaws. At a minimum they need to separate swf and solo play so that we can better balance killers to survivors. In the meantime im looking for another game...

    99% of these stats are made up. 
  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    Make killer easier then more people will want to play killer.

    At the moment most people want to play survivor because it's less stressful

  • Sleephartha
    Sleephartha Member Posts: 242

    A> @HawkAyeTheNoo said:

    99% of these stats are made up. 

    No #########. Theyre estimates based on my experience. Give or take 5-10%.

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    The term nothing happens, failing to kill some one isn't nothing its still failure same as dieing as a survivor can be viewed as it. Can't be displeasing the big boss entity now can we. However survivors are the ones with the most control, which is odd given killers were suppose to take the power role.