Can People Stop DC/Suicide Against Nurse?
This is seriously so annoying.
I know people don't love Nurse but at least try right? Nurse will not go anywhere. So how about you try adept against her?
And killing yourself is just helping Nurse, not your teammates.
Can we add Pinhead with Plaything to that list as well? I want to learn how to get better against them, but I can’t when my teammates keep DCing making the match infinitely harder. Y’all should be embarrassed. At least try to put up a fight. Jerks.
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I am just glad he is not popular, he is another solo destroyer. I don't mind play against him but solos also gives up against him too.
I don't know why but it is just so annoying. You are using BP offering because it is event. But someone ruins game and you can not get even good bps from this games.
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Had a game against a nurse tonight, she played a map offering while the rest of us played flans. SoloQ
We all escaped.
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Glad to hear that and congrats.
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Nurse should be altered so that she isn't the killer main's "Ok, I'm done, time to ######### survivors" route, I play both sides and I've seen more sweaty nurses than 4 man bully swf honestly.
Even if you win, and we do most of the time, facing anti-looping killer literally removes all the fun from survivors, you only leave altruistic plays (which don't win you most games) so yeah, its boring, frustrating, and very very common
Post edited by EQWashu on18 -
It's hilarious when I load in as Nurse to do a daily and someone disconnects as soon as they hear the blink sound. I'm on console and suck with her. It takes me 10 blinks to get a down (including 4 due to Dead Hard).
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What you're actually failing to realize is that it's literally beyond their control. They suffer from Entitlementitis (Say that 5x fast).
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Or bhvr finally nerfs nurse so the suiciding/dcing stops automatically 🤷♂️
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Make her work for it, at least.
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What’s annoying is playing against nurses. It’s the state of the game
Post edited by EQWashu on17 -
If the nurse is getting multiple downs before a single gen has gotten finished, I'd rather not waste my time playing out the match.
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You are ruining game for your teammates, not for Nurse. She still gets win.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
I think we can all agree if I say that we don’t care about the nurse winning the game. We just don’t want to deal with a nurse in her current form.
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So dc'ing/suiciding against her is solution? If you have 5 Nurses in row, you will give up in every game?
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Oh look, More Nurse related posts. I wonder why so many are playing her hmmm.
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Was kind of the last straw for me when the devs, apparently knowingly, buffed the best killer's strongest add ons. gg go next.
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People unironically defending breaking rules just because they don't want to face something in the game and meant to be a playable option, yikes.
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She is the only killer with lack of counterplay, or at least that makes it to other level. she is just unfun to go agaisnt that simple, and people know that sky rocketing her kills is how killers get nerfed so its the way to go.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
most killers would also like not to deal with dead hard in his current form, and yet here we are.
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When is a nurse is my team that DC/suicide before me, and i don't blame them that much, she needs a complete rework of her power
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No, a nerf is the solution
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Touché, but this is about nurse and not dead hard
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Fun fact, defending disconnecting is against forum rules, there is no valid excuse.
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Survivors DC for the slightest trouble nowadays. I even commonly see them killing themselves on hook even though there's 2/3 completed gens already.
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I mean I don't blame them. A good nurse is quite literally unbeatable because there is just no counterplay, especially on certain maps where there aren't a lot of high walls (but then again even those hardly stop a good nurse)
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Family/Medical emergency. While i'm not encouraging it, this game be damned if i choose it over my or someone in my household's health.
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What the hell can they do. The anti loop killers are hear to stay you cant just nerf every anti loop killer and then fix the busted survivor power level situation. You would creqte a mass exodus of players for whichever side gets screwed first. You have to simultaneouly buff/nerf both sides in a single patch. But the devs keep brainlessly nerfing one side for 3 patches and then get shocked when suddenly theres a massive matcaking imbalance for one side.
Priorities should be helping solos out so they have swf communication. If they really want to start adding counterplay to some anti loop killers at least make a good attempt at balancing dead hard so you dont leave one side getting screwed by the no counterplay argument while the e key continues to invalidate every single killer play at least once per chase. Do these changes in one patch so both sides have something to look forward too.
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I play solo queue. Why would I suffer through a game against a Nurse.
"You're ruining the game for your teammates." I do not know those ppl.
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Its not that they can't give us those tools, they won't. You ever wonder why they have such a MASSIVE chat filter? Because they can be held responsible for what is said/done on their servers. They would have to purchase a whole set of servers JUST for chat.
Theyre better off giving a huge BP/Xp/Shard boost to Solo players.
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It makes zero sense how a basic ass ping system isnt added. It would increase solo survivor retention. More sales and make it easier to design and improve exisitng elements of the game without walking this tightrope of busted for swf good enough for solo. You cant balance both when swf info advantage is effectively 5 informations levels worth of perks.
You just need to put a marker down in game to indicate something. Totem here, heal pls, killer on me, going for save. No chat box is needed little icons markers that other survivors can see. A full blown chat box wont be necessary.
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Did you just learn what entitled meant?
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I mean look at VHS. They have built-in voice chat BUT they also have a ping system. They'll never have to worry about the "Is this killer too OP against solo players or weak against swf-" situation because all players have the same level of information whether they're on comms or not.
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Talking about pinhead what this lmao
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You say "I play solo queue" as an excuse for why you can't handle Nurse, and then cop to being a good chunk of why solo queue feels so bad to play. That's a bit circular.
"I don't have to face these people so I don't care what happens to them" ain't exactly the building blocks of a house you want to live in. I can't force you to play the game, but I will say you have no right to get upset when any of your teammates ragequit in the games where you thought everything was going fine and dandy and wanted to play out.
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Same. And with almost 4k hours I can't say i'm even that good. I spend most of my time as survivor getting my teeth completely kicked in because of DC/Suicides and killers running absolute meta while tunneling and camping, then cry cuz someone used DH. I HATE playing sweaty. When I bought this game 6 years ago, I didn't have to really worry about that. Even with Ebony Mori and not having to hook people first. How do you "git gud" if you lose most all of your games? Not everyone gets better the more they get their ass handed to them. In fact, after years of playing an analyzing people who have open profiles so i can view hours and achievements, I am definitely not a lone in this. Its a majority of players.
Survivors have become so accustomed to killers playing a certain way, they just quit. Its conditioning. Literally simple psychology. Then you will have killer mains brag and boast "oh i made them DC" and then wonder why the game's playerbase suffers like a crackhead without crack.
What's really hilarious? Dead Hard exists BECAUSE of Nurse's ability to anti-loop better than any killer in the game. There is no way to "nerf" her without neutering her completely. If the game was properly balanced, I could see the outcry to stop people from DCing. But in the game's current state of toxicity caused by the playerbase on both sides, it will never end until BHVR either pulls the plug on the game, or actually gives some TLC to the game in the form of a QOL overhaul(not perks) and upgrading their servers/adding servers. I can't tell you how sick i am of playing against someone who's in Argentina while i'm on a upper/Northeast American server.
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This is me af. 🤣
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I kind of look at it like this. People DC cause they say nurse is broken or OP. She makes certain mechanics in the game useless.
Doesn't swf (with comms) do the same thing? The game was not intended to have outside communication. If a killer runs a perk like knock out its almost useless. The swf cab just say, "I'm down by the killer shack come get me."
I don't see killers DCing when they face swf. Isn't it kind of the same thing? Nurse renders some mechanics mute. Well, swf does as well. At least imo.
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They've said several times SWF was always intended, just not ready at launch. If that is accepted as true, I'd say maybe whey underestimated the impact of the voice comms part?
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This is why i never want to see kill rates in balance discussions ever again
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It's sad but the people who regularly DC against Nurse, and other killers that they simply don't like, are not going to be convinced to do otherwise.
That doesn't make them any less entitled and selfish though.
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I'd call it underestimating if it was just from the early days of the game. The fact that they regularly, to this day, overlook extreme problems from either swf comms or synergies on either side makes it feel like they're never going to understand that lesson. The PTBs feel like they know people are going to break their own mechanics, and they're just deciding how bad they think it can get based on that sample size.
Its baffling that CoH went live with boons being able to affect multiple floors, while letting people heal fast enough to keep trading bodyblocks to extend chases then heal the moment the killer picked a target. That was after it was so bad that survivors could create a group hug and pick each other up faster than the killer could down them purely based on blade wipes and their healing bonus could stack with overlapping auras. They addressed the absolutely horrendous oversights and use that action as excuse to ignore the rest like travel distance, vertical effective range, lack of a permanent basekit response, giving perk-tier functions to other survivors, etc.
Their oversights just don't feel like they learn from or understand them, they end up being biased at best, and reactionary at worst.
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I also think most of what changes they make are based on the newish players and the average players.
And not those who play the PTB and/or the top skilled 2% or whatever who make it their business to find each and every exploitable nasty combo & tech with each update.
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The odds of facing that 2% or whatever is also extremely small as any given average player. The odds they'll face average players is quite high given there's not enough people of their own level. But because of how many average players there are, the odds any specific player faces them is quite low.
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nurse is unfun to play against, its a general thought that most people hold true, and when i am with my swf they will immediately go next against a nurse, which basically leaves me to do the same because they are already gone, im sorry but its just not an interesting killer to play against at all.
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I don't know why you think that's relevant. Fun is a subjective standard that will never ever be met for all players in any versus game ever. You shouldn't queue up if you don't want to face things that are part of this game. ESPECIALLY not if you're not a 4-man stack, because then you're screwing over your teammates.
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first off i already established that i play with a swf, and we generally do not care, so no, i am not screwing my teammates over, so thats redundant. second off, a killer who can ignore walls, ignore pallets, immediately blink up and down floors, and also cover the distance of a lithe speed boost through multiple walls and blink AHEAD of you, is broken, and needs to be reworked, its a fact.
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Do you have proof to back up your claims? Nurse is just fine, and equally good players will do fine versus her. Range/3 blink addons need a rework but everything else is a non-issue.
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Nurse topics seriously need a sub-forum ha
It sucks having someone dc literally when they hear the blink. I get it though.. there's some Nurses' that just want to stomp the survivors slugging-galore and it's really not fun at all, but not all games necessarily go like that. They should at least try and see if it's a nurse who's not playing that way.