Basekit BT Buff + Reassurance are the best things to come out of the RE patch.

Ada, Rebecca, and Wesker being added to the DBD roster is nice but balance-wise, the base kit buff and the addition of Reassurance are needed.
Sucks that the devs once again try band-aid fixing key problems via perks but should we be surprised? Anyways, Reassurance is a welcome addition that should see a lot of use considering the spike in camping & tunneling lately.
As for the Basekit BT buff, I'm glad they finally realized that its values could definitely be tuned up. The duration being doubled and haste increased from 7 to 10% should help against those killers who insist on leaving or searching for others *cough *cough I'm looking at you Nurses, Blights, and Spirits that decided to play like that at 5 gens... goodness gracious.
I don't think it's perfect since the devs could still experiment with new ideas, but it's definitely a step in the right direction for a healthier game. I hope more great changes make their way toward the game soon!
bUT iT gOt nErFEd hArD iT'S bAd pErK noW
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They need to remove collision to the unhooked person as well because I'm not in the mood to deal with body blockers literally every unhook.
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I´m curious how long it takes until the kill rates drop again. Basekit BT will see a lot of SWF action.
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But we cant nerf survivors because survivors in teams are too good. We only can nerf killers for theur go(o)d players. /s
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Just tunnel them. Make them regret their decision. They will be crying that emetS did something wrong in no time whatsoever.
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Pretty much. Dbd is the only game, where solo is supposedly the majority of the playerbase, but SWF affects kill rates so heavily, that its visible on the charts.
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No, new beautiful Jill and grind reduction are the best parts for me.
But new characters and these perks are right after
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Im amazed how survivor bissed the whole community is.
"Be happy you only achieved 71-75% od your objectives" is only applied to killers for example.
Tell a survivor to br glad with doing 5 of 7 objectives and you get walls of texts messages :)
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I´m amazed at videos, where a streamer got 2-3 hooks before the gates were powered but then only a 4k, because the SWF team was to cocky/altruistic and everyone claims that the match was fine, because the killer got the 4k.
Kills/escapes shouldn´t be a measurement of skill.
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Yeaaaah... The return of bullying by the SWF.
Being able to play any killer with any build without breaking a sweat didn't last long.
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It's the decreased bloodweb for me
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Amazing Zombie survivers. In a few years, surviver can kill killer or reject killer from match.
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Agreed, and Reassurance should have a basekit version of some type as well. But we can only dream.
Curious how a lot of those who have replied here dealt with BT before it was basekit? Only change needed is for no basekit BT in the end game, or for basement unhooks.
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Reduced bloodweb is the best part for me but increased base bt is a close second
Am i the only one who thinks reasurance is a tad bit overrated? Even before it's nerf
Maybe i'm lucky but for how annoying it is hard camping does not happen often enough for me to think about spending a perk slot on it. Outside of just using it for the sake of variaty
It seems to me like a perk that will very often be unused
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But but weskin' time.
How weskin time not good :(
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Low profile is going to be the key to life and death in most solo queue matches. I love the improvements bhvr made to low profile and it almost makes up for the blatant murder of iron will.
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I really don't see that as a problem. If you are constantly being bodyblocked by that, then you seem to be staying close to the hooked survivor a lot. If the ability to body block further discourages killers to camp, I am all for it. Not to mention that you can then just tunnel the survivor that is bodyblocking again.
Killers got a bunch of nice buffs in the last midchapter update, they can deal with such stuff much better now.
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I doubt the kill rate will go down noticeably. Surely not as low as it was before the 6.1.0 update.
And you know what, even if it does, that shouldn't be bad. Because Queue times right now really need to become more balanced again. THey were before the 6.1.0 update. I also seriously doubt the kill rates were much lower than 50% at average, considering the kill rates were above 50% at average 6 or 9 months before the 6.1.0 update released.
Queue times play an important role to keep track of. I honestly even think that we'll need to see some camping nerfs before queue times go back to normal. Even if queue times go back to normal after the upcoming update, I hope the devs still finally nerf camping in some proper, fair way, just in that case, some killer buff would probably also be required. Hopefully in form of map improvements. I would also love if they increased the instant base regression on kicks to 5%, as long as they finally town down some of the slowdown perk synergies, as well as Eruption and Pentimento, but just slightly.
Kill rates should be the measurement of skill, it's just that kills should depend more on skill than they do now.
Killers got a bunch of buffs that helped with that already. But camping and tunneling still remain problematic, though luckily the latter is being nerfed.
I hope the devs continue to balance the game in this direction, so killers are encouraged to win by going for hooks primarily (doesn't mean they need to be forced to 2 hook everyone before getting a kill), and are discouraged to win in any other way. Something about end game has to be done at some point as well, it's not very good design wise if you ask me. Though it is a big misplay by swf survivor teams if they all go down after the exit gates are powered.
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Reassurance is a good idea but ultimately I just feel that the right move is making survivors understand they need to do gens when a killer is camping. I still feel like it's too strong because yeah camping in general sucks it should still be a strategy for those trying it. Not the well known face camping but a killer should be able to pressure survivors into making bad decisions. Proxy Camping is one of those and punishing altruism is a sensible strategy. I do see the sensible side to this perk but it just feels like a bandaid fix for a bigger problem which is solo / swf. A swf can just save the team time by saying they're being camped - meanwhile a solo will waste time moving towards the hook only to learn that after they spent their time walking across the map the person is being camped.
I feel like the proper solution here is still closing the gap between the two and this perk will be unfairly annoying against SWF's. We'll see it in action though but I feel this perk will cause slugging / tunneling to become more popular if heavily used. Granted I imagine it actually won't be used as much as people think and likely the odd one out using this perk will be targeted to be tunneled / camped out of the game because while not crippling it is annoying to killer players not abusing the camping strategy.
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For me it's still going to be Wesker, but Reassurance and especially the tunneling nerf are a close second. Finally I won't always have to run 1 or 2 anti-tunneling perks.
I do hope we will be seeing some baseline nerfs to camping as well. Nothing crazy, just some decent nerfs that help with camping.
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Where can we read about the changes they’re making? Thanks for any help
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The most recent changes can be read here.
These are only the changes AFTER the ptb.
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BT gamers are feasting
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wish reassurance was a free perk so I can see more people running it though.
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This should really only affect tunneling and camping. The only way comp SWFs would be able to "bully" with it is if you allow them to.
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I agree 100%. Couldn't have said it better.
A lot of players are forgetting that the base kit BT is supposed to discourage and minimize the pressure of tunneling/camping including the other survivors that become involved in the situation because the killer didn't want to leave the hook.
Just like you said, killers should be better adept at dealing with such things now thanks to the patch so it really shouldn't be an issue if someone wants to body block.