Speed Limiter (Hillbilly) Is The Worst Addon In The Game

While this is entirely subjective, I feel as if Speed Limiter really does make Billy's power horrible, especially in comparison to other meme addons.
One of the things that I would really like to do, is have Speed Limiter buffed to make it not so horrible of a meme addon. Something along the lines of Plague's Prayer Tablet Fragment, where it provides a downside and positive to it's effect.
How would I change Speed Limiter:
Speed Limiter Uncommon Addon
A mechanical device that limits the amount of fuel small engines can intake at one time, forcing a constant and safe speed. Other modifications allow the heat to be properly released from the chainsaw, creating a constant airflow within the device.
~Grants 100% Bonus Bloodpoints for Chainsaw Hit Score Events in the Devious Category.
~Hits with the chainsaw do not automatically trigger the dying state. Survivors hit with the chainsaw are inflicted with Deep Wound.
~The chainsaw cannot overheat.
~Increased the movement speed during a chainsaw sprint by +10%, the movement speed during a chainsaw sprint cannot be modified further with other addons.
Speed Limiter, in this case, isnt horrible but does have it's draw backs and strengths:
- The increase bloodpoints will remain the same amongst all things. This is to keep Speed Limiter in line with other meme addons.
- Chainsaw hits will not instantly down survivors, keeping the theme of speed limiter alive, but having it trigger Deep Wound limits the usage of Endurance perks. Speed Limiters can be a rough experience since the addon requires 2 hits with a power that a lot of people consider hard to use. This make it so it will always take 2 hits to down a survivor and Endurance wont have any effect on the amount of hits required (this is excluding Mettle of Man since MoM is a special instance).
- The chainsaw cannot overheat... this one is interesting. A lot of players do not like the overheat mechanic with the chainsaw, however this gives the player a way of being able to overcome the overheat mechanic of course at the cost of insta-downing survivors... "other modifications allow the heat to be properly released from the chainsaw, creating a constant airflow within the device."
- Increasing the movement speed but not having it be able to be modified further, this allows the player running Speed Limiter to move at a "constant and safe speed" but not feel entirely sluggish. Players often run Doom Engraving or Death Engravings, however this provides an alternative to stuff, allowing newer players to get a feel for the increased chainsaw speed and even practice.
Speed Limiter is, at best, a meme.
Violet Waxcap isn't even that. It's a pathetic Add-On with 0 upsides
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Can you fix Charcoal Stick next? That add-on is also trash with barely any upside and a giant downside. At least speed limiter is a common add on and not a rare...
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I think all meme addons should have a visual or auditory flare that make them just a little bit cooler but obviously not better in function.
The Clown's Party Bottles are a perfect example of this.
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Giving things different visual effects would be neat, I wouldnt mind it at all.
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Party bottles are an S+++ tier add on and should be made basekit.