A question for all of you

What made u decide to main survivors or to main killer ?

Genuinely curious, just please let’s not transform this in a “US vs THEM” battle.

Also I would like to know if u ever switched and why.

Hope y’all doing well


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Survivor has a boring gameplay loop, and Demogorgon

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Initially I picked killer because I didn't find the core gameplay of survivor all that fun- the fantasy of being a big slasher monster was far more appealing to me, chucking hatchets was a far more immediately fun experience than sitting on a generator.

    However, when I started doing adept challenges and tome archives, I started enjoying survivor a lot more, to the point that it's far closer to equal playtime on both these days.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Used to main survivor since killer on console feels pretty awful

    Now play both sides equally since both are fun for different reasons

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I mained survivor for my first 800 hours because I started off on survivor and found the gameplay fun and enjoyable. It was less stressful than killer and the couple of times I would try killer, it was just so disorienting that I didn't like it. I also didn't have many killer perks, so it was kind of hard to keep gens from popping.

    Around 800 hours I started to play killer and learn it because A: I wanted to finish all the tomes and B: Survivor was getting less fun and more frustrating (queue times were also too long to get tunneled off first hook or camped on first hook). I started off playing a lot of myers and trapper and pig, but then my lovely lady The Artist came out and then I decided to main her.

    Now I play probably 60% survivor and 40% killer. I still enjoy playing soloq survivor, but I definitely mix in killer at night since wait times are super short. I also own all the killers except two of them (Pinhead and Sadako), so I've come pretty far. I've also become a much better survivor from playing all the killers, you learn a lot of nuances to powers very quickly when you play the role, instead of waiting to go against that one killer randomly in pubs.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I play both. Around 60%+ survivor now because of horrible queue times

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I started as a survivor main because it was less stressful than killer, so I just stayed on that side. But when the meta change came, I switched to maining killer since survivor wasn't fun anymore and it was a total disaster. But then I switched back because omg, I hate auto-aim. I can't even count how many times that has screwed me over. Besides I find the survivor perks more fun.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,263

    I found that I enjoy surviving more than hunting.

    I like the difficulty it brings and the teamwork.

    When I play Killer i rarely feel thrilled.

  • Pyrosorc
    Pyrosorc Member Posts: 202

    If I'm playing with friends, my only choice is survivor (unless there's 5 of us). If I'm playing solo it will either be 1) killer because I just played a ton of survivor with friends or 2) whatever has a queuetime that doesn't kill me.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Got into the game to play with friends, so I started out as exclusively survivor.

    Got frustrated and bored, and sometimes my friends weren't there and I don't want to mess with SoloQ, so I tried out killer and liked it.

    Now I'll play survivor if friends are online and killer if they're not, roughly 60 - 40%.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I have started to play as a survivor when I've bought the game, with Nea. A few weeks later on, I have decided to give a try to Kate, but without any success, so I have switched to playing as a killer for around a year or something.

    Now I knew some basics on how do the killers feel, and that alone has drastically improved my survivor gameplay; I have, then, started to play with Feng 24/7 (because my bias towards asians). I have read all of their lores, and I didn't like them all at all.

    Once the Shattered Bloodline Chapter got out, I have tried the new killer out, and Rin was performing so well that I've immdiately decided to play with her the most of the time; Upon reading her lore around three months later on, I have completely fallen for her, and that's the main reason as to why I still do play with her even nowadays.

    I got kinda hyped when it came to the All-Kill Chapter, but.. I haven't liked the community's behavior about how Korean Pop is bad and all that stuff around. Long story short, I have enjoyed Yun-Jin's lore aswell, and kinda made her my main.

    Nowadays, I do play with Feng or Yun-Jin literally 24/7, while occasionally switching killers from Rin to Anna (because throwing hatchets is satisfying).

    I have switched playing with roles in the meantime, dependable on the waiting time. Whenever it was taking forever to play as a survivor, I have switched and played as a killer, and vice-versa.

    Thanks to how long I have been playing with Rin back in the day, my MMR has accumulated and I do face SWF premades 24/7, unless I do decide to suffer in queue times and face Solo Queues during the day (which does never happen).

    Although I have been touching Kate and other survivors a little in the past few days, I'm still too biased towards Feng, Yun-Jin, and Rin. The moment Michaela gets her Ice Queen outfit, I may switch and play with her most of the time, but that depends mostly on how well they can execute the outfit and meet the teaser's version.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    Very interesting replies! Thank you all for replying.

    Why do a lot of people find survivors boring? Cause of the teammates or the survivors mechanic itself?

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Because it is all repeatetive.

    Just do the generators, cleanse some totems from time to time or bless them.. There's really nothing else, right? Whereas each killer is unique, bringing you multiple tools to choose from - For example, you don't wanna be forced to run to them, so you play a ranged killer.. Or, you do wanna lead your prey to traps, so you play trapper or hag.. There's more to it than just following the survivor and using M1 when you're in a reach, whereas survivor is always gonna be the same..

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    The fact that I don't really have nearly enough time to invest on survivor. I can only play around the time when qeues are awful for survivor.

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    I play both sides, enjoy both of them, but I'm worse at killer and because of the q times I only play survior right now. I hope they'll become better, so I can again become a priestress, throwing up on everything. So stress relieving.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    No, they're gonna be even worse once the RE Chapter comes out, and it won't be changing until we get to see some nerfs on the popular characters.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I main killer because I have more fun as killer than survivor for various reasons

    • There’s a much wider variety of playstyles in killers than survivors. All the survivors are basically the same thing, just with different perks. The killer unique abilities though really change how they play in comparison.
    • Killers have a lot less downtime in a match. As a survivor you spend about 1/3 or more of the match either on a hook, on the ground, or on a generator with not much else happening.
    • I find I prefer the way chases feel in first person as killer to how they feel in third person as survivor. Obviously third person is strategically superior, it’s just a style preference thing for me.
    • I don’t know why but I dislike skill checks. I get more stressed doing the dumb checks than I do during chases, it’s weird. 🤷‍♂️ Probably just has to do with since I play survivor so rarely I miss skill checks often enough that it still irritates me.