Thinking of an anti-popular perk loadout for survivor

dugman Member Posts: 9,713

So I have an Anti-Popular Perk loadout I'm using for killer and it's working pretty well. Basically it's perks which kind of directly counter the most popular survivor perks at the moment.

  • Discordance - see when two survivors are on a gen, counters Prove Thyself
  • Hex: Third Seal - Blindness, counters Windows of Opportunity (which is currently the most used survivor perk) and other aura perks
  • Fearmonger - Blindness and Exhaustion when on a gen and a bit afterward, can counter various Exhaustion perks and also somewhat counters certain popular aura perks
  • (After Wesker) Terminus - counters Adrenaline fully healing someone in endgame, or alternatively right now either Jolt for additional slowdown or Undying to protect Third Seal and get a little extra aura info if someone is placing a Circle of Healing Boon.

That loadout is working pretty well so far, can't complain! (Got a 4k with it on Ghost Face just now.😄)

Anyway I've been thinking about something similar for survivor to spice it up, but I'm not as fluent on the survivor perks as the killer ones to come up with direct counters. Here's a stab though, listed in order of killer perk popularity

  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance - This just barely the most popular killer perk at the moment (#1 by about 0.3% on the site I follow). I'm thinking Breakdown is actually maybe an interesting counter for Scourge hook perks. It requires no action on your part other than being hooked on a Scourge Hook and then rescued (and if you're never hooked against a Scourge Hook killer then you're probably winning anyway.) And when it triggers it knocks that Scourge Hook out of commission for 3 whole minutes which is a really long time in a DbD match! Plus it gets up to two uses per match. (I know a lot of people probably think Saboteur here, but sabotages don't actually remove a hook for very long, only 30 seconds or 45 seconds with an add-on, and it requires you to actively go and sabotage the hook rather than be doing something else useful. I like that Breakdown is a passive result with a much longer duration.)
  • Barbecue and Chili - The obvious counter is Distortion to hide your aura from the killer. There are some other perks that can hide your aura sometimes like Off the Record, but Distortion seems to be the best perk that is firmly directed at hiding your aura as its main effect in a wide variety of circumstances.
  • Jolt - This one I'm having trouble thinking of a perk that actually directly counters it. The main counter to Jolt is simply don't get downed in part of the map where there are gens, but what perk most directly works in that fashion isn't as clear. I'm leaning toward Off the Record maybe, though, since its Endurance effect would help you not get downed as often and its stealth also helps keep you out of chases as well as disables BBQ and Chili above. Dead Hard is also a possibility, although personally my timing isn't nearly good enough to use it so I'd probably use something else myself! 😄
  • Corrupt Intervention - This is an interesting one since it just blocks a bunch of generators at the start of the match. I'm thinking an interesting counter here is Deja Vu which shows you three generators that are close to each other at the start of the match and every time a gen is completed and also gives you a speed boost on them. It's even tempting to use Deja Vu plus a Map to counter Corrupt Intervention since the gens you see from Deja Vu automatically get added to your Map so, if they happen to be blocked at the beginning, you'll see that immediately at the start, know not to go there, then can use the Map later to very quickly find them again once they're unblocked.

So yeah, kind of an unusual loadout (Breakdown, Distortion, Off the Record and Deja Vu, possibly with a Map for Deja Vu as well). Distortion and Off the Record are kind of popular, Deja Vu is used sometimes but not that often, and Breakdown isn't used much at all. Still, seems like a fun one to keep in mind that I'll have to try at some point. 😄


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,123

    If you want a really unpopular one, run self care and nothing else.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    A good one for Jolt is something like Bond so you can avoid going down near teammates working on gens

    Overcome i guess so you can absolutely make sure you can get to a area where gens have already been completed to avoid surge

    MoM was amazing vs Stbfl but it's dying again today sadly

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Another indirect counter I didn’t think of to Jolt is healing perks since if you can get back to full health efficiently then you can be downed less often.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Another way to counter jolt can be using perks like situational awareness (Better together) or maybe even blastmine. You're telling your teammates where you are working on a gen and if they have common sense, they won't run towards you if they are injured in chase. Not guaranteed obviously because teammates may not notice if they don't have much experience, or they might think it's trail of torment.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Can confirm, Third Seal is underrated by everyone.

    Even survivors will sometimes not look for it because it doesn't seem worth, but it works like a charm to delay unhooks/raise and prevent Windows.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited August 2022

    The hook thing is definitely true. I had a match last night as Ghost Face on RPD. One of the people I hooked died fairly quickly on first hook in part I think because nobody came to rescue them, they were on a kind of remote hook in a corner of a dead end room and I had hit I think all the survivors (maybe) so it’s possible they just didn’t know where to look on that map for the hook. After that person died my Hex finally got destroyed but by then two people had died and it was game over. (And the irony is one of them used an offering to send us to that map, it really backfired on them!)