Do not insta buy Wesker Resident Evil fans or regular dbd players

Remember what happened with Ghostface, or even with some of the past killers after Ghostface
Wait for BHVR to make any last minute changes to the killer, wait for even a day or two.
This isn't a post to force you not to buy him, this is just a slight warning/advice post. Spend your money wisely, don't get riped off
I remember them massively buffing Ghostface on his release..?
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I buy every Chapter even for killers and survivors I don't play.
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I will buy it
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I am really confused about what you mean about Ghostface. He released in a far better state then his PTB.
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I am gonna buy it and you can do whatever you want.
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...What happened with Ghostface? Wasn't he significantly buffed when he hit live...?
Seems like that's more of a pattern than anything else. Killers get bug fixes, buffs, and maybe some serious glaring balance problems (like Artist's trap crows) nerfed when they hit live, nothing substantial.
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I’ll do what I want. I don’t care about how good he is or not.
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I`m buying the chapter either way because new content is the only thing that makes me play the game for a while until I get sick of it again.
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Thanks for the warning but I'll stay my course
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I like the current version of Ghost Face, got an easy 4k just last night with him.
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He means that despite Ghostface's significant initial buffs, he also got nerfed slightly after the release - afaik, they made it so stalking marked survivors didn't replenish their mark duration at the same rate as stalking and they increased the reveal range by 4%. Although the first thing was most likely a bug, but it was present ever since Ghostface got on PTB.
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Some players are something of a completionist and want to have access to everything. Some players don't just want to strongest options in the game, but also some fun ones. Some players don't care for last minute changes today or in the next two days, as they dig the core concept of the new killer.
I got all killers and survivors unlocked, and while I don't have all of those in my regular rotation, I like to play every killer when I feel like it, even the Twins, Freddy or Trickster on occasion, and Wesker looks like he will be a hell of fun to play. But thanks for the warning/advice ^^
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I need the perks lmao
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I actually didn't know that, thank you.
Hardly such an intense nerf you need to wait and see before buying a new killer, though, lol.
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BHVR here's my money
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Yep, pretty much correct.
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Even if he's weak he looks fun to play. I love onryo she's probably my favorite killer since spirit released.
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Sadako is really fun, probably my favorite stealth killer. She is weak but still fun.
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Ghostface was absolutely awful on his ptb. His power could be broken by survivors instantly and anywhere on the map and his power had a global sound effect.
Then going live (and the next couple of hotfixes) not only were those issues fixed, but they removed the ability for him to stalked already marked survivors to keep the mark timer up with the compensation of survivors not losing their mark progress so Ghostface could 99% survivors.
Not really sure Ghostface is the best example of "don't buy this killer because the devs might change him going live". Plus they've already told us last week what Wesker changes were.
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a nerf isnt a deal breaker for me
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I will always be a Myers main but she's definitely my second favorite stealth killer.She can be really strong if the survivors sleep on her and maps like the game she's so scary.
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I couldn't hear that over weskers chase music
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I see another reason not to buy this
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Sorry no time to read your thread, got Survivors to Yeet.
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I buy every chapter, regardless of the killer changes and whatnot. So either way, I'll be getting it.
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I won't
because I'm broke :(
But would if I wasn't so nah
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Don't tell me what to do
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I like how half of you guys are trying to be all sassy and all with your replies when I literally said
"Im not forcing you, its just a warning/advice"
Some of you guys need to read.
And no Ghostface wasn't buff an hour after his release, he was literally nerfed an hour after his release
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I bought the bundle pack and not what I expected. Weskers power is pretty much punishing in every way. Can't believe I spent $12.99 on dogshit. This is a big ######### up behavior
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Literally an hour after his release, they decreased his view area that made it harder to expose survivor and made it inconsistent, while increasing the survivors view area that made it eaiser to reveal him and made it inconsistent.
It still happens now occasionally where a survivor can reveal ghostface behind walls or even without him being in their view completely. And even cases where ghostface can expose survivors that are behind walls.
I don't what piece of dbd history you're remembering, but its definitely not that. They did not buff him an hour after his release. It was one of the biggest reason why a lot of people back then stop playing him, until people found out about the 2 power recovery addons, but then BHVR gutted that as well recently and now his is just mid.
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Ghost Face released in DBD Patch 3.0.0, which released on the 18th June 2019. He was released as the Third Anniversary Chapter. He was buffed heavily from the PTB to his on-release version.
Ghost Face received the following changes in DBD Patch 3.0.1:
- Slightly reduced the stalk rate add-ons: Telephoto Lens (to -0.25 seconds, down from -0.5 seconds total stalk time required), Night Vision Monocular (to -0.75 seconds, down from -1.0 seconds total stalk time required).
- Adjusted all stalk rate add-ons (Philly, Telephoto Lens, Knife Belt Clip and Night Vision Monocular) so that they only affect stalking while not leaning. Stalking while leaning is twice faster than normal stalking.
- Slightly increased the Killer Instinct base duration to 2 seconds from 1.5 seconds.
- Slightly increased Killer Instinct add-ons: Marked Map (to 1 second, up from 0.5 seconds), Victim’s Detailed Routine (to 1.5 seconds, up from 1.0 seconds).
- Slightly increased the Detection area in the center of screen for Survivors attempting to reveal The Ghost Face by 4% on each side of the screen (total of 8%).
- Fixed an issue that allowed The Ghost Face to stay Night Shroud when stunned by a pallet.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Ghost Face to continue stalking already Marked Survivors.
- Removed the proximity Sound that the Killer generated while in Night Shroud (only his clothes emit sound while he moves).
DBD Patch 3.0.1 released on the 27th June 2019, 9 days after the 3.0.0 update, on a Thursday. These are the nerfs you're after. They weren't an hour after- they were, in fact, 216 hours after.
I don't what piece of dbd history you're remembering, but its definitely not that. They did not nerf him an hour after his release.
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I already bought him and his skin, he doesn't need a buff, he is literally wesker. Get ratio'd