Call of brine, overcharge, erruption *exist* Devs:

"Hmm.... blast mine is overpowered, lets nerf it"
I genuinely want to hear an explanation for the nerf. Like why???
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Yeah. It seems like that killers having fun perks is fine, but when it comes to survivors it's a huge no. Ridiculous.
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I almost don't even want to hear it, actually. It might be better if we don't.
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As sad as it is to see an underused perk nerfed, I'm actually with BHVR on this one. The first time I used this perk and I noticed that my mine had failed but that I was able to immediately place a new one, I was like what? That can't be right?
It's like missing your flashbang save and immediately receiving a new one to try again.
Edit: and now it's consistent with Dragon's Grip, which also goes on its huge cooldown even if it didn't hit anyone.
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Next patch be like:
"Now Blast mine kills survivor if explodes close to them"
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I don't instead understand the correlation between those perks and blast mine. They obviously want survivors to plan when they put down a blast mine instead of spamming it on cooldown. Should it get some sort of compensatory buff? Obviously. But their logic is apparent.
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Because it is unnecessary, and it is part of a new trend of adding new restriction to perks that are already not being used much, like what they did with calm spirit or pharmacy
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Already weak perk don't need that.
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I mean, none of those perks need nerfing either?
As for Blast Mine itself, it's not a huge deal. Honestly, this is probably how it should've worked to begin with, and while it definitely doesn't feel fantastic to have it changed the end result is still probably better- especially with Wiretap in the game, I could see those two working together too well, potentially.
It's still a fun, goofy perk, and it's still not particularly useful outside of that. Nothing much has really changed, functionally.
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It's always a bummer when they nerf fun perks. I understand why they did that, but I'm certainly not happy with it.
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But the long cooldown makes Dragons Grip pretty #########. Why not buff ######### perks instead of making decent ones worse?
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Because it already had the requirement of 66% repair of a gen to activate, which is a longer with the 90sec gen. Now that minute of repairs are one use worth, making the perk less consistent, and weaker. For a perk that was not strong, was not used much and didnt need a nerf.
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Right, but this is still probably how this perk should've worked to begin with.
A good additional change would've been to lower the requirement, I think that'd be a fair compensation.
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And people say they only cater to survivors
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If the requirement was lowered to 33% or lower, we could argue about balance. But making one time use of a 66% repair progress requirement is nonsense.
Plus, i dont believe this is something that should go with "thats how the perk should have worked". It s been over a year since the first chapter, they had plenty of time to properly test this perk and as i said before, i dont see how blast mine would be considered op pre 6.2.0.
This truly feels like a random nerf for the sake of nerfing something.
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The problem with comparing it to Dragon's Grip having a cooldown is that Blastmine doesn't have a cooldown that is simply time based. It's cooldown is completing a percentage of a gen that can be difficult to do if you are either on hook, being chased, or if the killer is protecting a three gen.
You always have dragon's grip as a perk and don't have to activate it initially (activating condition is just kicking a gen), but blastmine you have to put in some work before you can get the reward of the perk. While I understand your comparison to flashbang, I feel like it should be treated differently because of the activating conditions and short time it is applied to the gen. They could have done some compensation to the perk instead of just making it much weaker (completing only 50% of a gen or having it active on the gen for 45 seconds).
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Oh, I highly doubt this was a change motivated by something being too strong. Like I said, I imagine it's more to bring it in line with how it was intended to function, and I personally have a sneaking suspicion they want to be cautious about its synergy with Wiretap too.
I think this community (and most other gaming ones tbf) could do with remembering a change isn't always strictly "nerf because too strong" or "buff because too weak", honestly.
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I enjoyed reading your arguments about Dragon's Grip and Flashbang and now I agree they could/should have given a compensatory buff to Blastmine. However, logically, I feel this perk makes more sense now.
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I can totally see the argument where it was being used as an info perk when that isn't the intention, so like, I get why they would make this change (even if it is highly questionable). I personally didn't use the perk in this way because it would always run out before the killer would kick it if I didn't apply it when the killer was actually approaching.
I wouldn't be against this change if they either buffed the perk numbers a bit OR they actually gave it a cooldown like Dragon's grip. If they had it where the perk goes on a 1 minute cooldown after the perk expires from a gen before you can reapply it, then you'll at least be guaranteed a chance that it will come back into play before the game ends. I'm not totally against making this perk more consistent (because your argument with flashbang kind of makes sense that blastmine shouldn't just be placed without thought), but I just want the perk in a place where you can actually get value if it fails the first time.
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blast mine did not needed nerf, neither this meta combo, a meta should exist, kindred should be meta and no one uses
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What fun perks?
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Rancor, Overcharge, Eruption, NOED, Merciless Storm, Hex: Devour Hope, Pain Resonance, Dead Man's Switch, Starstruck, STBFL, Dragon's Grip, Hex: Blood Favor, Hex: Plaything, Hex: Pentimento, Deadlock, and many, many others.
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It's 100% just because of consistency, so it works the same like Wire Trap. The same thing they did with MoM, which is being reverted funny enough.
I hope they revert that nerf, or reduce the required repair progress to 33% or something like that instead.
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You must have a blast playing killer. Every perk is super fun, apparently.
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I mean is that a good thing though? i don't consider Dragon's Grip to be a good perk either.
They should have given the perk a compensation buff instad, but not leave it at 66% repair progress.
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the difference is the amount of value you can get from a flashbang is much greater than a blastmine.
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Can we make OTR and DS consistent with NOED, Remember Me, Blood Warden, Save the Best for Last, Rancor, etc..?
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It was what I used for those blind killer challenges. Now I might not even get value in a game from it
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Except it's nothing like missing a flashbang save and then getting a new one.
A flashbang is something the player has complete control over. It doesn't have a timer that expires it. You can use it whenever and wherever you want so it makes sense that once it's gone it's gone and you have to fulfill an objective to get a new one.
Blast mine is on a timer and there's a decent amount of RNG as to whether or not the killer kicks the gen and triggers it.
You also can't compare blast mine to dragons grip at all. Blast mine stuns a killer for a few seconds and requires a survivor to complete 2/3 of a generator to activate and setting it requires another initial 3 seconds on a gen.
Dragons grip takes 2 seconds to set up (kicking a gen, which also takes less time since the 6.1 killer buffs) and if triggered causes exposed status for 60 seconds AND gives the killer information on where the exposed survivor is. I'd say 60 seconds of exposed status is way more powerful than a 3 second stun.
Also don't forget that in solo q the yellow aura on the trapped gen can be confusing. For solo survivors it could mean blast mine, but it also could mean the killer is using trail of torment, or someone is using situational awareness. There's no way for solo to know unless they're paying attention when it gets triggered by the killer.
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And people say they only cater to survivors
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Well said, I erased my own argument because you just said about everything I would say. I'd also like to add that flashbang is a much more powerful tool, as similar to a flashlights, you can potentially save your teammate being carried to hook. As of a yet, killers can't carry a survivor and kick a gen at the same time so no synergy there.
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I don't want to be the breaker of news, but OTR and DS are not end game perks and don't require any build up.
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What is this us versus them? Huh? Killer perks have nothing to do with survivor perks. Stop creating animosity by comparing the two. Rawr!
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This a tweet from someone who works at BHVR on the change to blast mine
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It seems like an easy fix for me, or really if they want to test this out, they could make Blast Mine not despawn at all, but it has to stay on the gen it was placed on of course.
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Of the five perks I named, only two require build up...
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OR, I meant OR. Sorry.
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Blast mine is a meme perk anyways, don't pretend like it stops the killer from kicking gens. If I get blast mined, I just stand there until I can see again and continue applying call of brine