Alright time to start betting on whats in the midchapter.

Personally I think a Swamp rework and Trickster improvements or maybe the Solo Q improvements they talked about before. However if it was the solo Q improvements I feel some mention mightve happened before now.
As far as Im aware there is no info of what is in this midchapter yet so what do yall expect/hope to see.
I'm truly hoping for the custom match bots. I'm still going to play online but it would be so nice to just casually play killer. That's exactly what I did when Friday the 13th released their bots. Play a match or two as Jason against the bots and play live as a counselor.
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I want to see the QoL change of having a survivor and killer tome challenge selected at the same time. This was one of the features I was most excited about, and I feel like I remember seeing that it was pushed back until winter... but I would love to see it in the next patch.
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All exhaustion perks are going to be deactivated once the exit gates are powered up is my bet
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If they could pull it off, bot matches while in queue would be pog. Imagine being able to practice various killer powers while you wait in queue.
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Flashbang will explode on survivor pockets because op
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Unless I missed something there’s only two main items left in their 2022 roadmap other than the December dlc chapter - custom matches with bots and automatic mori on the last dying survivor. So it’s definitely possible we could see both in the next midchapter, but we’ll see!
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onryo. moris.
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Hope: alot
Expect: nothing
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I'm betting: still no fix for Sadako
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- Red Forest/Backwater Swamp Map Reworks
- Portrait update for those missing it (ie Claudette)
- Sadako adjustments
- New Meta Changeup
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based on the blast mine nerf I expect overwhelming pressense to get a 50% nerf, furitive chase to pause the hook timer, and premonition to reveal your aura. Maybe if we're very lucky buckle up will get a 50% pick up speed reduction in exchange for doing it silently.
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Next killer (other than those reviewed 1.5 months after release which they pretty much never held up to?) is confirmed to be Twins, so very likely no Trickster.
I hope for Realm Beyond continuation (maps, killer models, portraits, possibly animations?)
Maybe finally sets to be separated (only originals obv)
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I really hope my baby girl gets her very deserved changes. And also hoping for a Myers rework, because the chapter should be dropping around the time halloween's final part releases.
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Maybe onryo will finally get some balance changes. She really needs some buffs.
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My guess wouldbe a map remaster for swamp or red forest, changes to twins and Myers. And being able to select a killer and survivor archive at the same time.
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Further changers to perks, maps, Killers
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They mentioned a while back that The Twins was the next killer getting looked at. Might finally be her turn
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Stucked in a hill bug back
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I'm praying its an enormous Wesker nerf but we know it won't be.
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While they are on the topic of patching up some collision i hope billy and blight get some love in that departement, some maps feel awful to play.
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This. Can we please finally practice killer instead of getting murdered our first game because we are fighting against our MMR survivors?
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Sadako buffs along with getting rid of that cheesey condemned strat please.
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Twins changes
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Honestly even if she doesnt get buffs in the patch I wouldnt mind that getting removed. Its such boring design for the killer and if it was removed people cant say "Oh JuSt UsE tHe OtZ cOnDeMnEd StRaT" or try to claim she is good because of it.
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I completely agree that it's just not an interesting way to play the game. It's effectively face camping with more steps. I don't understand why anyone would want to bypass the most fun part of the game just to get a survivor out of the match.
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I wouldnt say its simalar to face camping, its much more tunneling.
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I hope they delete Nurse and Legion
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Nurse might get looked at but legion is pretty unlikely
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Survivor buff, killer nerf.
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Whatever it is we probably won’t get major changes like the last mid chapter.
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That's targeted for the end of the year.
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Nurse nerf, 100%
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Onryo buffs, plz
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They talked about a rework for twins during one of the Q&As, so that's what i'm expecting the main focus of next mid chapter to be.
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Massive QOL and bug fix patch.
I can dream, at least.
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By "Trickster improvements" I hope you don't mean a nerf. He is perfectly fine the way he is. Tho he could maybe use less recoil if using controller
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Gosh I hope not
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I meant more his general gameplay as and against feeling boring and if anything buffs rather than nerfs.
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Probably general killer nerfs. I don't think Twins will get any changes at all like Hag.
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Maybe fix like 2 of weskers issues then nerf his only good addons.
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Most likely theyll be in the hotfix