Viretap + Open Handed

Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

Is it just me, or does this combo not work? The range feels the same with or without Open Handed


  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217
    edited August 2022

    It doesn't, the description says it indirectly (hard to explain, but read the Kindred description and than the Wiretap description, than you might know what I mean). Also Open-Handed doesn't work with Dark Sense (again can be seen by its description).

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 657
    edited August 2022

    Both those perk descriptions are worded pretty much identically, so I'm not seeing how "the description says it indirectly."

    Kindred says:

    Whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 metres of your Hook, their Aura is revealed to all Survivors.

    Whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 metres of the hooked Survivor, their Aura is revealed to you.

    Wiretap says:

    When the Killer comes within 14 metres of a trapped Generator, their Aura is revealed to all Survivors.

    The wording has the same implication in both cases, and it's not clear just from this text why one would work with Open Handed and not the other.

    Open Handed says:

    Open-Handed increases all Aura-reading ranges by 8/12/16 metres.

    It says "all" right there, which doesn't seem very open to interpretation.

    I agree that Open Handed shouldn't work with Wiretap, but one of the two perks should clarify that they don't affect each other.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    I agree, the wording would imply synergy. That is not how they intended it to work though.

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217

    I guess I had a bad example, but some perks are worded differently. Perhaps BHVR should adjust it slightly, so it's clear for everyone that it doesn't work.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 657

    @Mandy I know I replied to you in the other thread about this but wanted to call your attention to the more-detailed reply I wrote above. The perk descriptions really should be altered to clearly indicate what auras Open-Handed extends, because a straight reading of the perk descriptions does not agree with how these two perks actually work. Making this clear in the perk descriptions somehow would help people understand that this isn't a bug.