Who is better Michael Myers or Ghost face?


I'm unsure on this I've hear there similar but I don't know high is better.


  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,248

    Both have very specific strengths - Michael is good for snowballing and Ghostface is good for individual pick offs. Ultimately they're both pretty weak in the grand scheme of things but essentially Michael Myers turns from a stealth killer to power house later in the game and Ghostface can gradually build up stalk and pick off survivors when it's convenient for him.

    They're both fun to play though but at the end of the day they're both stealth killers who don't really have a power outside of m1'ing.

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221

    Imo, Myers. In solo queue Tombstone piece is completely busted, you're gonna 4K most games and Myers has several other unique addons which make him a very fun killer imo. Just be aware that his addons are quite expensive and he doesn't get a lot of BPs so it's best to not play him as your main killer.

    According to high level players (eg. Otz' tier list), Myers is weak and Ghostface is better but that's because they assume coordinated SWFs which know how to play against tombstone, which nowadays you rarely see.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Depends, myers with tombstone piece is stronger than ghostface imo, but I think ghostface is better overall in general.

  • HexSweetie
    HexSweetie Member Posts: 73

    Ghostface by miles, there’s so much more things you can do as Ghostface than Michael, he’s also smaller than Michael which some loops will cover him making it harder to loop him. Not only Michael completely switches to different gameplay styles on each tier (AKA you can’t go back to stealth) but also he can run out of stalking survivors, meaning at one point (if the match lasted long enough) he would not be able to reach tier 3. The only ONE thing that makes Michael win against Ghostface is addons, his addons is pretty much better in nearly every way, so at the end of the day, it’s up to you.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,782

    Unless using Tombstone piece + Tuft of Hair, Ghostace is better by a considerable amount.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243

    I think theyre about equal, but in high mmr, ghostface is alot more reliable and myers tricks dont work as well bc most people are aware.

    Both can be strong in their own right, myers just needs a bit more than ghostface in either gamesense or addons.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,157
    edited August 2022

    Ghostface is better overall

    Myers is better for snowballing with, a single T3 can end a game in an instant

    Ghostface is more about playing a smart macro play, juggling multiple 99s and so on. Ghostface's Stealth is also just better. Myers is a tall killer so it's really easy to see him coming most of the time. His early game is way better. A good myers early game is getting out of t1 quickly. A good ghostface early game is having multiple people 99'd/marked and capitalising on it

    Not to mention (not that it happens often), Myers can run out of his stalk, Ghostface can't.