Project W : Another chapter with great potential that became forgettable

Sumnox Member Posts: 605

And here we are once more, as it very often happens with Behaviour patches and DLCS. They made pretty skins. They release good looking survivors, cool looking Killer, nail the trailers, the voice lines, all the sparkly shiny stuff is on point, as per usual. Yet, when it comes down to the true core of it, the really relevant things that will keep people playing (not only making them buy it and then quit), they, once again, fail.

  1. I was hyped for Reassurance to do something about camping. It was crippled and nerfed before it could even shine. Dump it in the trash bin together with "reworked" Pharmacy.
  2. Had faith they took their so called "meta shakeup" to heart and would just go crazy and release actual fun, USEFUL, WORTH BRINGING perks, even if it meant some people got angry and screamed blue murder. All we got again was a collection of meme, situational, whatever perks. Especially the survivor ones.
  3. Wesker feels like a weird combination between Nurse and Blight. It's too early to tell yet, but the way he stomped everyone and everything in all my solo Q games gives me the impression he's going to be another killer people will just suicide/dc/give up against.
  4. Solo Q still gets absolutely nothing. If you are going to prioritise new DLCS and new Claudette wigs over solo Q improvements, you could at least have released a few solo q friendly perks.

All in all, this is another classic Behaviour DLC. Looks very good, but it doesn't feel very good.


  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    I disagree

    1. Reassurance does exactly what it is supposed to do. It absolutely crippled one of my games because I attempted to proxy camp near some generators, it ended up buying up enough time for the survivors to finish one generator and leave.
    2. If you don't want to adapt to the new meta, that's entirely on you. There are a ton of fun builds you can try that can help mitigate some of the issues solo qeue has.
    3. Too early to judge him, but he is nowhere near blight or nurse levels of good. His power is pretty restrictive, but strong if you are accurate.
    4. My brother in christ, the endurance effect after getting hooked got buffed.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605
    edited August 2022

    1. Reassurance only kinda works for SWF. And anything works for SWF.
    2. I don't understand this. Completely unrelated to anything I said here.
    3. We'll have to see in the future, considering how much people are crying for buffs I wouldn't be surprised if he got more in the following weeks
    4. Another completely unrelated and random answer to what I said
  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265
    edited August 2022

    true this chapter crazy

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Yeah I figured it would be a mixed bag which is why I decided not to buy it. I don't really need 6 more useless survivor perks to add to the 100 or so useless ones and playing killer has long queue times and is pretty boring with how easy it is to win now so I'm not interested in a new killer to play.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    If we don't get three+ original circle of healing strength tier perks the chapter is trash!!!

    Wesker's perks are pretty situational just like the survivors, they're decent but in very specific builds or very specific scenarios.

  • Pikachaouuu
    Pikachaouuu Member Posts: 87

    Wesker is just the new killer, people still have problems against him, everyone scream at heavens when artist came out and she is just an A tier killer nobody uses. Wesker is not ptb clunky but clunky nonetheless, survivors will dc/suicide on hook against any inconvenience.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    It’s one of the best chapters they’ve ever released IMO up there with Halloween and Stranger Things I wish they would have introduced a change for legendary skins though so Claire and the others would get more cosmetics :)

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 302

    I agree. No basketball outfit for Rebecca? Wasted potential.