New type of hacking or is it a bug?

I don't know if this is a cheater, hacker, or what is going on.

I've been working on killer challenges, and twice in the past hour I have been doing well in the match (both were two hooks and one was being chased before any gens are done) and then I get kicked out of it. The survivor I am chasing starts running into a wall and I get a disconnect notice.

To clear some things up before you ask:

I played survivor for three hours today and had no disconnects. I play around 3-6 hours a day and don't get disconnected at all currently.

It is not my internet, as my son is sitting three feet away playing Dead by Daylight doing exactly the same thing and he has not been disconnected at all. This is the same setup we use all the time.

So, the question is, is this even possible? For a hacker to ONLY disconnect their opponent without messing up the opponent's internet? Or is this a bug?

I recorded both videos, as it still sent me to the end cards in both games I was also able to get every survivors ID. The other two games that I played as killer in this same hour time frame had no issues...

I'm hesitant to report these survivors, as I don't think it is possible for hacking to be the cause of what is happening. Regardless of the cause this needs to be fixed immediately.

Again, do I need to report them (8 completely different names) as cheaters or report this as a bug?


  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768

    If you are playing on computer and your chased survivor was on console, you can spot an incoming disconnection if she/he runs directly in a wall indefinitely.

    And sometimes, the game bugs sigh and I was stuck in place for the rest of the game when it happens...

    Cheater can make you to disconnect but it usually don't happens in the way you describe it in your message. A cheater can broke your game by lags to hook/unhook himself, to repeat the same action for all survivors on the map (like to make them to scream), or to break the endless collapse...

    So you can report it if you have a doubt, it's the BVHR's job to check in depth...

    If the killer has a disconnection (whatever the kind of DC), the trial can't run more longer. If a player has a disconnection earlier, the trial can be cancelled. I can't tell you when & where but it sometimes happens. But tell you that, if you have down someone and if he was a console player, maybe, MAYBE..., his disconnection can cancel the trial...

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    If there wasn't any other sketchy activity, I would assume it's the game being funky. I've had this happen to me in both roles where the game freezes mid action, then kicks me out of the game to the end game screen and just says disconnection from host. I can see everyone's perks, even killer if the match isn't over. My guess is extreme desync that causes the game to just crash on your side and kick you out without it booting you to the main menu screen or crashing your game.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495
    edited August 2022

    So you play with your Son to DbD? That feels odd somehow, did you have the "talk" with him already?

    Also, I hope you teach him not to be toxic on end game chat.


    For the disconnects that feels unusual, I would find it strange as a cheat though. Does it happen weekly?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    Last week I had a match as survivor where another survivor came to unhook me but was then running in place in the corner next to me. My hook timer was just going into second state when this happened but there was no animation of me going into second state and I still looked like I was in my first hook state. Then couple seconds later match just ended with disconnected from host error message. My end game screen showed myself and the killer DC'd while everyone else escaped, my swf teammates end game showed he and the killer DC'd while everyone else escaped. No DC penalty though so that was nice.

    I don't think it's a hacker. I think there may be a bug because I've seen a handful of others have same issue.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 621

    Lol, he is 21, and yes I taught him to be a good loser, but more importantly a good winner. Specifically, good winners don't butt dance at the exit gates or smack survivors on the hook.

    It happened twice with one match in between. It didn't happen all day before, and after that I played one more match as killer and several more survivor matches. No disconnects for us in any of them besides those two.

    It was just so odd that it made me wonder. I don't think it is possible without having also disconnected my son.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I doubt there’s a hack that disconnects an opponent mainly because if it existed then I’m sure trolls would be disconnecting popular streamers with it all the time. That doesn’t seem to be the case though currently. (They target streamers with other nonsense but not direct disconnects.)