Post your Perk ideas

Vampire Member Posts: 90
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Every come up with a perk or two but don't wanna make a whole killer/surv around it?

Post perks here!

My perk ideas (more to be added as time goes by)

Killer Perks

Painkiller: Every time you get pallet stunned gain a token. At 4/3/2 tokens you ignore your next stun and for the rest of the match all stun affects are cut in half and the tokens reset

The pain fuels its frenzy, doesn't matter if its us or it thats hurting

Survivor perks

Hush now: Every time you are in terror radius and not in chase get a reduction on all noise created by 25/50/75 percent


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Isn't painkiller just enduring?

    My idea is pharmacy again, but for toolboxes instead of medkits

  • Vampire
    Vampire Member Posts: 90

    I tried to make it a bit different, so that you get one free no stun besides just it. Enduring is throughout the match but this, while better in the long term, needs to be worked up

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    A killer power that ignores stuns would be cool. Imagine a killer like Jason, who after a cue (ex. Cracking neck or clenching fists) ignores all stuns until he lands a hit, or the power runs out, in which case, he goes into a cooldown like Nurse

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2020

    I made a Survivors' idea perk discussion long time ago, here I put all the idea that people gave in the discussion. Re-read these I noticed there are real perks now.

    I refuse: extend the struggle time on 2nd stage hook for 5/10/15% (by @Wolf_of_the_Rift) - now its Steve Camaraderie

    Loot luster: can carry 2 items in trials, but you can not bring in 2 items into the trials. When you pick up an item when you're already have one, the item icon will replace the Loot luster perk icon. When you drop on-hand-item, the item on Loot luster will automatically being on your hand (how to change the item by your-self). Loot luster can carry a common/uncommon/rare item (by @C3Tooth)

    Enthusiasm: haste 5/6/7% for 2min when the trial starts (by @C3Tooth)

    Leave it to me: foot stomp on the ground, make notification noise, leave big scratch mark of 16m diameter. Great use to erase your injured friend's scratch mark and help them escape, or catch Killer's attention. Cause exhaustion for 60/50/40sec (by @C3Tooth)

    Dispel the darkness: clean Totems 20/25/30% faster. (by @C3Tooth)

    . Signal behind the fog: survivor whistle, makes other survivors see his aura for 3/4/5sec. Cooldown time 2min. (by @C3Tooth)

    Share your pain to me: If you never get hooked in a trial, you able to do "healing" action to a Healthy survivor that hooked twice. They gain their 3rd hook but isnt a dead hook, in exchange you go to 2nd stage hook when you get your 1st hook. This "healing action" is performed in 20/15/10sec (by someone I dont remember, please claim this idea)

    . Beginner Luck: if there is no generator done while you get hook, you have a 100 % chance to unhook yourself during the escape attempt and receive mangled status effect. You see the aura of nearest generator for 3 seconds. (by @Neot)

    Repay a favor: If you get saved on the hook, have the safe unhook the perk will become active for 40/50/60 seconds. When this perk activates you can give 1 health state of your own to give to another survivor. So example would be if you have 2 health states and a teammate is in 1 health state or dying. You can give them 1 and now you have 1 health and the have two or in the case of the dying state you both have 1 health. Or in a case of you have 1 health, you can use your health on a dying survivor and technically switch places. (by @elk) - now its Zarina's For the people

    . On the watch: You are affected by the Expose Status Effect for the duration of the Trial. You perform altruistic actions 50% faster, you gain a small speed burst after unhooking someone, if you are the obsession, you can Instantly and completely heal others on secondary action once per trial and your aura will be revealed to the killer for 6 seconds after the next generator is repaired. (by @Theluckyboi)

    Blood, sweat & tear: You have been in worse situations, you teach your buddies how to remain calm and work more efficiently, the less the better. When there are only 3 survivors left everyone recovers from exhaustion 10%/15%/20% faster and repair generators 10% faster. When there are only 2 survivors left everyone gets a 5% bonus to movement speed and the stun from pallets is 1/2/3 seconds longer. When you are the only survivor left on the trial you will get 10% bonus to movement speed and the hatch will be highlighted to you and the killer. The effects of this perk WONT STACK and will remain as long as you are alive. (by @Theluckyboi)

    Stubborn: Your experience fighting against superior enemies allows you to fight them back. Press the Active Ability button while running to charge towards the killer and stun them, causing you to get injured. You cannot use Stubborn while you are injured. You can use stubborn to stun the killer while he is carrying a survivor, but this will injure you to dying state. Causes exhaustion for 120/90/60 seconds. (by @Theluckyboi)

    Hard work yields success: You are stressed when you are alone, but also to keep up and be useful to others. Whenever you are working on a generator with at least one other survivor, press the ACTIVE key when not within the killer's terror radius to begin a rapid skillcheck wave for the next 30 seconds, but with good skillchecks being 5/10/15% larger (or smaller?) and great skillchecks 10/15/25% larger. If the killer's terror radius begins to play during this sequence, the skillcheck wave will immediate stop. (This perk is weak and strong against Hex Ruin and very weak to Hex Lullaby). Has a limit of five usages (by @Ember_Hunter)

    True altruism: You truly wish to save your fellow survivors, but the Entity's hate for you is much stronger. After being unhooked one time, your will becomes strengthened. Whenever you rescue hooked survivors on the 2nd phase, and they are healed in any way (mending, selfheal, etc) and you gain the safe unhook notification, the next time the survivor is hooked, they will instead be in the beginning phase of the second phase instead of instant death. However, when you are hooked, your sacrificial progress is 20/15/10% faster. Has a limit of effecting one survivor, if another survivor has the same perk, the perk will work for whoever activates it first. The other survivors with this perk will gain a 5% altruistic action speed benefit, and all survivors gains a 50% bloodpoint bonus in that category. (by @Ember_Hunter)

    . Intervening soul: Your close observance of Killers and the Entity allows you to interfere with the trials. As long as you are injured, you can: See killer scratch marks; Interact with the entity whenever it is present in physical form (excluding hook sacrifice) by succeeding three difficult Skillchecks to disable all Entity related perks for 2/3/4 minutes. However, failing any Skillcheck will result in a 10% action speed penalty until you have succeeded 5 skillchecks in any way, also reveals your aura, gain a bonus bloopoint amount to boldness. If the end game collapse timer is finished, you will be immune to the Entity for 10/20/30 more seconds. (by @Ember_Hunter)

    Geographist: Your screen play has a compass showing the direction (N/E/S/W) that your camera is facing. You can do 0/1/2 Marker ability (like map add on Glass Bead) at anytime, other survivors can see only your previous Marker (example for 2 Marker: you Mark A, every survivors see the Mark A. Then you Mark B, you can see Mark A & B, but everyone can only see Mark A. Then you Mark C, Mark A is removed, you can see Mark B & C, but everyone can only see Mark B). This is a great combination with Plunderer & small game. (by @C3Tooth)

    Tough guy: You feel the need of helping your mates, You earn 1 token when unhook a survivor to a maximum of 3. When you got the 3 tokens you earn the ability to perform a dash when being healthy, press the action button to perform the dash, doing this will give you a little burst for a split of a second, avoid any hit from the killer, cause you the exhaustion status effect for 90/75/60 seconds. In case you perform the dash towards the killer, this one will get stunned, and it will give you the fractured status effect for 120/110/100 seconds (by @Gato_Loco )

    . It didnt hurt me: if you get hit when injured, you're down. Except if you're running, you will dragging forward 2/2.5/3 meters. And the time you paused on the ground before you can crawl is decreased by 100%, which mean you're able to crawl as soon as you're hit the ground.(by @C3Tooth )

    . Veteran: Everytime you heal a Survivor gain a token up to 7. Your scratch marks last 1 second less per token. If you are ever put into the dying state lose 3/2/1 token(s). (by @NuclearBurrito)

    Watch your step: The sounds caused by walk/running reduced by 60/80/100% (by @C3Tooth)

    Sniff the dirt: When you start running, you make a smoke behind you about 6/8/10m in length, 4m in width, smoke starts to fade away after 2sec. 60sec cool down. (by @C3Tooth)

    . Sorry for that: You have a single trap in your hand, it take 10sec to lay trap on the ground, you can pick up after setup. Other survivors can see trap aura when in 20m radius, if they hit, they get trapped, but can escape in the 1st try but leave injured (or down if already injured). If Killer get hit, they get stopped like Trapper hit his trap. This trap is destroyed after hit a survivor or Killer. (by @C3Tooth)

    Sneak Around The Hook: You leave no scratch marks when the hooked survivors are within 20/24/28 meters from you. (by @Pennosuke )

    Determination: When hit by the killer during the endgame collapse, your sprint is extended by 3/4/5 seconds. As the last survivor, hit an impossibly difficult skillcheck to immediately pick yourself up, avoiding damage for 2/2.5/3 seconds and gain a 10% speed bonus for that time. You will slowly bleed out as if in the dying state until healed to healthy. Note: By impossibly difficult I’m talking maybe 2/3’s worth of a great skillcheck size, which is affected by distressing. Failing the skillcheck deactivates the perk permanently. (by @AetherBytes)

    Martyr: Your sacrifice increases the resolve of others. When you are sacrificed or killed, the other survivors get a 15/20/25% bonus to altruistic actions, and a 3/5/5% increase to generator repairing and opening the exit gates. (T3: They are also able to pick themselves up from the dying state once.) (by @AetherBytes)

    Anywhere but here: Your absolute panic distorts the killer’s aura reading abilities. After being unhooked, when the killer attempts to read your aura, it will be shifted 16/24/32m in a random direction for 20/25/30 seconds. Skill check chances are tremendously higher while active. (by @AetherBytes)

    Denial: You refuse to let the killer win. When on the killer’s shoulder, your wriggle speed is increased by 3/4/5%. If you wriggle out of the grasp of the killer, start sprinting at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds if not exhausted. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

    Paranoia: When on the edge of danger, you become paranoid, heightening your senses. When suffering from the exposed or mangled status effect, see the killers aura in an 8/12/16 meter radius. You cannot see survivor auras except if they are in the dying state or hooked. (by @AetherBytes)

    Final wishes: Your friends deserve all the protection you can give, even if it means risking your own life. When you take a hit for a survivor while exposed, Earn 1 token. When you have 3/2/1 tokens, the next time you are hit while exposed, instead of going to the dying state, go to the injured state, unless already injured, and gain the Deep Wound status effect. The perk deactivates after being used. (by @AetherBytes)

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Killer perks:

    Rusty hook

    Whenever you hook a survivor you gain a token.

    Each token increases your speed by 0.5%/1%/1.5% outside of a chase.

    Only a maximum of 4/5/6 tokens at a time.

    Stinging echo

    Every 60/50/40 seconds a survivor remains injured, they scream revealing their position.

    Hex: Killer in the mirror

    This perk is linked to a single generator at random. This generator appears blue to you.

    Upon this generator being completed, if there is a dull toten remaining in the trial, this hex applies to it.

    All survivors have a 5% movement decrease and each action is done 10%/20%/30% slower.

    The hex effect persists as long as the related hex totem is standing.

    Hex: Creating a demon

    For every minute that passes in a trial, survivors action speed to repairing, healing, sabotaging and opening up the exit gates decreases by 1.5%/3%/4.5%.

    This hex persists as long as the related hex totem is still standing.

    Survivor perks:


    Whenever being put into the dying state within 16 meters of another survivor, you're wiggle meter starts at 20%/30%/40%

    Dancing with the devil

    Whenever you're in a chase with the killer for 60/45/30 seconds without being injured, gain a speed boost of 150% for 3 seconds.

    Causes exhaustion for 60 seconds.

    Myths and reality

    You start of the trial doing actions 75%/70%/65% slower. For each token, gain a 5% speed boost to all actions.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    Fast and Furious:

    After quickly exiting from a locker, move at 150% movement speed for 3 seconds. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.


    After stunning a killer with a pallet, move at 150% movement speed for 3 seconds. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.

    Catch Me If You Can:

    After stunning a killer with a pallet or locker, for the next three seconds your scratchmarks will appear in the opposite direction to the way you are running. Catch Me If You Can has a cooldown of 100/90/80 seconds.

    (I like exhaustion perks if it wasn't obvious).

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    @NuclearBurrito those are quite close as how they work and the effect they do (not the requirement though).

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Dark Soul

    If there are only two of you left, both of you are injured and on your last life instead of healing them, you can betray them with a mori for instant heal. The hatch’s aura will be revealed for 5 seconds.

  • PSX_MAD147
    PSX_MAD147 Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2021

    I feel a good Stealth perk for survivors is one I'd call agility, you make no sound or pant when running or walking through the environment.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    Totem Menace - Once a hex totem is broken, allows you to fashion a new totem to be placed by you but at half strength of said broken hex. (Kinda like flash bang crafting) 1 Use, doesn't work with undying or Noed. Must collect broken totem fragments from a destroyed totem.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    Beacon of Hope:

    Despite how terrible the odds are, you stand up and continue fighting, inspiring those around you.

    When 2 survivors are slugged and you're in the injured/healthy state, survivors can pick themselves up within a 12/16/20 meters of you.

    "Inspiration Quote" -Cheese

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408
    edited July 2021

    Here’s mine:

    Killer perk: fool’s errand: see the hatch’s aura from 32m. If a survivor opens the hatch with a key. It can be seen in white & is blocked for 10/15/20 seconds.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014


    • You have a sense for when people are in danger. Whenever another survivor is in chase with the killer within 36/48/60 meters, you will see their aura.


    • You have spirit! Yes, you do! Just being around other people keeps their spirits high. Survivors on the hook in the struggle phase within 32 meters will have their struggle phase timer paused for 8/10/12 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 100 seconds

    Meus Vita

    • Whenever a survivor lets go of a generator within your terror radius, see their aura for 2/4/6 seconds.

  • Xenostem
    Xenostem Member Posts: 42

    I have idea for perk that will be direct counters to boons. 

    The curse of creation

    Those who create against you themselves will become victims of their creation.

    Each time survivor bless dull totem he gain penalty of 18/24/30 % to repairing and sabotaging for next 50 seconds. 

    Upon blessing a hex totem, survivor will scream and suffer from the Incapacitated Status Effects for 30/40/50 seconds.

    "In this world everything will turn against you" — Unknown, Notebook

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148
    edited February 2022

    Here's an interesting offense perk for survivors with a drawback if people try to abuse it.

    Mean Streak

    The trials can be yours for the taking if you can make use of your environment. When you fast vault through a window or pallet, stun the killer for 3 seconds. Once the killer has been stunned, you are then afflicted with the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. If multiple survivors happen to stun the killer using this perk within 6 seconds after the first stun with Mean Streak, all survivors that have the perk equipped shall be given the exposed status effect and will not go away on the individual survivors until they have been put into the dying state.

    Another one here

    Grand Leap

    When falling from a great height, literally roll back into action and take little stagger upon re-entry. This perk also allows you to jump across gaps using the active ability button. If you tap it, you will make a small jump. If you happen to hold it for as long as possible, you can leap across very large gaps. This leap will however cause the exhausted status effect for 40/30/20 seconds. The light jump will instead grant 15/10/5 seconds of exhaustion.

    Creator's note: Honestly thought about making this a more parkour centered perk which could help you climb up a permitted ledge if moving against the surface while jumping high. Imagine the doorway in the coal tower's second floor.

    Post edited by FilthyLegionMain on
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763
    edited February 2022

    when i accidentally post the stream summary before the actual stream and surprise ive been peanits all along

    (legal disclaimer: i am not peanits)

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    It’s funny I didn’t suggest this but I wanted a perk to where if you stun the killer the next time your hit you get the speed boost for a extra 2 seconds then we got overcome and I was like hey that’s my idea

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • Beast of Prey (revamp) - Your Bloodlust increments trigger 2/3/4 seconds faster
    • Furtive Chase - Every time you hook the Obsession gain a token. Your movement speed increases 0.2/0.4/0.6 % per token. Whenever your Obsession is rescued the rescuer becomes the new Obsession
    • Let The Bodies Hit The Floor - You can drop a carried survivor 75% faster. If you drop a survivor they are Broken for 40/50/60 seconds. If the survivor is dropped within 2 meters of another survivor, the other survivor suffers an injury level. If you drop a survivor within 2 meters of a pallet or breakable wall is it destroyed. If you drop a survivor within 2 meters of a generator it begins regressing.
    • Boon Bane - Sounds of Boons are amplified by 100% and auras of Boons within 8/10/12 meters are highlighted. Boon totems you snuff are destroyed.
    • Send Them Reeling - Your basic attacks cause survivors to begin reeling, causing their directional movement controls to be reversed for 15 seconds. This ability has a 40/50/60 second cooldown.
    • Cull the Weak - Survivors who have been hooked twice (aka on Deathhook) have a reddish tint. Your basic attack and lunge attack reach is increased 20/30/40% while chasing a survivor on Deathhook, and when the chase begins against a Deathhook survivor you can see their aura for 8 seconds.
  • AppeaseTheEntity
    AppeaseTheEntity Member Posts: 61


    Hex Pallet Pendulum

    Every time a pallet is dropped gain a token

    -For each token fallen pallets are broken by the entity after 5/4/3/2/1/0 seconds until the hex is clensed.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    A perk that would give you a speed boost when ever you make the killer miss an attack, exhaustion perk

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited February 2022

    You've just hit my creative bone (apologies for the long comment in advance):


    Hunger of the Entity:

    The Entity must be appeased! Survivors attempting to rescue a hooked survivor in the struggle phase have a 50/75/100% chance to be attacked by the Entity once, interrupting their rescue progress and inflicting the Deep Wound Status upon them. This has no effect if you are closer than 24 meters of a rescue.

    Chilling Presence:

    Your victims cold sweat just got colder. Survivors within your Terror Radius emit visible white tufts of breath when within 16/24/32 meters of you.

    Friendly Fire:

    The unnatural darkness of The Entities realm has made survivors more sensitive to light. Survivors are able to blind each other with flashlights, fireworks and flashbangs at 100/150/200% of the width, range and speed that they are able to blind you.

    Blinded Survivors also remain blinded for 100/150/200% the amount of time.

    Hex: Torment:

    A Hex rooted in the power of confusing your victims. The Hex: Torment totem is granted your Terror Radius and you are granted the Undetectable Status effect. As long as Hex: Torment remains active, it cycles to another random dull totem in the trial grounds (if any are available) Every 80/60/40 Seconds.

    Hex: Griefs Due:

    A Hex Rooting its power in your desire to to taste survivors Tears as you break their spirits. Every time a survivor is hooked, one of their perks is randomly deactivated, and Hex: Griefs Due gains a Token. For every 4/3/2 Tokens Hex: Griefs Due gains, a Dull Totem Lights up and becomes another Hex: Griefs Due. Survivors must cleanse and/or bless All Hex: Griefs Due totems to remove its effect on them.

    Used and Abused:

    The trial grounds chests now stock previously owned and discarded Items. Items retrieved from chests by survivors have 25/35/45% less stored charges and have a 75% lower chance of being Rare or higher quality.

    Blood Rush:

    When the scent of Fresh blood permeates the air, you can't help but feel an invigorated rush. Your movement speed increases by 2% for every 30/25/20 seconds you directly follow a survivors blood trail (within 2 meters of a blood spot). Blood trails from Survivors suffering from the Hemorrhage status decrease the time it takes to gain this movement speed bonus by 50% (Hemorrhage = 15/12.5/10 seconds instead). Any accrued movement speed bonus you've earned ends 5 seconds after you cease following a blood trail, or when you pick up a downed survivor.

    Head of the House:

    You've prepared your environment ahead of time to better entertain your guests. Up to 3/4/5 Pallets that spawn in the trial grounds are chosen at random in the start of the trial, and their auras are visible to you. Any time a survivor interacts with these pallets, they will immediately break. You can still be stunned by these pallets.

    Special Treatment:

    You can't help but take great pleasure in tormenting your favorite toy. You become Obsessed with a survivor. Your Obsession becomes afflicted with 1 negative status effect, picked at random, every time you strike them with your basic attack. Any applied status effects remain with your Obsession for the remainder of the trial unless otherwise removed by the actions of survivors or the hooked state.

    Whenever your Obsession Unhooks a survivor, the Obsession status passes onto the rescued survivor, as does up to 1/2/3 negative status effects picked at random.

    All negative Status effects Unique to any killer, are exempt from the available status effects picked at random.

    You can only be Obsessed with one survivor at a Time.

    Draining Touch:

    Your attacks against survivors inflict additional consequences to them. Successfully Injuring a survivor from the Healthy state with a basic attack inflicts the Hindered and Exhaustion status's for 5/10/15 seconds. Draining touch has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.


    Basking in the Blood of your victims rejuvenates your youthful and vigorous attacks. For every 75/50/25 blood spots left by injured survivors in the trial grounds, Bloodbath gains a token (max of 5). For every token bloodbath accrues, your Missed and Successful Basic attack cooldown is reduced by 4%. Bloodbath Tokens decay by 1 every 40 seconds if all survivors are healthy.

    Hex: Domination

    A Hex rooted in your dominance over both your victims and the trial grounds. Whenever you put a survivor into the dying state, The closest 3 active Pallets within 8/19/24 meters of you are destroyed, regardless of their current state.

    Pulsating Fear:

    Your senses are finely tuned to the hearts of your fearful prey. When chasing a survivor, their heartbeat becomes directionally audible to you within 8/12/16 meters. This effect lasts for 6 seconds after the chase is broken.

    Camp Light:

    Knowledge of your territory grants you an innate ability to detect trespassers. Holding still for 4/3/2 seconds sets a beacon at your current position that only you can see. Any walking or running survivors that come within 16 meters of your beacon are revealed to you via Killer Instinct.

    Only 1 Camp Light beacon may be active at a time.

    Tunnel Network: 

    The Hooks of the trial grounds are now linked by the Entities dimensional pathways. While any survivors are hooked, performing a Basic Attack on another non-basement hook in the trial grounds will activate Tunnel Network and instantly transfer a hooked survivor to it. If there is more than one survivor hooked when this is activated, the transferred survivor selection is random.

    Survivors currently being rescued at the time of activation are immune from this effect. Tunnel network has a cooldown of 100/80/60 seconds.

    Hard Slugger: 

    Your blood boils with strength at the sounds of survivors agony, empowering your attacks. After Striking survivors 4/3/2 times, your next basic attack will throw a survivor 8 meters in the direction you are looking. This doesn't activate if your basic attack is a lunge, and missing this attack will increase your recovery time by 100%.

    Any survivors put into the dying state with this attack cannot crawl or recover without assistance for 30 seconds.

    Painful Neglect: 

    Survivors who lose focus on their goals incur hefty penalties. Survivors who take their inner 30 degree cone of vision off of a generator they are repairing experience a 5/10/15% reduced progress speed, increased odds of triggering skill checks, and reduced skill check success zones.

    Hide n’ Seek:

    Innate Control over your terrifying presence conceals your whereabouts from survivors. When within 8/16/24 meters of a survivor, the Terror Radius’s heartbeat sound no longer increases its Rate the closer you are to them.

    Mind Numbing Mist:

    Your intense desire to kill transgressors has saturated the fog of the trial grounds, dulling and suppressing the Survivors sense of situational awareness. Up to 2/3/4 Survivors no longer receive Status Effect, Perk and Teammate condition notifications during the trial. Injured, Dying State, Hooked and Exhaustion notifications are exempt from this effect.

    Intimidating Presence: 

    Intimidation is the best asset to cause chaos in the minds of your victims. Survivors within your Terror Radius are unable to initiate actions to heal, Repair, or open gates. Any survivor currently doing so when entering your Terror Radius trigger a difficult skill-check every 4/3/2 seconds they remain performing these actions within your Terror Radius. Great Skill-check Success Zones are Removed for survivors under the Effect of Intimidating Presence.

    Painful Presence: 

    Your presence induces panic in the injured causing them to make more costly mistakes. Any Injured survivors within your Terror Radius Have an 80% higher chance at triggering difficult skill checks per second while performing healing actions. Injured survivors failing any healing skill checks while in your Terror Radius suffer an additional 20/40/60% loss to healing progress.

    Sadistic Rush: 

    The thought of completing a kill fills you with intense vigor. After picking up a survivor in the dying state, you receive a 20% speed boost in pickup, drop, hooking, missed and successful attack recovery speeds for 6/8/10 seconds.

    Hex: Sheep's Clothing

    A Hex Rooting its power in deceiving your victims. All Hex Totems appear as Dull, and all Dull Totems appear as Hexed. Any survivor who cleanses or Blesses a Hex Totem Screams and reveals their location for 3 seconds, and becomes exposed for 20/40/60 seconds.

    Any effects that changes Dull or Hex totem cleansing or blessing speeds is reversed by Hex: Sheep's clothing. (aka Hex totems that appear dull take as long to break or bless as a hex totem, and vice versa).

    The effects of Hex: Sheep's Clothing are removed if it's cleansed or blessed.

    Tragic Loss:

    Your triumph over your Obsession has both mental and physical repercussions over the rest of your victims. You become obsessed with a survivor. If you Sacrifice or Kill your Obsession, 1/2/3 survivors become Broken for the remainder of the trial. Any Broken survivor Rescued from the hook loses the Broken Status, but gains the Hindered and Blindness status's for the remainder of the trial.

    Survivors always see the Obsessions aura unless blocked by the Effects of other perks.

    If a survivor becomes your new Obsession, the effects of Tragic Loss are removed until that Obsession is sacrificed or killed.

    Malicious Invigoration:

    Your relentless pursuit of your prey gains you an edge against those who meet the challenge. Whenever a survivor you're chasing activates a perk that increases their movement speed, you gain an equal amount of movement speed for the same duration. Malicious invigoration has a 120/10/80 second cooldown.

    Carrion Craving:

    As the the trial grounds begin to reek of death, the Entity's minions become impatient. Crows now begin Harassing Injured survivors every 40 seconds they remain in the injured state. For every survivor on their Death Hook phase, or Dead, The crows in the trial grounds take 10/15/25% less time to begin harassing injured, hiding, or inactive survivors.


    Tools of the Trade: 

    When supplies are low you have a keen instinct for finding the right tools for the job. While carrying a Flashlight or Toolbox item of common/uncommon/rare or lower quality during a trial, any chest you open will be a guaranteed Match or Upgraded rarity item of the same type.

    Safety First: 

    Your knowledge of working around electrical devices outmatches others who tend to ignore the basic rules of repairing. When you start repairing a generator it powers down over the span of 8/6/4 seconds and remains powered down while you work on it. Leaving an affected generator for more than 6 seconds, failed skill checks, and damage from the killer will immediately power it back up at its current level of progress.

    Delay Resistors: 

    Experience has rewarded you with an advantage against the Killer’s situational awareness. After you completely repair a generator, the generators full power up and notifying alert to the killer is delayed for 3/4/5 seconds or until another survivor begins working on it. The generator can be damaged by the killer within this window of time.


    Your willingness to sacrifice your aides pleases the Entity. Once per trial you may purposely drop and destroy an item you are carrying during a chase to gain the Endurance Status Effect 4/6/8 seconds. The destroyed item must contain at least 50% of its remaining charges for Bribe to activate.

    • Any damage taken that would put you into the Dying State will instead trigger the Deep Wound Status Effect, after which you have 20 seconds to Mend yourself.
    • Taking any damage while under the effect of Deep Wound or if its timer runs out will put you into the Dying State.

    Getaway Plan:

    Your knowledge of the killers’ tactics gives you an edge when repairing generators. When there are 2 incomplete generators remaining to repair in the trial grounds, Pressing the activate ability button while repairing generator that has under 25/50/75% progress will power it down completely, and reveal to you the location the hatch will spawn for 5 seconds. The affected Generator reactivates at its currently held state of repair progress when a survivor interacts with it, the killer damages it, or when Getaway Plan is activated on another generator. Getaway Plan has a Cool down of 90 seconds.

    Committed to the Job:

    You have a 6% lower chance of triggering skill-checks while performing repairing, sabotage and healing actions, and gain a progression speed bonus of 1/2/3% for those actions. If you or any survivor cooperating with you on an action fails a skill check, the aura of the survivor who failed is revealed to the killer for 6 seconds.

    Devilish Deal:

    Your desperation to to survive against insurmountable odds has lead you to striking up a precarious deal with the Entity.

    Whenever you are struck by the killers Basic Attacks while afflicted by the Exposed Status Effect, Devilish Deal will trigger and grant you the Endurance and Deep Wound Status Effect instead of being put into the dying state. Whenever Devilish Deal is triggered, one of your other perks, picked at random, will be Marked by Devilish Deal and Deactivated for the remainder of the trial.

    Devilish Deal can only be triggered up to a maximum of 1/2/3 time(s) per Trial.

    If Struck while in the Deep Wound State, you will be put into the Dying State.

    If Devilish Deal has been Triggered its Maximum amount of times when you are struck while in the Exposed or Deep wound state, you will be put into the Dying State.

    If Devilish Deal has been Triggered its Maximum amount of times when you are hooked, You will be Sacrificed regardless of which hook phase you would normally enter.

    (In other words, you have 3 chances to survive the exposed state, each costing you 1 of your other perks, and if they all run out, no matter what hook state you're in, you will be sacrificed) I consider this a fair trade, but considerably abusable against certain killers like the Shape or Ghost Face. Either way the compensation for your immunity against the exposed state is still balanced overall, and makes NOED only players have much less impact.

    Fixing Old/Outdated/Bad Killer perks:

    Suggested changes:

    Monstrous Shrine:

    Buff the perk to - Survivors have 3 less escape attempts, and sacrifice progresses 25% faster when hooked in the basement.

    Explanation - 25% of 2 mins is 30 seconds, or subtracting 15 seconds from each hook phase so 45 seconds per hook phase total, adding in the fact that unless the survivors bring in Slippery Meat, they'll have to be rescued by their teammates... This makes being hooked in the basement a much more dire situation than current Monstrous Shrine.

    Sometime after Hag came out the devs doubled the hook time from 1 min to 2 meaning survivors used to only have 30 seconds per hook phase, And current monstrous Shrine was designed with these the old timings in mind but was still underwhelming even back then. This suggestion is a sort of middle ground between how hooking used to be in the early days of the game, and how it is now, while only applying to the basement hooks, and finally giving Monstrous Shrine the buff it needs to be a threat that creates urgency for the survivor team.

    Spies From the Shadows:

    Overhaul the perk to - The Crows no longer respond to your presence, you see the auras of all disrurbed crows within 36 meters of you, and disturbed crows are 100% louder to you within that range.

    Explanation - This proposal gets rid of the confusing/annoying explosion sound notifications and replaces it by making the crows noisier so you can differentiate between them and a gen popping, you get no false signals since crows no longer respond to you, and they basically become little signal flares to tell you where survivors are. If this change were to happen, Spies would become an overall better tracking tool, and really fit the description of the perk which says: "The Crows found in the world can communicate directly with you." Besides, survivors still have 2 perks that defeat this: Calm Spirit & Urban Evasion, as well as the crouching mechanic, so it's not like this would be an un-counterable or broken change for the perk. If they also put some more crows in dead zones, that would be nice for helping this perk gain a better level of consistency and usefulness (Seriously, Rotten fields features no Scarecrows, but the crows completely avoid the corn field?).


    Remove the cooldown and the Basic Attack requirement.

    Explanation - Honestly this has been hotly debated in the forums since Surge came out because the fact remains that in order to activate it at all, you have to successfully down a survivor while within range of a gen. Chasing and downing a survivor with Basic attacks takes enough time as it is, especially if they were healthy when the chase started, and the minor 8% damage Surge does if it activates is hardly consequential since it would take 12 survivor downs in order to achieve a stacked 96% damage to 1 or more gens. PGTW does 300% damage to gens in the same amount of hooks, and Ruin Does more damage per second without needing to down or hook a survivor. On average it takes a decent m1 killer 20 seconds to down a survivor, and that's not counting the time to find the survivor to chase and down in the first place, but say you snowballed survivors 1 after the other within 20 seconds per chase, that's a maximum of 4 downs in 80 seconds, and a total of 32% damage between multiple gens since survivors won't stay around a downed survivor, much less a gen if getting chased, so overall... you spread the damage out over a possible 4 gens at most over 80 seconds, and that's the best case scenario if this change was implemented. While this won't improve the overall damage Surge can do, removing the basic attack requirement will at least allow killers with damaging powers to get some use out of it making it more universal to the killer roster, and removing the cooldown will allow it to become a slightly more consistent annoyance to survivors. It won't make it any more powerful than any other existing gen defense perks, but at least it would be more useful.


    Remove or significantly lower the cooldown.

    Explanation - This perk doesn't even add extra damage to the gens it affects (unless survivors fail the "Difficult" skill check), only applies the base regression rate, and can randomly target gens that have 0 progress on them, but for some awful reason the devs decided that it was so powerful that it deserved DOUBLE the cooldown time (80 seconds) of Surge? At least Surge won't activate on gens that have 0 progress... Why does Oppression deserve such an excessive cooldown time? If it's because of the skill check, that's a laughable annoyance more than anything that could be considered a threat to any decent-good survivors, and only becomes a problem against noobs, who honestly rank up and gain skill fast enough that it's pretty much a moot point to keep it so laughably underpowered.

    Fire Up:

    Buff the perk- Increase it from 4% to 5%.

    Explanation - This is a ridiculously underpowered perk because in order to gain any benefit from it, the killer has to sacrifice the objectives they are supposed to protect, in other words "lose the game". It's designed to give killers a slight edge in chases in order to try and protect the last gens from completing. The overall problem however is that 4% amounts to 12% when 3 gens are completed, and 20% when all 5 are done, meaning that they gain Brutal Strengths chase advantage on pallet breaking only after the survivors have completed all of the gens when there's not many unused pallets left in the map, and Bamboozles vault speed advantage when there is only 1 gen remaining. This doesn't help the killers in their desperate attempts to stop the final gens from completion at all, and by the time it's reached its maximum potential, the survivors are already rushing out the gate.

    However, if you bump it up just 1%... now we have a perk that gains Bamboozles advantage at 2 gens remaining, and Brutal Strengths at 1 gen remaining, with an added bonus to both if 0 gens remain. This would actually help the killers defend the final gens, and give them enough of a chase advantage if all gens are completed to try and stop the survivors from escaping. Suddenly this goes from an "underpowered" perk to a "Decent" one, and all it takes is a simple 1% boost in strength.


    Overhaul the perk to - Reduces your Terror Radius and Red Stains Brightness by 5% for every 4/3/2 seconds you refrain from chasing or injuring survivors, upon reaching 100% reduction, you gain the Undetectable Status. Initiating a chase or injuring a survivor regains your TR and Red stain at a rate of 20% per second, once this has returned Insidious has a 40 second cooldown.

    Explanation - This perk has been a bane on the game since it came out since it seems to have been specifically designed for the sole purpose of camping hooks. With this change however, a killer loses half their TR for spending 10 seconds away from a chase or injuring a survivor, and becomes Undetectable at 20 seconds. This is mostly meant for anti-stealth play, or for gaining a slight advantage in the early game wherein the killer is initially searching the map for survivors. Ultimately, it changes the perk from one encouraging camping, to one that rewards the killer with an advantage if the survivors are being too sneaky/evasive, and allows them to get the drop on survivors more often. The cooldown is necessary for this one because otherwise it would be heavily abuseable.

    As for the survivors going up against this updated version, Premonition or Spine Chill still proc on stealth killers, so relying solely on the TR reduction is still no guarantee against those kinds of perks, and gives the survivors an advantage. Up until then, unless the killer has spent 20 seconds avoiding survivors, Aura reading perks like OoO, Alert, and Kindred still have an advantage for tracking the killer.\

    Whew... Ok I've said it, anyone agree/disagree, lemme know!

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Hex: Curse From the dark

    Every Survivor starts the Trial injured and suffers from the Mangled Status Effect. And as long as Hex: Curse From The Dark is active, the survivors will get the following effects.

    • When an injured survivor comes within 18 meters from you, you'll see their Aura for 3 seconds.
    • When a survivor loses a health state, they'll suffer from the Mangled Status Effect.
    • Whenever a survivor goes from the injured state to the healthy state, they'll scream and reveal their location for 5 seconds.

    Cleansing Hex: Curse From The Dark will deactivate the perk and put the survivor into the injured state.

  • DBDbixby
    DBDbixby Member Posts: 1

    Survivor: if killer runs against u while u duck, he trips, name: fall or fail/ doomed duck/ trip trap

  • Oatmanoz
    Oatmanoz Member Posts: 4


  • Oatmanoz
    Oatmanoz Member Posts: 4

    Perk idea 

    Scourge hook Hunters vail: hooking survivor grant’s undetectable until unhooked, once unhook effects lingers for 10 sec. Undetectable will immediately go away once injuring a survivor 

    Malicious trap: once downing a survivor all other survivors within ?meters auras are revealed and suffers from oblivious

    Last laugh: when stunned or flashed you gain a token, once exit gates are powered, survivors will be easy prey

    1 token: auras are shown for 10 sec

    2 token: oblivious 

    3 token: hindered 

    5 token: opening exit gates are reduced by 30%