Can we get some sort of confirmation that wesker will be fixed ( confirmed no date)

I don't need a date just a yes or no because this video that Scott made summarizes how bugged wesker can be
Example 1 at 50s -1:18
Example 2 at 2:34- 3:05
Other bugs after 3:05
Found another clip this ones short
Please explain how this one didn't hit
Chaser doesn't work with his power. He doesn't whip survivors who slow vault a pallet halfway or go halfway through a window. You go through survivors. You can bounce OFF of survivors if you clip them. You drop them from any minor bump on the ground. Sometimes his throws will slide a character off of an object instead of impacting it. Sometimes he'll just drop a survivor for no reason. Sometimes he cannot use his second dash for no real reason. He's aggravating as ######### because of this.
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I think if you're too close to an object you also can't use your first dash.
Was trying to practice on a Carlos who was running around some tires, it wouldn't let me Bound at all.
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I think this is intentional to prevent hug techs which isint too bad but who knows
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I mean, I wasn't even facing them. I was looking away from them and it still wouldn't let me dash.
Also, that means that tight rock loops and stuff are going to be god-like against him since you apparently can't use your power.
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He's just bugged to #########, Man. Its super aggravating. This was the one that I was super hyped for besides Nemesis. Big RE fan and I feel like I'm just getting stomped all over while trying to play as him. I don't tunnel and I rarely camp but sometimes it feels like that's my only option as him. The amount of times where I've slid past a survivor who has taken 1 step left or right is enough to make my burst a blood vessel. Why play him when you can play Blight? Blight does everything better and he can turn while bouncing and it doesn't have to be pixel-perfect. Its just bad all around. The worst part are people saying he's fine. Like get out of here. You know damn well he's worthless right now. It just makes me want to hop off the forums again for awhile like I did a few times already. Its just absurdity.
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Ohh you mentioned like you weren't looking at the rock idk then probably a bug
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He has so many bugs. Twins level of bugs
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Honestly close so yeah
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They're not even the fun kind. Victor needing to go because his people needed him was so goofy i almost wish they kept it.
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True but these are character breaking bugs like clipping through surivors dropping them not doing damage when he's supposed to imagine if Victor sometimes didn't injure you if he hit you
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Yeah I've allready tired of playing him because of your exact reason
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This is definitely one of those moments where you have to wonder, "What's the point of the PTB again?".
He had all of these bugs there, and all they did was over correct on his hitbox.
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they didn't correct anything.
If anything, he got even more broken because instead of getting stuck on small collisions and grabbing survivors when they are standing too aside, he can't grip them at all and generally works like crap
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That's what "over correct" means.
His hit box was too big on the PTB, so they attempted to correct it, but they over did it and now its too small.
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Really they do a 360 and you miss almost guaranteed
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People need to face the truth that the PTB is nothing more than a marketing tool.
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Oh, okay yeah agreed kinda I'm still learning where to use his power in loops but in the open hrs kinds @s$
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Literally they have to crouch and he will wiff
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I wouldn't be surprised
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Really they just needed to reduce his world collison box size. The collision for the grab was fine.
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Especially really obvious ones like the Chaser emblem progress not working, which is very easy to notice and replicate because it happens literally every match.
Then again that could explain why the various problems with his power exist: Maybe during internal tests they never use the power and only go for basic attacks? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I find using his unicorn horn makes him a bit better to play but he's still jank
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I'm a try his 5% addon with unicorn horn they might be a good combo
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I tried them together and it was Allright but these survivors were meh suiciding on hook if they could and the map was sheltered woods
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Mandy confirmed they’re monitoring it, I doubt they’re going to confirm if or when they’ll make any changes until they actually definitively decide what changes they are doing. It’s only been a couple of days, just give it time.
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Yeah but I just want the people to know if there will be changes I don't need to know what they will be just that they will be
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The issue is that map tile collision is so poorly tuned that his power won't work unless his hitbox is tuned to make him the worst killer in the game. And I genuinely think Wesker is worse than Clown or Sadako. Literally doesn't have a power at a tile.
Billy players run into it all the time when they collide with a branch or bush that isn't even in their FOV.
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Map collision isint a problem now but he just can't grab people huntress has a better detection than him
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Qnd and yeah chaser should of been an easy fix if legions frenzy hits count for it why dosent a slam
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I also tried rpd talkie the the medallion feels better to use but I cannever seem to hit someone I got maybe 2 slams that game when I did so medallion > walkie-talkie
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Having played him a lot more over the last few days I feel the only thing that really needs to be sorted apart from the obvious bugs is his lunge hitbox needs to be increased. Other than that he actually feels okay now I've kinda worked out when and when not to use his power. I've also got more tier 3 perks and a few good builds so that also helps. I haven't lost a game with him in about the last 15-20 games since last night based on a 3k win.
I've been using the add-on that increases his first lunge by 20% and decreases the 2nd lunge by 20%. It honestly makes his power so much more usable because you get much more value out of his first lunge and can basically use it effectively when you have the second one on cooldown. It's excellent for vaulting and quite often it catches people off guard because they expect a short lunge. It also means you aren't totally miles away if you miss or bug out on the second lunge. The 5% leather glove speed add-on is also good for small tiles and getting that little bit closer for your power. Best thing is they're both brown add-ons so you can use them pretty much indefinitely.
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Just popping in here real fast - we are looking to make some adjustment to the survivor detection area for grabs with Virulent Bound, as you know it was too large on the PTB and it got reduced for the release...we're going to be increasing it slightly to something in between what it was on PTB and Live.
We are monitoring feedback carefully around the release, and will possibly be making other tweaks - but can confirm this one with the grab right now.
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Omg thank you this is all the hope I need thanks for the good news. Have a nice day
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Fantastic, that is what everyone has requested, around an extra 5-10ms should be fine. I assume along with this you will be fixing his bugs as well. It is nice to hear you guys are at least listening to the concerns, thanks!
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Bug fixes are always a thing! Whilst our schedule is pretty tight, as most players know we normally do 2 hotfixes and try to get as much in those as possible. It's distinctly possible though that a lot of the bugs found on the live release will not go through until HF2 due to deadlines.
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This is alllll we needed to hear. Thanks Mandy! <3
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Awesome, thanks for the response! That should work out just fine, as long as the most of the obvious gameplay bugs are fixed within the first hotfix I'm sure many people will be satisfied. Again I'm glad to hear you guys are working this out as myself and many others are very excited about this chapter and this killer.
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Thanks Mandy, Wesker is amazingly fun killer. Hope this fix make him better. Can i ask another question please if you can answer. Matchmaking Incentives is working very randomly and sometimes i am not getting any bonus.
How they are working, can you please make it clear for us
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We're checking into any bugs that are posted, so these are things we're looking into.
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Does anyone know when the first hotfix will be?
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Fixing 'slightly' makes me think they will increase it too little then call it 'fixed' and no further changes ever. Will be pretty funny after their 'slight' reduction from PTB destroyed him.
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Hotfixes always come out a week after the chapter comes out, then I believe they have another the next week.
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I'm just hopeful that Wesker doesn't suffer from the same fate that Pyramid Head and Nemesis got.
A few changes their first year and then have literally never been touched ever again. (Outside of bug fixes.)
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Didn't they use the words "slightly" when they cut is bound hitbox by half? So can we expect a likewise increase?
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Well slighty indeed mean much look at how they slightly reduced the hitbox from PTB to release Peepogiggles
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Thank you Mandy this is very exciting to hear.
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Thank you for this answer Mandy. I think we all appreciate it.
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I think we will find out in 1-2 weeks. It's probably best not to have any expectations at all.
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When could we see this change? The first or second hot fix?
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Are u looking perks as well? Reactive Healing isnt working most of the times and the blast mine nerf was so uncalled for