if bamboozle becomes meta....
I will quit every match, I will only do customs and killer. nothing tells me that someone isnt good as running bamboozle, ok yeah terminus bamboozle ok whatever, but doesnt change the fact that it requires zero skill to block every good window or a t wall window and then bloodlust the other side. bamboozle is extremely unhealthy for the fun parts of the game. hands down.
Run away from the tile while the killer vaults
In most tiles vaulting a window even with the increased speed is enough for the survivors to run away and reach another tile.
I honestly find Bamboozle a pretty bad perk. It's a noobstomper, people who realise how slow the vault is will quickly use it against you
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Have fun and enjoy your DC penalties.
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Wow you people will complain about literally any perk. It only gives the killer a slight edge. Literally all you have to do is run away.
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Wow, we're complaining about Bamboozle now?
I've got amazing news for you, man. If your killer is running Bamboozle? They're not a meta killer! Congratulations! You are not facing a Nurse/Blight and are by all rights either one of the chainsaw killers or an M1.
If your tile gets blocked, leave the tile.
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Run to another window there’s always one nearby.
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Nooo you have to let me loop you 3 times before the entity blocker occurs and we go on to the next loop! No circumventing the 3 circles though!!
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Holding W is strong for a reason, especially if you're against a killer with Bamboozle, just leave the tile, no issue.
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I'm adding Bamboozle to my roster just for you. No, that's a lie. I use it on Wesker and Legion, killers who can fast vault. Blocking the Window/Tile is often not expected and gives me some free hits.
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the ONLY good thing about surv is looping and getting better.
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just stop trying to have fun, no issue.
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nope, not how it works. every tile can be played right and ran in a way that it isnt always safe, and chaining windows and loops is skill play, negating them for free isnt. you know what IS skilled? leaving a survivor to a weaker one and knowing when to not let yourself lose in that situations
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Welp if my fun is negated then id rather go against nurses and blights XD
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its lack of creativity and fun thats the issue
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Bamboozle, the demise of DbD!
To be serious tho, you are not very good at the game if Bamboozle poses such a big threat to you.
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So the argument is "yes, there are pseudo infinites vs m1 killers and they should know to abandon chase there and if they enter those loops they are bad and deserve to lose"?
Ok and what happens when certain maps have those loops in common spots and you are playing good survivors and they run straight to those loops? Just keep abandoning chases until the exit gates are powered? Bamboozle is the only tool that gives m1 killers a reasonable chance to engage with good survivors at strong loops vs the option you described of constantly leaving chase
Let me ask you a question, do you think anti loop killers are the worst designed killers BHVR can make?
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Bamboozle isn't OP it's just a boring perk to go against sometimes, only a few killers really benefit from it too - many killers the perk does nothing for them
Tailoring your playstyle to counter it isn't hard at all but it makes Killers play predictably which you could easily argue makes the perk weak
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You're complaining about bamboozle? When's the last time you've even seen it outside of a Legion or a Myers being a memelord with it, fireup, and (recently) superior anatomy?
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Bamboozle is a favorite perk of mine. I use it on quite a few killers. Helps with jungle gyms, windows and forces early pallet drops, giving you more pressure later.
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Most Weskers I go against have it
Seems like a v popular pick for him
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Right, forgot he has fast vaults via his power. The point stands, though. You only see it on three, maybe four killers max. It's way less problematic than every killer feeling obligated to run slowdown (Corrupt, Deadlock, Thrilling) or regression (CoH, Overcharge, Pain Res, etc)
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"It's a noobstomper"
I see what you did there 👀
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It's most popular on these killers from my experience:
Can't think of anyone else I see it frequently on 🤔
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Yeah, and it's total ass to verse as an M1 killer. Past a certain point, fun for one side is usually the opposite for the other, you know? Doing a minimum of 4 rounds around each loop before breaking the pallet and moving on to the next loop is frustrating as hell for basic killers, to say nothing of the chainsaw boys who get completely wrecked by windows, so they might bring Bamboozle to help them break the cycle and get downs in a reasonable time.
I don't have much sympathy for survivors who think it's their god-given right to loop the killer.
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it poses zero threat only if its used in a deadzone. The ISSUE is the fact it ruins looping.
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Nothing tells me more the survivor isint good as they can't possibly work around bamboozle.
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You have a long cooldown after a vault and bamboozle increases your vault speeds. Finishing the vault quicker means you enter cooldown sooner and lose less overall distance.
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not at all, in fact anti loop killers are good, the issue arising from them is counterplay and fun. If pyramid head can hold his weapon down and instantly cancel.... thats bad and not fun because it rewards no skill play. pyramid head can flick his ability and prediction shot... fair play. Huntress can be the best of all worlds, but yet people dont hate her. because she is loopable but at the same time a good huntress is harder to loop. its a back and forth of skill, old spirit and new spirit with stridor is kinda braindead, well new spirit kinda. old deathslinger quickscope was horrid, and he still has one but its not as bad(still annoying) pinhead can be dodged if you pay attention but he can also hit you from weird areas, that make it hard to deal with.
Antiloop killers have cool abilties and definitely provide a useful tool to combat bad maps and good survivors, but completely shutting something down is NOT fun or healthy. remember when everyone ran the strongest gen regress and tunneled and camped when the patch came out? they dont seem to be anymore but that for one was very unfun and not fair in lots of situations.
Also barely anytime will everyone be good enough to actually chain loops properly, sometimes yes you got to bloodlust and tunnel, but there shouldnt be a perk to just take away something strong.
wreckers yard, really good map for both sides for the most part, but pallet dense. lets see there are just short trash loops around shack in a circle and farther is jungle gyms right? so you bamboozle shack and they use a small trash loop and you bloodlust it and get a free hit, you bamboozle whatever loop they get to or in the worst chance bloodlust another short loop. regardless you take the easiest way out of a situation that isnt so bad. I would rather get mindgamed and outplayed.
same with killer cuz i play more killer than anything or at least when the que wasnt bad, I didnt mind people on comms and all that, you know what I DID mind? people who brought the perks to destroy gens fast, because unless i play in a unfun way It is hard to combat, or when people bring strong maps(more the maps that huntress is bad on.) Or healing squads who heal insanely fast. yes looping and chasing survs can be annoying but the people who can just erase all the killers pressure or use second chances to fix their mistakes are the worst.
Trust me I know the woes of both sides, to me I want to loop as a survivor and win as a killer, I can do anything to win, but I cant control if the killer chases me, because they can drop chase or ignore me, but when I do get chased especially because most of my teammates CANT loop, just to find out the killer has bamboozle and there are like no other windows around and just bad pallets it sucks.
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like I said it isnt about it being strong its just boring, ok suffocation pit with lots of windows then bam, but on regular maps its useless yeah but as soon as my loop is ruined I just lose the fun, I make a game plan to play in a way and test my skills and I hate that my skill can be negated ya klnow. its not like bamboozle is the worst but I hate it, Most times i see bamboozle its when I cant see the killer had it in time and give a free hit or there is nothing around to continue looping. that is just dumb
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I have been seeing it alot more in the last 2 months than ever since i started in 2019
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true, the perk helps force pallets, but thats boring if I have to drop the pallets left and right because i cant do much else
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I have only gone against him so far, that is exactly why this is getting out of hand in my games tho, cant say the same for yall
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well understandable... but its my god given right to have fun, and the only fun part of this game... well you see the point. I can be upset and it makes sense. and yes that can suck as killer but trying mindgames on killer on top of having ya know powers makes it less boring
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I mean you can 1v1 me then XD I by no means suck at this game, I just know exactly what I like doing.
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why not just run windows of opportunity and find another window nearby? Its a really good perk even outside of that situation, but its a straight up bamboozle killer.
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I have never seen anyone complain about Bamboozle before. Its only good for jungle gyms. You still vault slower than a survivor. Just run away if you hear the weird crunching noise. Its there to shorten super long loops that would take ages to force a pallet drop on. Its more of a band-aid fix but a necessary one.
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I hate to be blunt, but most of the time people get caught by bamboozle its because they overcommit and blindly run around corners right into the killer's vaulting animation. In that scenario you have basically trapped yourself, but some people refuse to accept their own blame for that happening.
Most learn from mistakes like that, others don't. They'll just continue to get caught until they adapt.
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Have we really gotten to the point where survivors are complaining about Bamboozle, of all perks???
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So if that ruins looping then I would love to hear your opinion on the old Dead hard. It was a chase altering perk just like Bamboozle afterall.
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Then bring The Game map offering…..
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well windows wont help me find a window if its 32 meters away seeming as how i wont make it there
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it was absolute bs? Sorry but if you expect me to be some biased survivor main youd be wrong. I main huntress for gods sake, and refused to use deadhard.
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and killers still complain about gen speed
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It's designed, from the ground up, to counter powerful windows. And in that regard, its does its job well.
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Just run the perk and see how often there is always another window or pallet nearby. Its generally by design, and deadzones are a lot less common than you might think. You don't even need windows to know when things are nearby, but its extremely helpful to learn the tiles themselves, and even when you do it helps speed up your reactions and routing (and even keeping track of resources spent by teammates previous.) Its one of the best thought out perks in that it gives value to all skill levels, but people refuse to use it because they call it a beginner perk. I could easily imply "you must be terrible at looping and need it" or some other assumption, but I'm simply offering you a tool that can help improve your experience. Take it or leave it.
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It's not too bad on Billy, since you can force survivors into a more favorable loop for curving.
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nah too much money to spend
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Well no offense but that explains why you struggle as a survivor. Give it time and soon Bamboozle won't be a problem.
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I hate it on anyone, but I understand the chainsaw boys. I love billy but I love the thrill of shack curves
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I dont struggle as survivorXD I just get extremely mad, because my solo teammates :( also the fact the killers cant catch me more often than not and the other survivors cant loop, so the only real thing I got going for me is when i do get chased
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...its a perk on an original character. You don't even need to spend money to unlock it.
And with the changes to progression, you can just p3 Kate and get it on everyone. This isn't even as bad as needing to buy sadako to get call of brine or anything like that, it requires zero financial investment for a very useful perk that most importantly helps you improve as a player.