Calling all Mastermind mains...again


It's been quite a bit longer than before when asking this question so I want to ask it again.

How strong is Wesker for those actually trying learn his power inside and out? I've been playing quite a bit and have come to the conclusion that he's nowhere near as bad as people say, at least on the killer side.

Despite the small hurt box, it can be worked with, and with the right mind set, the bugs aren't that great of an issue. Especially if you know how to follow up afterwards to correct.

Then there's the many perk builds that help compliment his power and make up for his shortcomings.

Tell me you thoughts Wesker Mains who have almost or have mastered the Mastermind


  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,321
    edited September 2022

    No there's too many bugs to use him consistently and his collision is to small where they can doge you In a doorway

    I have gotten better with him but I only land like 3 or 6 bounds a game before its over

    I would have to see what he's like when they change his collision in the hot fix

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    I’m not a main but I have a similar impression, he’s got some bugs and tweaks to go but he still can do well despite them if the player is really accurate with his Bounds. And even if you’re like me and you’re not I found his Bound is a pretty good catch up mechanism in a chase and also his ability to vault over a just dropped pallet actually has gotten me a free hits more than I thought it would. (The trick is to time it immediately after the pallet finishes dropping. Even in moderate tiles that can be usually be looped you’ll be so close to the survivor when you vault at that moment that they will have trouble lopping back around in time.)

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Against good players he meh, against bad players hes okay. Like most killers tbh, his power sucks at alot of loops and just for that one reason alone hes weak

    I dunno I'm trying to get his adept but it's kinda hard when you have 0 slowdown and get put on big maps

  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 377

    I'm maining him and I have to say that more often than not I simply use his power to dash from a gen to another than to catch a survivor.

    Other than some horrible bugs, like the survivors going through the wall I should be smashing them on, he's great to play.

  • woodenEnthusiasm
    woodenEnthusiasm Member Posts: 160

    My problem isn't just his bugs. His numbers are like he was made for 2016. 2 second charge time 2.7 move speed while charging and 11 m/s dash. Meanwhile demo charges 0.3 seconds moves 3.8 and dashes at 18 m/s. Only thing wesker can do is infect you which is like oh no I'm infected too bad there's only 12 sprays that take 5 seconds to apply. I know behavior has multiple teams that work on different killers and it's like one team just tries to make the weakest killers possible.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    if Wesker had a better hitbox and didn't go through people and didn't waste Bounds by letting survivors go, I'd say he can be decent. I'd rather be stuck as an M1 killer as Wesker than Billy that's for sure.

    Weskers t-rex arms with his first bound makes his power not great at small, uneven loops like the RPD main desk where it's hard to line up a shot. However it can be pretty good at a more traditional structure like the Shack.

    You just need a survivor to be able to run in a straight line for like 2 seconds, kinda like Victor and Demo in that regard. Haddonfield houses and Garden of Joy house are a lot easier to manage because you can rush through them, catch up, and then slap them on the butt with a new rush as they vault.

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 307

    wesker is basically demo with more bugs

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    He has some strong builds and can make some cool plays. His vaulting can be really good at times, but it’s really difficult to judge how strong he is due to the bugs and his hitbox which is confirmed to be changed in the hotfix that’s coming up anyway.

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 583

    After this he'll certainly be A tier. If they can fix the bugs and make his hit box at the very least consistent, he'll be hands down the most fun killer to play in the game for me

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    Trick I’ve seen so far is that his survivor hit box is the the right of him, not center of him. So if a survivor is on your left when you dash you miss

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited September 2022

    His mobility is pretty good, but Map dependent. It's almost useless on Lery's, The Game and RPD, but good on the rest of the Maps.

    His 1v1 is a straight downgrade to Demogorgon's Shred, and the hit-box isn't even the problem.

    It's the fact that his charge time is too slow, which makes it useless at anything but 4 lanes and T/L walls, 2 tiles even M1 Killers can somewhat reliably get hits at.

    His cooldown is too long even with all 4 Survivors infected. 10 seconds (same as Blight's rushes or Demogorgon's teleport) is too much for an ability that does this little.

    His infection is about as rare as Onryō's Condemnation. It simply charges way too slowly without Add-Ons (even with Add-Ons tbh) and it regresses whenever a Survivor gets hooked.

    His throw is utterly pointless. You more often than not get punished for using your Power correctly, but because the Survivor made a mistake and ran into a dead zone with nothing in it, they get away basically scot-free.

    Vaulting Pallets and Windows is also pointless, because he goes into 1 cooldown and then another one if he used up both of his Bounds, and it's just not worth it with the amount of Windows and Pallets that just chain into each other. It's mildy useful on God Pallets, and even that is inconsistent because they can just leave the loop and get to another Pallet.

    The only way Wesker is ever going to get a hit using his Power, is through Survivors making huge missplays. If, however, the Survivors are good, Wesker is an M1 Killer with inconsistent mobility

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 583

    I've had the opposite experience. First off, I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just comparing my experience to yours.

    His map mobility in the indoor maps mentioned isn't completely useless and is more so area dependent. The long Hallways and everything. They're very useful for getting around certain areas. On that note it still isn't particularly great.

    In terms of his ability compared to Demo's, the hitbox is 100% the issue. If you use the golden egg and crank, you have a ton of time to properly position yourself for better anti-loop ability. You can also shorten the cooldown with another add-on. I do it had another green equivalent that was better to combine them. If his bugs and hit box are fixed, it purley becomes a demanding skill cap.

    Weskers issue with the infection is less of the infection itself being to slow or easily removed, and more so just his ability to even infect. Because it's so difficult to get multiple snatches in a short amount of time (Unless the perfect golden opportunity presents itself), the slowdown that the infection is originally suppose to give is negated. He physically cannot infect people fast enough for it to be relevant enough.

    If you throw someone and they're not injured, they don't get the speed boost so you can catch up in just a second or two.

    For the vault issue it's extremely useful to combine dissonance and bamboozle. With right timing you can completely negate both ONLY because he can fast vault with his power and vault over Pallets. Unfortunately this still requires you to actually get a

    So in my experience Weskers power is actually very useful, and if you out the time in to master it, it can be rewarding. Unfortunately not as much as Blight or Nurse, but you have to admit, landing a bound is extremely satisfying

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    His potential is A tier. It's just hard to actually reach his full potential, because of his small and buggy hitbox. It's just rather too unlikely to really get the full potential out of him at the moment. Once his hitbox is improved, he'll be most likely a perfectly balanced A tier killer, might even need a look at his cooldowns after using his dash to be honest.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Its been less than a week, no one has mastered him yet. To conclude, the hitbox is still too small (you can look as if your going right through survivors, which even if u can minimise this with skill, should not happen). Also the bugs should 100% be fixed, there should never be a case where you grabbing someone means you instantly let go, nor should survs slide off of objects when thrown and not take damage.