Overreacting To Tombstone

I get many players don't enjoy the Tombstone addons that Michael Myers has. They let Myers insta kill you if he catches you at the right place and right time however, I feel a lot of players are kinda overreacting to these addons thinking they're one of the more broken addons in the game.

I would say they're not that bad sure if he catches you in the open and you got nothing around you well you're pretty much dead. However, how often do you see a tombstone Myers in your games? Cause in my experience playing the game I've seen 2 or 3 tombstone Myers in the last few months of playing Survivor and they don't usually get any kills or just 1 kill with it.

These addons take a fairly long time to get unless your team is completely oblivious of Myers presence watching from a distance and at that point that's your teams fault for not paying attention to where he is and just giving him the stalk. You're also able to loop him still if he's got tombstone and if you can't reach the next loop before he catches you then jump in a locker if you got one nearby.

Now what if he has infinite Tombstone? Well majority of the time Myers doesn't get it until there's 1 gen left and at that point the last gen is usually done so he'd at best get 1 kill or maybe none.


  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    This post encapsulates the cause of most "unfair" killer strategies. They are using the tools they have left to try to win. The more that number diminishes, the less variety you get in matches. It sucks, but its a direct result of death by a thousand cuts: Mikey and clown are good examples of killers who just flat out lost all of their more fun and more skillful ways to play, so it shouldn't be surprising that they are more likely to put efficiency in the way of fun if its their only way to be viable.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    I mean there is still counterplay to it, you just hop in a locker if he gets anywhere near you and then wait until you either get thrown on a hook (and not mori'd) or he leaves you. People always complain that isn't counterplay, but it is a play that literally denies his outcome so I don't know what else i could call it. If he doesn't have infinite, 2 or 3 people doing this should result in him never landing a single grab. His TR is massive so its kinda on the survivor for being caught out in the open or trying to ignore it and rush gens when he's nearby, there are few situations where you shouldn't be able to get to one (or make enough time to get to one) even on maps with awful locker placement. Believe it or not being in the right place at the right time before a chase starts is absolutely something survivors have control over, and countering Mikey's tombstone is one of the things that made people realize (and have to learn) that over the years.

    that is a good build tho, moreso just explaining what people can do to fight against it. tinkerer probably helps with catching better players unaware if they're not expecting it.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Such a victim mentality lol

    If any of this was true killers wouldn't be camping at all after all of the 6.1 changes.

    If anything we've learned that even if you change the game so that they dont have to camp or tunnel or run 4 gen slowdowns but still allow them to then they will still camp and tunnel and run 4 slowdowns lol

    And if anything clown became more skillful after his changes. It takes some serious skill and dedication to learn how to use his yellow bottles effectively to end chases. But it's challenging and so people would rather hold and release m2 to win with blight and nurse.

    Myers is also way fun to play with different addons and builds but that takes thought and strategy and people are lazy. Unlocking all the perks to use so you can try all the different builds with him is a major grind too but the same can be said for many killers. Although the grind is definitely not what it used to be.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    It's way more effective to run infinite t3 now since gens take longer and chases end faster.

    But his addons are also wildly unfun. I think they're afraid to do an addon pass because he was the license that put dbd on the map to begin with.

    They changed huntress addons to be more balanced and fun to play against along with several other killers. He's overdue for an addon pass imo

    What any changes might look like I can't say but they're very busted right now. The trend with a lot of iri and purple addons it seems has been to make them high reward but they change the way you play the killers power a bit and the reward is high for using it but limited in scope.

    Myers addons just make him take longer to do what he does with his power anyway and provides insane rewards with a very wide scope as to what it effects. Making every survivor instantly killable or exposed is kind of insane.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    How is that a victim mentality when I'm focusing on the issue rather than the symptoms? You're acting like i'm claiming lowest common denominator strategies would go away entirely if the inverse were more viable, which is something I've never claimed, just that they would be less necessary to many players. People will just be less shoehorned into being required to use them. You yourself even go on about how there is an excessive difference in skill between them and other strategies, ignoring the fact that many people either don't have the loadout/resouces for those, and that they are much less guaranteed to be successful. You even kinda acknowledge the obstructions to it at the end of the post, then just dismiss it as a problem all killers face.

    We're talking about simple "odds adjustments." Currently the lowest common denominator strats have a disproportionate effectiveness vs their alternatives. Enough so that people generally don't even consider them. If you have 80% odds of getting at least a 2k with one strat, but a 20% chance with a more fun/varied strat, people are going to gravitate to the 80% much more often. There is no "woe is the side I play" in that assertion, its pretty damn simple and straightforward. The point of discussing the ways to counterplay tombstone builds is because thats kinda what the topic is about, and its advice that people who get frustrated by the addons can use to maybe learn how to apply them and be less frustrated in the future.

    Essentially I'm addressing the floor and the lower end more than the ceiling. Both sides reacted very poorly to recent skill floor adjustments across the board for both sides, which then makes it important to understand why. That insight is what is supposed to be used going forward, but seems like it never is. People would rather argue in favor of things they want than understand why things they don't like happen, and what causes them.

    Also why do people need to start their posts with rude pointless assumptions like that? Kinda makes the other person less likely to care what the rest of the post even says, and baits people into arguments more than discussions.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491

    He needs to be able to kill out of lockers, it takes almost complete stalk from all 4 to get it activated right

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    Myer's Tombstone addons are simply not healthy with how the devs have been balancing the game around. It doesn't really matter if they "take a long time" to reach T3, there's many gen blocking perks Myers can take advantage to stall out the game to reach that point and survivors have no ability to prevent the Mori.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215

    I think Judith's is fine.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    No, you literally said that killers, in particular clown and myers, have less tools available to win and so they're forced to use poopy tactics to secure a win when that is in fact not the case at all. I've won tons of matches (3k or 4k) with both of those killers over the last several years without using busted addons or tunneling and camping other players.

    It sounded very much like a plea for pity and screamed of victim mentality. Like the game purposely has it out for you. Which it doesn't, it's just got so many flaws in its design. One of which is myers addons lol

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    Clown and Myers were examples, stop missing the forest for the trees. They're relevant since Clown was already a weak killer and pinky finger became popular since it was something that made him viable to most people, same with tombstone and myers. Many killers have been getting indirectly hurt by other changes for years now when they were never even strong to begin with. Your personal anecdotes mean absolutely nothing outside of your personal experience and why you feel the way you do. Kinda like how you started out the gate with a strawman and would rather justify it to yourself out loud when being called out for it.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,651

    Tombstone piece is insane, I couldn't tell you the last time I lost a match using it, being able to eliminate a survivor within the first 90 seconds of the game is very strong

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    Bingo. Being able to make the game a 1v3 asagdp is arguably the biggest strength of the addon.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 492

    I legitimately can't say I've ever even seen a Tombstone Myers, and if I did I wouldn't get that butt hurt over it.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    When Myers was released, survivors were immensely stronger. All four survivors had recharging sprint burst, there was double the amount of pallets, all four survivors could use Decisive Strike when they wanted to, and so much more. Myers has remained the same despite all those nerfs.

    Yes, those addons are beyond broken now, and Myers has become overpowered along with the other killers.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    Sounds like a perfect description of killers in slasher flicks, imo. They end up doing nothing half the time then instant killing people one by one, until the last few get chased for their life. Its like they accidentally got that perfect :D

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I like the idea behind them, but from a gameplay point of view they are horrible.

    Imagine you disn't encounter the Killer yet and are peacefully working on a gen (at 4 to 5 gens left) and then suddenly he pops up behind you with his power at 99% because someone in your team fed him and instantly grabs and kills you right then and there. Thats just... so boring.

    I wouldn't want Judiths Tombstone to be removed, but Tombstone Piece certainly needs a rework. It's his most busted Add On by far.

    And, should Myers receive some much needed basekit changes, Judiths Tombstone too would have to be adjusted accordingly.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    I don't think that many people complain. Probably because Myers is not that common to see like you said.

    I don't think they will touch those add ons anytime soon.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    They are bs addons that shouldn’t be in the game. He needs buffs but those addons need to go

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Tombstone piece myers is so fun to play against. Its so fun to have the game already over 🫤

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    not even to try to discredit your stance or anything, but how the hell did he get a grab kill and a hook on a map with very bad stalk angles and a metric ton of pallets before you guys did a single gen? I don't think his addon was the issue there, just that he was able to get an extreme value from it due to extremely poor play from his opponents (the whole team, not directed at you)

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660
    edited September 2022

    Not sure, i was working on a gen and that person got moried quick. And i got facecamped to death. Solo que shenanigans

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    I get it, but its hard to just shrug it off as solo queue when you could have gotten one done by the time those events played out. Logistically it should have taken well more than 90 seconds for events to play out that way, and the game is a map where gen locations are pretty easy to discern quickly. Again, I can't say exactly how your play was, but it might be worth considering everything that happened up to that point as well.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Well i jumped into a locker when he started to chase me off the gen. I think he had his stalked 99ed thus camping to bait someone out

  • SpaghettiVase
    SpaghettiVase Member Posts: 341

    I think the "well tombstone tier 3 takes a long time to get." is honestly an outdated excuse when you have slowdown like corrupt and deadlock in play. Not only that but it also makes solo queue a nightmare and turns any game into an insta-loss because someone wanted to be "hahah funny me tbag slowpoke myers." It's an obnoxious mess and the fact that you can go the ENTIRE GAME without seeing michael once only to have your teammates spoon-feed him stalk then get mori'd at the exit gate is so outdated and broken.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    Oh he almost definitely did, or he understood how much a threat it would be if he did. Thats part of where that kinda of deductive reasoning i mentioned earlier comes into play, that scenario happening as it did to that point should be impossible, but was made possible because of how badly one (or more) players didn't respect his addon or his stalk. Or were just entirely clueless and reading twitch chat or something. But even then his knife is back down, meaning he does not have unlimited T3, and he can't stalk someone on the hook. So either he had enough time to get a full 99% again AFTER he pulled you out of the locker and didn't use it, left to stalk more and came back, or he doesn't have it and wouldn't have enough time to get it while someone unhooked in front of him.

    Thats the type of deductive reasoning that everyone needs to do more of, especially solo survivors. You did the right thing with your locker play, but the other survivors let you get a whole stage and still haven't finished a gen nor made the save because they are too afraid to understand how his power actually works. The unfortunate thing in solo play isn't as much your lack of power in the 1v1, its that you have to rely on the average player being able to make these types of deductions. All we can do is find ways to improve individually and hope the others have been doing the same.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Yeah it sucks. I have said it many times but I really wish he would get buffed significantly so that these addons could get reworked or something. If your in solo que you are not getting off the hook with a tombstone myers. This was just a miserable match and a waste of time

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    That very last part is where I understand and sympathize, but I don't think it justifies the former (even though i do agree mikey needs better basekit and to have the peak of his tombstone addons capped.) Killers can have absolutely bad games that are wastes of time and drag out far longer, but as survivor at least we can gg next a lot faster, even naturally. You would have gotten out of that match faster than the ones who caused it to get that bad, so in a way you're kinda being rewarded not having to keep playing out a doomed game. Its the kind of thing that people use to justify their ragequits, but you're being given a pass without needing to be the one ruining the game for the rest. Its definitely a less frustrating take.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    You're being sarcastic I know you are nobody says Myers is op everybody throws him in F tier at best.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    I won't complain about Myers being able to insta kill me the first chance he interacts with me thanks to the 3 others feeding him to tier 3 as long as the Myers players quit complaining about me hopping in a locker to avoid being insta killed.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    An arbitrary list developed by a "human" streamer, probably. The mob mentality thinking Myers is bad does not mean it is accurate. There might be some excellent Myers mains that know how to play him well winning an extreme majority of their matches (which in itself shouldn't be a thing). Whenever I saw killrates by killer, Myers was near the top, almost as high as Pig.

    It is only reasonable to think that if only survivors have faced nothing but nerfs after nerfs, and killers have had nothing but buffs after buffs, alongside extremely oppressive perks and synergies for Myers, he can only be overpowered now.

  • botany_nerd
    botany_nerd Member Posts: 123

    lockers are the only counter that stops myers from getting that instant kill and yes pallets and vaults help but those eventually run out and get blocked. they aren't about to take away the only counter that stays in the match as it progresses.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    The only thing that would happen is that he wouldn't get adequate buffs just like other m1 killers never did and removing tombstone would make him significaly weaker.

    So much that you would see him even less.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    I see it enough that I just assume every Myers I come across has it and play accordingly. If he gets two or more kills with it then I'll let him mori me, but I refuse to be taken out mere minutes into the game lol I've had it happen twice and both times he was chasing another team mate who decided to run to me and then behind like I was a shield. I'm okay with Tombstone Myers, it's the team mates who go stupid

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    You really take Survivor to serious Sluzzy. You need to play need to play Myers more often he's not the worst in the game but, he's definitely in the top 5 for worst killers in DBD. There's moments where you get a tier 3 and you don't down everyone you may not see it in your games but, it happens a lot more then you think and also you're looking at the killrates you know those aren't full accurate half the time. Nurse has one of the lowest kill rates right now yet she's the best killer in the game that's not really accurate.

    You don't really give much stuff a chance cause instant if something gets changed for survivor it's an instant dead perk for you. You think Dead Hard is dead and completely useless but, it's not there's so many good plays that are made with this perk. Plus you now have 10 second endurance when unhooking now is that a nerf for Survivors still?

    Myers can instadown you yes is it guaranteed half the time no. Could he make a comeback with 1 tier 3 activated if he's loosing yes absolutely he can but, that comes down to yourself and the team if everyone is hovering around him while he's got tier 3 and he gets all of you that's the survivors fault not his. Most killers in your eyes are being op cause you don't know how to properly loop these killers. There's plenty videos out there to help you out.