Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

It saddens me that after all these years BHVR is only capable of seeing 2 sides of the game

Toaster427 Member Posts: 120
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Survivors and killers, that's all BHVR ever acknowledges when they talk about things like kill rates, the balance of perks, or user experiences.

But the truth is that this game has 3 sides.


SWF teams

Solo queue survivors

It hurts my head grouping SWF statistics and experiences with solo queue players. And now it's even more disheartening to see BHVR making changes that balance the game around SWF gameplay rather than acknowledging there are two VERY different sides.

This is not difficult to fix, but it takes BHVR to finally admit that their SWF experience in this game is EXTREMELY different than players playing with randoms without comms.

If BHVR wants to argue this, then post your kill rates with SwF and solo queue statistics separated. I would bet my entire life's saving that the solo queue survival rate is pathetic and the SWF survival rate is astronomical.

This has been a clear and distinct problem for 6 freaking years. Why are the devs so incredibly ignorant of this huge separation?

The gap between solo queue and SWF NEEDS TO BE BALANCED. Solo queue survivors need extra information, changes that are actually valuable that benefit them, or they need to make changes to the game that hinder and slow down SWFs.

If your going to allow players to party up, then those players should be handicapped in exchange for having a massive advantage. Or bring solo queue players to the same level as SWF and then buff killer appropriately

I don't care how you freaking do it, but this has been a need for ages now, it 1000% more important than your stupid "streamer mode" or "meta change".

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,134

    They've acknowledged that solo queue has its own problems a few times now, they pretty clearly do recognise and know about the separation there.

    Now, so far not much has materialised to help solo queue specifically and so I would agree with that criticism, but it's very weird to act like they refuse to acknowledge a thing they've commented on multiple times lol

  • the_honey_badger
    the_honey_badger Member Posts: 111
    edited September 2022

    I'm sorry, but nerfing swf isn't ever going to be the answer. People immed assume swfs are going to be sweaty, top mmr players. Most people just want to chill with friend's, even if they aren't good at the game. I agree solo needs some information, but giving a handicap to a swf isn't the way to go. (Im a killer main btw)

  • Toaster427
    Toaster427 Member Posts: 120

    Talk is cheap and means nothing.

    No action for 6 years is the definition of ignoring the problem and not acknowledging it.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,134
    edited September 2022

    No, the definition of not acknowledging it would be to not acknowledge it, something that's happened multiple times.

    I've never understood why people have to escalate their complaint into inaccuracy. Is it not worthy of criticism that solo queue still needs help, does it have to also be something the devs refuse to acknowledge before it's worth criticising?

  • get_barted
    get_barted Member Posts: 207

    Unfortunately, there isnt a simple solution to this. Any buff they do to solo q will also buff SWF. They need to find a way that helps Solo without heavily buffing Survivor. If they try to nerf SWF, they need to find a way that wont kill Solo Q. In the game code, there is only Killers and Survivors, not Killer, SWF, and Solo. So any changes to Survivors will affect both SWF and Solo.

  • Toaster427
    Toaster427 Member Posts: 120

    Why not?

    When you're in comms you gain pages worth of perks that would normally be unavailable to you.

    The game was not balanced nor designed for people to be communicating with each other.

    Why are we so protective for them? They are the smallest minority population in the game under solo queue players and killers...why should they be protected and reserved to have the best experience?

    They are deflating kill rates which as a result causes BHVR to nerf things for survivor as a whole.

    Like I said, there should be no gap and all survivors should be on a equal playing field. You gain an advantage being in comms, so therefore you should be handicapped for getting that advantage. Once that happens BHVR will see the kill rates skyrocket and nerf killers to be more fair.

    Or like I said, you could go the other way and target solo queue with buffs. And im not talking about stupid informational icons that most players will ignore. I'm talking actual changes to the core of the game that boost solo queue. Then solo queue will be more in line with SWFs and BHVR can buff killers accordingly as needed.

    I'm a bigger fan of nerfs rather than buffs. The more you buff the more you trade skills for artificial game advantages. This game already has way too many perks that play for you.

  • Toaster427
    Toaster427 Member Posts: 120

    There a ton of ways to accomplish this...

    And the code? You do realize they write the code right?

    I'm sorry, but 6 years is plenty of time to have made any change to a game like this. Other games make changes like this in a week...

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,134

    There are a good few solutions, I'd say!

    The biggest problem that we can actually fix is the lack of information- the other major problem that solo queue has is a lack of coordination, but you can't force random teammates to coordinate in any game, so that's a problem that is just always going to be there. But for the information, there's a lot you can do; the portrait icons that BHVR floated a while ago were pretty good, and you can also let survivors see their teammate's perks in the pre-game lobby and the mid-game match details page so that people are at least able to see "oh this guy has a healing build so I'll let them heal me" or "this guy has Kinship so I can make that activate".

    Additionally, some form of basekit Kindred wouldn't buff survivor in general too much. At least the survivor aura part- seeing the killer should probably remain on the perk.

    It doesn't all have to be basekit stuff, either. Retooling certain perks and items to be useful for solo queue information would be perfectly acceptable alongside some basic basekit changes- personally, I'd love to see Keys retooled to show teammate auras by default, so that solo players can get a feel for where their teammates are.

    None of these changes would affect SWF all that much, but they'd help solo pretty significantly. Something can be done, and so something should be done.

  • Toaster427
    Toaster427 Member Posts: 120

    Saying something is broken and not doing anything to fix it for 6 years is not acknowledging the problem .

    You're arguing dumb semantics at this point. Do you have anything to add other than or interpretation of a single word? Like maybe you could address the actual point of the post?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,134

    I just did, and this isn't semantics. It's important that the criticism be accurate, and not fundamentally wrong.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,134

    Like I said, that (very separate and not the same) criticism is one that I agree with. Solo queue should definitely be bumped up the priority list at this point.

  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 144

    The most effective path would be to grant more information to solo Survivors, as this doesn't buff SWF much at all. Playing solo Survivor can be miserable (speaking from personal experience), but it's not easy to buff the role without making SWF actually unstoppable, or nerfing SWF without making solo queue unbearable. This is the rub with all team-based multiplayer games: expecting teamwork between strangers is always a long shot.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    The inherent issue that you have not considered is that perhaps they WANT it this way? The dead giveaway is that they refuse to add voice chat, by the way. I know people get really emotional and passionate about this topic, but sit there and actually think about it for a minute before freaking out and contemplating the ramifications of it. Just look at it from an objective stance. Why? Why would they allow voice in groups that already know each other and leave solo players without key information. What is the reason?

    It is actually really obvious. And it explains why they haven't addressed the issue for however long, and why they have literally confirmed they never will.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Actually, you could just seperate solo and swf queue and balance both modes differently. Solo could have more faster gen times, or more paletts, or bloodlust activates later, or a million other ways you could balance differently to adjust both versions to the same kill rate.

    For killers, there would be no difference, because in swf games, they are basicly stronger than in solo games, leading to about the same kill rates (maybe only after several adjustments, but that might be the goal).

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,134

    I can answer that! The reason it's not been added yet is because it'll heavily impact the tone of the game and it won't actually fix the solo queue problem.

    I'm not really in favour of that, partially because this game already has queue time issues every now and then so I'm not sure if can support separate queues, and partially because it sounds kind of like a nightmare to juggle in terms of balance. Better to just directly address the actual thing that solo players are lacking imo, which is information.

    That's why SWF teams are stronger, combined with them knowing they can trust their teammates. They have more information, that's it.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    Actually there are 4 sides :





  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But the thing solo is lacking is not only information, its also reliability. And no buff can give you that with random teammates. But you can compensate for that if you dont have to keep swf in check.

    I mean you say it yourself. And i actually like the lack of information, thats what used to make the solo experience thrilling, if you could rescue someone with your teammates without communication and information, it made for great games.

    Just giving solos the information will help nothing in a lot of cases, but will give devs and killers the opportunity to ignore the problem for some time (unless enough solo survivors realize its not worth it).

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,318

    I think they should remove the option to play the game as solo altogether. Either you play with 3 more friends or not. That solves everything,.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited September 2022

    I've said this before and I'll say it again. Let Solo Queue see who the killer is in the lobby. Being able to get that kind of advantage should narrow the gap between solo and swf.

    This would require BHVR to also disable chat in the pre game lobby. (this is to prevent the sharing of the killer with individuals who are in a SWF)

    After making the change monitor escape rates. If the escape raters go up too much then buff killers. But I want this to be entirely clear, this is absolutely intended to Buff solo queue survivors.

    I think it's important that we do not punish SWFs, I think SWFs are fine, it's solo queue that is hurting.