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New Survivor: The Spirited Hiker

Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,121
edited February 2019 in Creations

Description: Jerrard Bridger- Difficulty: INTERMEDIATE. A spirited hiker, able to use the environment and his personal training to his advantage. His personal perks Mountaineer, Runner's High, and Personal Welfare make him scale terrain more effectively and for longer while reducing noise he causes from doing physical actions.

Story: Jerrard Bridger always loved going outside, it was always a way for him to get out and have some peace of mind to himself. His parents would always worry about him being out for long periods of time in the woods that made up their backyard, but Jerrard would always come home safely. He went through high school without much issue, keeping mostly to himself outside of the occasional hi to people that were nice to him. He graduated with passing grades and quickly found a job as a guide for a local mountain trail. He built up his strength and endurance over the years but it wouldn't prepare him for what was to come. One night while he was scouting potential new paths along the mountain range, he lost his footing and fell; he quickly grabbed for a ledge, but to little avail. As the snow and dirt gave way, he started to tumble and fall, closing his eyes and preparing for the worst. To his surprise, everything suddenly came to a stop and he began to hear crows cawing in the distance. He opened his eyes to see that he was in a location that he'd never been in before. Jerrard was on edge due to his new surroundings, but he was confident that he could use his abilities to help him find out where he ended up.

Perks: Ultra Rare Perk: Mountaineer- Your long trips up the trails on the mountainous terrain have made your ability to scale inclines and declines faster. When moving up or down an elevated surface, you gain a 10% speed increase. While running up or down an elevated surface, gain a 150% speed increase for 3 seconds. Mountaineer causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds; you cannot recover exhaustion while running.
-"Hiking always helped take my mind off things, and I got pretty damn good at it too." -Jerrard Bridger

Very Rare Perk: Runner's High - Just as you are about collapse from exhaustion, a sudden burst of energy spurs you into action. When an exhaustion perk is in use, press the activate ability button to add an additional 1/1.5/2 second(s) to the sprint. Using Runner's High causes an added 20/15/10 seconds of cool-down to the exhaustion meter. Exhaustion cannot be regained while running
-"I thought I was a goner, but I got a burst of energy out of nowhere that saved my life." - Jerrard Bridger

Rare Perk: Personal Welfare: Your experience with exercise and endurance have trained you to have more controlled breathing and grunts while performing strenuous tasks. All grunting noises caused from falling, exiting/entering lockers, vaulting, etc are no longer audible. In addition, your breathing is 50%/75%/100% less audible at all times.
-"If you do something long enough, you'll eventually get used to it." -Jerrard Bridger

Some Additional Explanation: This part is to explain how some of these perks work in more detail, just so that the actual perk description doesn't get too overloaded and wordy.
-Mountaineer will always have the static 10% increase regardless if you are exhausted or not, it's a secondary ability like Balanced Landing. The 10% faster movement applies to all movement, not just running. This would apply to any instance where a survivor can change their base footing, meaning that stairs and hills would apply, but you could also use those little rocks on certain maps to activate the perk as well. If you fall off or run off the incline though, you lose the additional 10% boost and will only get the speed boost (if you were running before falling off).
-Runner's High will activate when you press E (the default input) while an exhaustion perk is being used, meaning that it can't be activated before or after a sprint perk is used, only during the time that the perk is active. The sprint of the original perk will be extended once Runner's High is activated, so it won't have any delay on the extra speed boost. The additional timer to exhaustion would make a normal sprint perk (at level 3) go from a timer of 40 seconds to 50 seconds.
-Personal Welfare would be affected by Stridor in a similar way to how Iron Will works against it; meaning that killers using Stridor will still hear survivors breath, but it'll be a lot quieter. The grunting reduction would apply to ANY action that grunting happens, so this means that running, totem breaking, opening a gate, reacting to a failed skillcheck, getting off the killer's shoulder or a hook, and anything else that I'm forgetting, would be affected by this perk. This would mean in the case of running a killer couldn't hear a survivor's voice, but they can still hear footsteps. This effect does NOT apply to any moans of pain or screams, ONLY to the things I mentioned.

Post edited by Luigifan64 on


  • Dragonic_Lycan
    Dragonic_Lycan Member Posts: 5

    I love the idea! I personally feel like a runner's high would be a tad overpowered though!

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,121

    @Dragonic_Lycan said:
    I love the idea! I personally feel like a runner's high would be a tad overpowered though!

    It could be, but we won't know unless it gets tested in game. The current stats I have seem like they wouldn't be that OP, but I'm not fully sure.

  • BlindBat
    BlindBat Member Posts: 9

    Man, really cool idea's here, as a locker diving enthusiast I really like personal welfare. The breathing's a nice touch with Iron will so it helps both injured and uninjured.

    Also would love runners high with adrenaline, just sprint across the map :p

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I was on the fence with Mountaineer at first because I thought it was overshadowed by Balanced Landing but then I actually started thinking of useful places that would work with it and there are a lot of places for it. To name a few there's Thompson House because upstairs there's a loop, The Game, Pale Rose on the boat, Red Forest, Yamaoka Estate with the pagodas etc. Good job coming up with this perk, I really thought we've seen the end of them and ''exhausted'' all options.

    Runner's High sounds awesome but I'm saddned it would be impossible to use with Dead Hard.

    The last perk is meh in my opinion since I can barely hear Survivor breathing myself, I need better headphones lol

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,121

    @HatCreature said:
    I was on the fence with Mountaineer at first because I thought it was overshadowed by Balanced Landing but then I actually started thinking of useful places that would work with it and there are a lot of places for it. To name a few there's Thompson House because upstairs there's a loop, The Game, Pale Rose on the boat, Red Forest, Yamaoka Estate with the pagodas etc. Good job coming up with this perk, I really thought we've seen the end of them and ''exhausted'' all options.

    Runner's High sounds awesome but I'm saddned it would be impossible to use with Dead Hard.

    The last perk is meh in my opinion since I can barely hear Survivor breathing myself, I need better headphones lol

    Yeah, Runner's High would be an interesting case for dead hard, because the window to use the input would be so little, but if you manage it you could get the effect of the super dead hard bug that the game had a while back. (For those who don't know, using a medkit and having it run out while running self-care would decrease your every action upon fully healing. This effected Dead Hard by giving it a super long effect.)

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,121

    @BlindBat said:
    Man, really cool idea's here, as a locker diving enthusiast I really like personal welfare. The breathing's a nice touch with Iron will so it helps both injured and uninjured.

    Also would love runners high with adrenaline, just sprint across the map :p

    Yeah, Personal Welfare could create the ultimate stealth build :D