I'm a kind killer but some survivors are crossing a line

Tired of this broken mmr that doesn't work properly giving me bully squads when my MMR should be medium to low on my worst killer.
Just had a squad that had 3 flashlights and they abused an exploit in dead dawg saloon
honestly i think something drastic needs to be done to survivor mains and bully squads to fix the community of this game. Maybe something like every time you play a killer game, you get a token and you have to spend that token to start a swf game. Or like every 15 survivor games you have to play a killer match or something.
people need to be forced to see the killer experience and how painful it is to play against bully squads, some of the nicest survivors i meet are the ones who also play killer an equal amount. Killer is extremely hard to play at high ranks and im tired of surivvor mains being absolute brats
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I don't even play for the 4k unless it is for a challenge.
They were only going in to bully me and abuse map exploits I got blinded over 10 times in less than a minute
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I shouldn't even have to face them I should be low MMR because I mostly play farming killer unless I am going for challenges/trophies (PS4/5)
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You can put on lightborn if you suspect a bully squad until you're more comfortable with going against them.
Last second switching, map offerings and suspicious/matching names can be a tell.
For last second switching, it is possible to close the game down in task manager during loading without being penalized.
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Im console so there isn't a task manager more like I would go to console menu and close game manually also when I am waiting for lobbies I tend to space out or just look on my phone waiting because the wait times can be dumb
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Honestly, I have not come across this to often. I have a way of dealing with games like that. If I know they don't want to play the game and they are just trying to be bullies I will go stand in a corner facing the wall and just afk. Let them waste their time.
I find another way to have the most fun is by not caring about a win or a loss. Just do what I can and win or lose move on to the next game.
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Those squads would likely have low mmr. If not from getting destroyed by killers for not rushing gens, then by manually deranking to find killers who do not know how to play against it. The MMR system sucks donkyru, but this is probably not one of the reasons.
I digress, there is no point in being a kind killer. Most survivors will just take advantage of it, and/or still be toxic. Play how you want, I am just saying that most of them are delusional enough to believe that you intentionally playing poorly is their own skill. It is not something they actively appreciate. But if you like being nice, I am not trying to stop you. I just wouldn't expect any good karma from doing so.
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There is so much that could be done, to make the experience EQUALLY enjoyable for BOTH sides. On the survivor side, they could (and should) make it so the maximum SWF size is 2, not 4, and add some limitations. Like only 2 Boon perks can be brought into the match, 2 flashlights, maybe remove keys from the web and make it so they can only (rarely) be found inside chests, while removing green keys altogether. On the killer side, they should make tunneling and camping near impossible (if not under very precise circumstances, like EGC), both when it comes to survivors and gens, remove the chance to have 3 gens very close to each other and have exit gates ALWAYS spawn on the opposite ends of the map, never at a distance of 2 steps one from another. If I spend some more time thinking, I can probably come up with something else, but this kind of stuff is so easy to think about. No idea why it wasn't done ages ago.
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The community in general has become toxic now now more than ever and I'm finding its younger players whom I guess their parents are letting them play this game.
I played a match where the killer tunneled and camped a TTV survivor out of the game, although I didn't know at the time he and his buddy were bullying the killer. In the end he let me and the other solo survivor go. I then went to the TTV player's stream to find out what happened that game to find the killer player and the TTV with his friend arguing. Needless to say, the TTV player told the killer to commit suicide and blocked him from the chat. It was then I knew why the killer tunneled and camped them out of the game.
I believe that's why we have so many campers and tunnelers. Killer mains are tired of being bullied so they take no chances. And on top of it, the devs nerf these things making it more frustrating for them instead of dealing with the initial reason why they do it in the first place.
Dead By Daylight has become nothing but a game full of immature bullying, and of course young people are going to take it seriously. They're young. I really hope the devs address this because it can kill the game or continue to breed a toxic, hateful community who eventually take this hate outside of the game into reality. It just takes one person who isn't mentally fit to be triggered... I truly worry about the state of the game.
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Carry Lightborn.. when you see 3 flashlights in lobby, easy fix. Then they usually lose because They have developed no other survival skills, they're just used to depending on blinding killers. Take that away and they're confused. Running around trying to find a toolbox. Or trying to body block which is an easy down
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I was running my farming build and I had not noticed them doing flashlights because I was looking at my phone while waiting
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I'm too new to the game to understand how all the perks work to create a build.
I agree, I get matched with level 10 and higher players all the time. And I have less than 1500 hours in this game. Plus I suck major. So idk how my mmr is so bad.
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actually I think I went against the same squad, did they go to one up the upstairs rooms on the saloon and spam boil over? I just slugged them lol
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They went on the stairs and ran on to the counter inside the saloon they did not have boil but they were struggling like they had it
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Fine, but only if Killer mains are forced to solo queue in games and achieve 4 escapes through the gates to go back to playing killer. As long as we're trying to make everyone learn empathy here...
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What's your farming build? Mine is Distressing, Beast of Prey, Lightborn (I don't pay attention to lobbies, I just always run Lightborn), and a variable fourth perk since BBQ is gone.
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If your really want to mess with bully squads but don't feel like actually dealing with them go to a corner and go afk and listen to them lose there stuff because there not getting the attention they want.
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Seriously. Flashlight squads are the weakest of teams by a significant margin, exploit or not.
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You've never run into a quad flashlight squad who literally move in pairs for the express purpose of abusing dual lockers whenever you chase them.
Literally unbeatable unless you're an instadown killer, or you somehow run their batteries out. You cannot hook them.
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As someone who regularly plays both killer and swf’s with my online friends: not every swf with breakout and flashlights are doing it to bully you or be “toxic” (which I straight up disagree with because nothing you do inside a video game is toxic since you can simply turn the power off and live in the real world.) The only reason we do it is because gens are long, boring, and seeing each other so stupid ######### makes us laugh. Therefore, like many other lovely people in this thread have mentioned, we probably have low MMR since we die more than a lot and do not intend to bully low rank killers with our items and perks.
Most killers shut our ######### down quickly, you just have to get used to it. I’ve suffered many defeats at the hands of stupid swfs before I learned my lesson and figured out how to juggle survivors that group up.
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I stg it doesn't work. Especially how they said separate mmr for each killer, so a new killer for you should be lower in mmr.
I got P11, 16, and two 20's on my first match as The Shape. Super sweat squad, luckily the first match i played with him I only intended to get some downs with his power, not actually hook.
Why tf are we locked from swapping killers if there is no point to the separate mmr
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If I assume they are heavy handed with the flashlights, fake a pickup, look at the survivor like you are going to pick them up, but instead, start charging your power or something so I looks like you are going for the pickup. Then they run out for the save “Whallop” Gets them at least once or twice every time. Although it’s annoying I also know I’ll be getting a lot of points and usually at least get three of em
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It depends on who I am using with huntress I am using pentimento to get them extra points from cleansing totems
With killers I am more used to and have a good devious I will use distressing hex thrill of the hunt and beast of prey with the common killer addon for bps
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I have. I really have. Multiple times. And I have almost always crushed them under my feet (one of the few situations I will kill them all). As wraith (admittedly, running purple all seeing and coxcombed, which is my top combo). Even if I don't manage the 4k, they'll definitely not be able to dominate the match and usually only manage a 2 or 3 escape when they scatter after realizing that it does not work and do their gens. They are literally one of my favorite teams to versus.
A few tips I can give you.
Forget lightborn. They'll just revert to doing gens. Plus you have to best them on their own game.
Chase perks are boss. Specially bamboozle which I run on almost every killer anyway.
Do. Not. Respect. The. Pallet. These teams rely on being able to loop you and greed pallets. Chase relentlessly. On shack, block the window, crush the pallet and it becomes deadzone. If they start using the lockers, turn on the other guy and hit them, then double back against the one leaving the locker. Then double back against the wounded survivor coming back for the save. Next time, reverse and pull out of the locker immediately.
I wish I could show you some of my games, but I don't record my games, sadly.
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You and I are facing very different opponents, or you're so much better than me that I can't even fathom it.
4x souped up flashlights on Wraith against people who move in pairs and are well coordinated - I either get lightburned before you can decloak or basically have to decloak far away to avoid getting burned in about a second (burns stack).
You can maybe hit one as they hoof it towards the lockers, which - especially on DDS - are always within reach unless they're doing the gen in the extreme 'bush' corner or on top of the northern house. The central structure is incredibly safe. Then they are in the locker, and there's no way to prevent the blind.
I run Bamboozle on some killers, but not Wraith - I find that I desperately need lethality, a fast transition from chase to chase and slowdown, so I tend to run either a full hex build (Devour, Undying, Retribution, Penti) or STBFL, Devour, CoB, Discordance.
I've only faced two groups like that on Wraith, and they were ridiculously hard to beat. I think one was a 1k and one a 0k.
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The thing about wraith and flashlights is that they can only really attempt a burn when you are de cloaking. So I starte as usual, but then abort and spin behind them. This ends up with them using up a lot of battery without any effect and me blocking their path as I uncloak.
I wish I could show you. I have actually been playing wraith tonight to see if I run into one of these to record the match, but alas, they are not around when they are needed.